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在一所国际学校里,教师给各国学生出了一道题:“有谁思考过世界上其他国家粮食紧缺的问题?”学生们都说“不知道”。非洲学生不知道什么叫“粮食”:欧洲学生不知道什么叫“紧缺”;... 在一所国际学校里,教师给各国学生出了一道题:“有谁思考过世界上其他国家粮食紧缺的问题?”
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2010-09-12 · 超过20用户采纳过TA的回答
In an international school, the teacher gave all the students a question: "who is thinking other countries around the world food shortage?"
Students said "I don't know." African students don't know what call "food" : European students don't know what call "the shortage;" American students don't know what call "the other countries;" Chinese students don't know what call "thinking".
In "the century parents reading activities" summary daniudi, senior education experts, original state ZongDuXue LiuBin comrade seriously about this is "let a person not laughing," "joke", which includes the education of reflection.
Look at the middle school students in reality, the science of international competition, all the topic by rote, Chinese students can get high scores, the need to be independent thinking, judgment, imagine, Chinese students often runs. In the press conference, and we also easy to see, the foreign press questions, dare to ask questions and Chinese reporters rarely questions.

In an international school, teachers give students out of a national question: "Who thought about the world food shortage problem in other countries?"
Students say "do not know." African students do not know what "food": European students do not know what "shortage"; American students do not know what "other countries"; Chinese students do not know what "thinking."
In the "National Century parents reading activities," concluded awards ceremony, a senior education specialist, Liu Bin, former State Governor, Comrade serious study about the above it is "people not laughing," the "joke", which contains reflections on education .
Look reality in the physical and chemical aspects of the number of students participating in international competitions, all rote questions, the Chinese students can get high marks, need to think, judge, imagine the topic, Chinese students tend to lose points. In a news conference, we also easy to see that foreign journalists will ask questions, the courage to ask questions, and Chinese journalists rarely ask questions.
Look at our education, and did not learn to think for the children to create more and better conditions. Students to meet the entrance examination, often buried "sea", the teachers hope that students "the correct answer" answer questions, encourage students to "ingenuity"; in the family, parents have a pet phrase: "Good boy must listen to the words of adults. "What it means, do not listen to adults, then children are not good boy. More parents want their children to "obedient", "submission", not to teach children "question", but does not encourage children to make decisions alone. Such evaluation criteria, resulting in serious deficiencies in small children the opportunity and ability to think.
"Intimate sister" magazines have to do a conference entitled "Parents standard heart good boy" and "intimate investigation." In 18 provinces in 1904 the parents of students answered this question, which select the "listen to the words of a parent or teacher" and accounted for 11.8%, and select "thoughtful, assertive, independent thinking ability" of only 1.21 %.
Those who are thinking of the children, strong desire for knowledge, the stronger the learning ability, creativity, the stronger, the stronger the capacity for lifelong learning.

In an international school, the teacher has given birth a topic for various national studies: “have some who pondered in the world the other national grain scarce question?” the students said that “does not know”. The African students did not know that anything is called “the grain”: The European students did not know that anything calls “scarcely”; The American students did not know that anything calls “other countries”; The Chinese students did not know that anything calls “to ponder”. in “the national century parents study the activity” at the summary commendation congress, the senior educational expert, original national chief school inspector Liu Bin Comrade spoke above this “to let the human could not smile” “the joke” seriously, has contained to the education the resonsideration. has a look at the reality, participates in the middle-school student in the math aspect's international game, every mechanical memorizing's topic, the Chinese students can result in the high score, needs the independent thinking, the judgment, the imagination topic, the Chinese students often loses points. At the press release, we are not difficult to see that foreign reporter will ask the question, to dare to ask the question, but Chinese reporter actually very little will inquire. carefully examines our education, for the child academic society had not pondered that the creation are more, a better condition. The student to deal with enters a higher school the test, “the excessive assignments”, teacher hoped earnestly frequently the student answers the question “according to the right key”, the encourage student “does not have an unconventional idea”; In the family, the parents have a pet phrase: “the good child wants certainly to listen to adult's words.”The implied meaning, does not listen to the big logical expression the child is not the good child. More parents hoped that their child “are obedient”, “the obedience”, Confucianism child “the inquiry”, does not encourage the child alone decision making. Such evaluation criteria, create the child since childhood serious flaw ponder the opportunity and ability. "Intimate Elder sister" the magazine once had presented a topic was “in the parents heart's good child standard” “intimate investigation”. The national 18 provinces and cities' 1904 elementary and middle school students' parents replied this question, chooses “listens to the parents or teacher's words” accounts for 11.8%, but chooses “has the thought that to have the opinion, has the independent thinking question ability” only accounts for 1.21%. everything has the elaborative faculty child, seeking knowledge desire, learning capability is stronger, the creativity is stronger, life-long study's ability is stronger.
2010-09-12 · TA获得超过206个赞
In an international school, the teacher gave all the students a question: "who is thinking other countries around the world food shortage?"
Students said "I don't know." African students don't know what call "food" : European students don't know what call "the shortage;" American students don't know what call "the other countries;" Chinese students don't know what call "thinking".
In "the century parents reading activities" summary daniudi, senior education experts, original state ZongDuXue LiuBin comrade seriously about this is "let a person not laughing," "joke", which includes the education of reflection.
Look at the middle school students in reality, the science of international competition, all the topic by rote, Chinese students can get high scores, the need to be independent thinking, judgment, imagine, Chinese students often runs. In the press conference, and we also easy to see, the foreign press questions, dare to ask questions and Chinese reporters rarely questions.
Examine our education, and no child learn to think for creating more and better conditions. To cope with the examination, students often immersed "the sea of exams," teacher "to more hope students correct answer" answer the question, do not encourage students' ingenuity ", In the family, parents have a mantra: "boy must listen to your parents. Hinting, don't listen to the child not adult children. More and more parents hope their children "obedient", "to", not to teach children "questions", no more children are encouraged to make decision alone. This evaluation standard, cause the child seriously short of thinking ability and opportunities.
The intimate sister magazine titled "has made a good standard of parents of" close ". The 18 provinces of primary and middle school students in 1904 parents answered this question, "listen to their parents or teachers", and "11.8% accounts have thought, assertive, independent thinking ability 1.21% only.
The children who are thinking ability, strong ability to learn knowledge is strong, creativity, lifelong learning ability is strong.
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