1-10对不起,您带的x x是易燃易爆物品,不能带上车。
? 各位旅客,为了维护好车站秩序,请到指定的候车区排队候车,谢谢大家。
? 请您根据车次牌指示,找到您候车的区域
? 旅客同志们,车站是公共场所,来往的旅客很多,维持好候车秩序是很重要的,请大家往里边走,不要停留在队前或门口,以免影响其它旅客候车。
? 请照顾好您身边的小孩,避免发生危险
旅客们,x x次列车已经开始检票了,有去往x x方向的旅客,请您到第x x站台上车。
? 各位旅客,现在候车区内旅客比较多,请大家互相让一让,不要用行李占座,谢谢大家。
? 同志,现在候车区内旅客比较多,空位有限,请您起来把空座位让给这位旅客坐一坐。
? 请文明候车,不要在座位上躺卧
? 请注意看管好自己的行李物品
? 欢迎您对我们的工作提出宝贵意见,请将您的意见写在旅客意见簿上,谢谢您!
? 您的意见我已经记录下来,稍后向相关部门反映情况,请留下您的姓名及联系方式,我们会尽快将处理意见反馈给您
? 对不起,你的困难我们暂时无法解决,您看这样行吗?…(提供建议)
候车区是公共场所,请您轻声讲话,以免影响其他旅客,谢谢。 展开
1-10对不起,您带的x x是易燃易爆物品,不能带上车。
? 各位旅客,为了维护好车站秩序,请到指定的候车区排队候车,谢谢大家。
? 请您根据车次牌指示,找到您候车的区域
? 旅客同志们,车站是公共场所,来往的旅客很多,维持好候车秩序是很重要的,请大家往里边走,不要停留在队前或门口,以免影响其它旅客候车。
? 请照顾好您身边的小孩,避免发生危险
旅客们,x x次列车已经开始检票了,有去往x x方向的旅客,请您到第x x站台上车。
? 各位旅客,现在候车区内旅客比较多,请大家互相让一让,不要用行李占座,谢谢大家。
? 同志,现在候车区内旅客比较多,空位有限,请您起来把空座位让给这位旅客坐一坐。
? 请文明候车,不要在座位上躺卧
? 请注意看管好自己的行李物品
? 欢迎您对我们的工作提出宝贵意见,请将您的意见写在旅客意见簿上,谢谢您!
? 您的意见我已经记录下来,稍后向相关部门反映情况,请留下您的姓名及联系方式,我们会尽快将处理意见反馈给您
? 对不起,你的困难我们暂时无法解决,您看这样行吗?…(提供建议)
候车区是公共场所,请您轻声讲话,以免影响其他旅客,谢谢。 展开
1-1 tickets ready please , stop ticket , one vote .
1-2 Sorry, your ticket does not match with the trips , please go to waiting room patient.
1-3 You do not worry , slowly looking for , please let the open channel , so that other passengers check- stop .
1-4, you to the exit of pit then the guests .
1-5 Sorry, your take something more than the permitted size , can not bring the train , please forgive me .
1-5 Sorry, you can not travel without tickets .
1-7 I'm sorry , passengers traveling must have a ticket , can not travel without a ticket , you may find difficult to resolve Bureau of Civil Affairs .
1-8 : I'm sorry , the train would start immediately , and now has stopped ticket , please switch to go under the trains .
1-9 Sorry, your ticket is wrong, you get to the Office of the window looking for staff ticket solution .
1-10 Sorry, your band xx is inflammable and explosive materials , can not carry them .
? you visitors , in order to maintain good order in the station , please go to the designated waiting area in the queue waiting , thank you .
? ask you to sign for under the trips , find your waiting area
? visitors Comrades, the station is a public place , and from many passengers , the maintenance of good order and waiting is very important , please Wang Libian go , do not stay in the team before or door , so as not to affect the other passengers waiting .
? Please take good care of your children around to avoid dangerous
Passengers , xx Train ticket has already begun , and there Quwang xx direction of passengers , xx you to the platform vehicle .
? you visitors , more tourists are now waiting area , please let each other so that one , do not use baggage occupying a seat , thank you .
Please send your luggage on the feet or seat the following please? Later, the visitors to stay for a seat
? comrades , more tourists are now waiting area , space is limited , please up the empty seat to sit on the passenger .
? Please civilization waiting , do not lie down in the seat
? Please pay attention to manage their belongings
? welcome your valuable comments to our work , please write your comments on the passenger guestbook , thank you !
? your opinion I have recorded the relevant departments to reflect the situation later on , please leave your name and contact information, we will deal with feedback as soon as possible to you
? Sorry, we do not solve your problems , you see that all right? ... ( advice )
Waiting area is a public place , please speak softly , so as not to affect other passengers , thank you.
1-2 Sorry, your ticket does not match with the trips , please go to waiting room patient.
1-3 You do not worry , slowly looking for , please let the open channel , so that other passengers check- stop .
1-4, you to the exit of pit then the guests .
1-5 Sorry, your take something more than the permitted size , can not bring the train , please forgive me .
1-5 Sorry, you can not travel without tickets .
1-7 I'm sorry , passengers traveling must have a ticket , can not travel without a ticket , you may find difficult to resolve Bureau of Civil Affairs .
1-8 : I'm sorry , the train would start immediately , and now has stopped ticket , please switch to go under the trains .
1-9 Sorry, your ticket is wrong, you get to the Office of the window looking for staff ticket solution .
1-10 Sorry, your band xx is inflammable and explosive materials , can not carry them .
? you visitors , in order to maintain good order in the station , please go to the designated waiting area in the queue waiting , thank you .
? ask you to sign for under the trips , find your waiting area
? visitors Comrades, the station is a public place , and from many passengers , the maintenance of good order and waiting is very important , please Wang Libian go , do not stay in the team before or door , so as not to affect the other passengers waiting .
? Please take good care of your children around to avoid dangerous
Passengers , xx Train ticket has already begun , and there Quwang xx direction of passengers , xx you to the platform vehicle .
? you visitors , more tourists are now waiting area , please let each other so that one , do not use baggage occupying a seat , thank you .
Please send your luggage on the feet or seat the following please? Later, the visitors to stay for a seat
? comrades , more tourists are now waiting area , space is limited , please up the empty seat to sit on the passenger .
? Please civilization waiting , do not lie down in the seat
? Please pay attention to manage their belongings
? welcome your valuable comments to our work , please write your comments on the passenger guestbook , thank you !
? your opinion I have recorded the relevant departments to reflect the situation later on , please leave your name and contact information, we will deal with feedback as soon as possible to you
? Sorry, we do not solve your problems , you see that all right? ... ( advice )
Waiting area is a public place , please speak softly , so as not to affect other passengers , thank you.