1.Linda froze when she saw the picture。(froze下划线)
2.We should stop them from polluting water。(polluting 下划线)
3.I didn´t wash clothes by myself in the first place。(in the first place下划线)
4.Students should obey teachers at school。(obey下划线)
5.All water returns to the sea in the end。(returns下划线) 展开
2.We should stop them from polluting water。(polluting 下划线)
3.I didn´t wash clothes by myself in the first place。(in the first place下划线)
4.Students should obey teachers at school。(obey下划线)
5.All water returns to the sea in the end。(returns下划线) 展开
1.Linda froze when she saw the picture。(froze下划线)
= Linda stood still with amazement when she saw the picture.
2.We should stop them from polluting water。(polluting 下划线)
= We should stop them from dirtying water.
3.I didn´t wash clothes by myself in the first place。(in the first place下划线)
= I didn´t wash clothes by myself in the beginning.
4.Students should obey teachers at school。(obey下划线)
= Students should submit to teachers at school.
5.All water returns to the sea in the end。(returns下划线)
= All water goes back to the sea in the end.
= Linda stood still with amazement when she saw the picture.
2.We should stop them from polluting water。(polluting 下划线)
= We should stop them from dirtying water.
3.I didn´t wash clothes by myself in the first place。(in the first place下划线)
= I didn´t wash clothes by myself in the beginning.
4.Students should obey teachers at school。(obey下划线)
= Students should submit to teachers at school.
5.All water returns to the sea in the end。(returns下划线)
= All water goes back to the sea in the end.
参考资料: 英语牛人团
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