原题大意:现有A,B,C三种产品。每件A产品进价11.50元、运费8.5元,每件B产品进价110元、运费18.50元;每件C产品进价18.5元、运费11.25元。每卖出一件A产品获利132元,每卖出一件B产品获利275元,每卖出一件C产品获利115元。A产品最多只能定35件,B产品最多只能定45件。 问:ABC各生产多少件,能使利润最大化?
An important part of your duties as project officer is to recommend how much of each
product to order for ProductPusher’s monthly stock inventory.
You first priority is to focus on your three most recently acquired products, with the aim
to maximise ProductPusher’s profit. The first product is the cosmetic set BlissBeauty that
generates $130 in profit and is overwhelmingly popular with female shoppers up to the
age of 34. Due to a current manufacturing shortage crisis however, you are only able to
order up to 35 sets per month. Orange’s new netbook, the oNetbook, is another high
seller which costs ProductPusher only $110 to purchase yet retails at the bargain price of
The third product is the box set Fragrance by Deckham, the latest fragrance from the
English soccer superstar B. Deckham. The fragrance costs ProductPusher $8.50 to
purchase (per box set) and retails on ProductPusher’s website for $133.50 (per box set).
After reviewing the profit/loss sheets from the previous financial quarter, ProductPusher
has decided to spend no more than $5800.00 per month to acquire these products. Of this
amount, a maximum budget of $4,300.00 has been allocated to purchasing the products,
and the remaining maximum monthly budget is to be spent on shipping the products from
the suppliers to ProductPusher’s storage warehouse.
The shipping cost of the B. Deckham fragrance is $11.25 per box set, while the oNetbook
shipping cost is $18.50 per computer, which includes a shipping insurance plan of
$12.00. It was also determined that a maximum of 45 oNetbooks should be purchased
from the supplier per month, to avoid an unacceptable increase in shipping costs.
Finally, as ProductPusher order regularly from BlissBeauty Manufacturing, they have
been offered a 15% reduction in cost price of the BlissBeauty cosmetic sets, and now pay
the manufacturers $11.50 per set, with shipping costs set at $8.50 per set.
Required: Explain the optimal number of BlissBeauty cosmetic sets, oNetbooks and B.
Deckham box sets to be ordered and sold, and the maximum profit in the coming month.
=.=补充一下,根据预算,总成本不能超出5800元,其中产品进价不能超过4300元(也就是说总运费不能超过1500元)。 展开
An important part of your duties as project officer is to recommend how much of each
product to order for ProductPusher’s monthly stock inventory.
You first priority is to focus on your three most recently acquired products, with the aim
to maximise ProductPusher’s profit. The first product is the cosmetic set BlissBeauty that
generates $130 in profit and is overwhelmingly popular with female shoppers up to the
age of 34. Due to a current manufacturing shortage crisis however, you are only able to
order up to 35 sets per month. Orange’s new netbook, the oNetbook, is another high
seller which costs ProductPusher only $110 to purchase yet retails at the bargain price of
The third product is the box set Fragrance by Deckham, the latest fragrance from the
English soccer superstar B. Deckham. The fragrance costs ProductPusher $8.50 to
purchase (per box set) and retails on ProductPusher’s website for $133.50 (per box set).
After reviewing the profit/loss sheets from the previous financial quarter, ProductPusher
has decided to spend no more than $5800.00 per month to acquire these products. Of this
amount, a maximum budget of $4,300.00 has been allocated to purchasing the products,
and the remaining maximum monthly budget is to be spent on shipping the products from
the suppliers to ProductPusher’s storage warehouse.
The shipping cost of the B. Deckham fragrance is $11.25 per box set, while the oNetbook
shipping cost is $18.50 per computer, which includes a shipping insurance plan of
$12.00. It was also determined that a maximum of 45 oNetbooks should be purchased
from the supplier per month, to avoid an unacceptable increase in shipping costs.
Finally, as ProductPusher order regularly from BlissBeauty Manufacturing, they have
been offered a 15% reduction in cost price of the BlissBeauty cosmetic sets, and now pay
the manufacturers $11.50 per set, with shipping costs set at $8.50 per set.
Required: Explain the optimal number of BlissBeauty cosmetic sets, oNetbooks and B.
Deckham box sets to be ordered and sold, and the maximum profit in the coming month.
=.=补充一下,根据预算,总成本不能超出5800元,其中产品进价不能超过4300元(也就是说总运费不能超过1500元)。 展开
晕 我是楼主同学 你忘了告诉人家budget是多少了 再补充一下吧 我是荆