求2015—2016 高一外研英语周报第43期 急求!!!!!!

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2016-04-12 · TA获得超过4093个赞
2015—2016 高一外研英语周报第43期 可以上官网上看一下
1-5 CCACA 6-10 BACBC
11-15 ACBAC 16-20BCBCA 21-25 CDDCB 26-30 BDABC
31-35 CDCBA 36-40BDGCE
41-45 BDDCC 46-50BABCD 51-55 ABCAD 56-60 ADCBA
61. as 62. to prepare
63. are invented 64.who / that
65. a 66. is
67. Another 68.married
69. earlier 70.whether
71. ... make a speech. make前加to
72. There is ... is → are
73. We had fun ... had → have
74. After the class ... 去掉the
75. ... like play basketball ...
play → playing
76. ... very interested.
interested → interesting
77. ... friendly for ... for → to / towards
78. In my eye ... eye → eyes
79. ... better schools. better → best
80. ... am pride of ... pride → proud
One possible version:
Dear Sam,
I am pleased to receive your email. Now letme tell you something about 2015 Winter English Camp I joined during the wintervacation.
The Winter English Camp I attended lastedfrom February 11 to 17, 2015. A variety of interesting activities were held,with the purpose of developing our basic language skills and understandingwestern cultures.
At the camp, we learned to sing Englishsongs, read English poems aloud and watched English movies. Besides, there werelectures given by famous experts and an English Speech Contest. So we wereexposed to English every day, which required us to communicate with others inEnglish.
I found the Winter English Camp verybeneficial because we were able to put what we had learned in school into gooduse.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
A篇 (体育)
21. C。细节理解题。由第一段的I am doing everything I can to get ready及it made me feel confident that I amready for the 26-mile marathon course可知,作者已经为马拉松比赛做好了准备。
22. D。推理判断题。由第二段的She said that she admired the way I had set a goal and worked hardtoward it可知,这位女士很赞赏作者设定目标并为之而努力的行为。
23. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段的I did it及But I met my goal可知,作者对自己的马拉松成绩很满意。
24. C。推理判断题。由文章中的时间及对当天所发生事情的描述可知,这有可能是出自于一本日记。
B篇 (艺术)
25. B。细节理解题。由第一段的The group ... recorded eight albums and toured various countriesaround the world可知,Carlinhos所领导的Timbalada乐团获得了成功。
26. B。细节理解题。由第二段的Carlinhos wanted to do something for the kids可知,Carlinhos创办音乐学校是为了帮助当地的孩子。
27. D。推理判断题。由倒数第二段Jair Rezende对Carlinhos的评价及其最后又回到音乐学校当老师的经历可知,Pracatum Music School对他影响很大。
28. A。标题归纳题。由文章中对巴西歌星卡林霍斯·布朗的介绍及其所创办的音乐学校所取得的成就可知,音乐改变了人们的生活。
C篇 (社会)
本文是说明文。文章介绍了帮助传播被拐儿童信息,致力于尽快找回被拐儿童的项目—— CARE Alert。
29. B。细节理解题。由第一段的Some people decided to start a program that would alert the publicabout missing children right away可知,CARE Alert是为了帮助被拐儿童。
30. C。段落大意题。由第二段对CARE Alert项目是如何传递被拐儿童信息的介绍可知,该段主要是介绍CARE Alert是如何运作的。
31. C。推理判断题。由最后一段对激活CARE Alert系统的各项要求的介绍可知,激活该系统有一系列严格的要求。
D篇 (学校生活)
32. D。细节理解题。由第一段的Teachers at the ... comments in purple可知,学生在回复老师的评语时应该使用紫色的笔。
33. C。推理判断题。由第二段的The new color program is designed to encourage a dialogue betweenteachers and students 及helps them to create a real conversation可知,该计划是为了促进师生之间的沟通。
34. B。推理判断题。由第三段McGovern说的话可知,McGovern对这项计划持反对态度。
35. A。词义猜测题。由最后一段Swinson与Hick对教师批改作业应该多使用积极语言的描述可知,Swinson与Hick的看法一致。

36. B。由该空后面的most are selling them now at quite affordable prices, even as low asa dollar a bag可知,该空应该是可以买环保购物袋。
37. D。该空后面的reduce the production of plastic bags与D项的reduce theneed for plastic bags一致,故选D项。
38. G。由该空后面的Don't limit their use to just grocery shopping; bring reusable bagsalong the next time you go shopping for clothes or shoes可知,不是只有买杂货的时候才可以使用环保购物袋,购买其他种类的商品时也可以使用,故选G项。
39. C。由该空后面的Use reusable bags to carry your lunch to work or your clothes to thegym可知,去任何地方都可以使用环保购物袋。
40. E。由本段主题句中的reuse all the plastic bags you have及该空前用塑料袋装鞋的做法可知,该空也是塑料袋的一种使用方法,故选E项。

41. B。由下文的First, a liberal education teaches you, liberal education is that itteaches you how to speak your mind及Finally, a liberal education teaches you how to learn可知,接下来论述的是文科教育的“重要性(importance)”。
42. D。由下文的Liberal arts are studies that help to develop our ability to think,which is closely connected with the ability to write可知,文科教育可以提高人们的“写作(write)”能力。
43. D。由下文的As a college student可知,“我”来美国读“大学(college)”。
44. C。45. C。由文中的I wasgood at taking tests ... bad at expressing my own ideas可知,“我”“意识到(realized)”自己擅长考试,“却(but)”不擅长自我表达,前后存在转折关系。
46. B。由下文的thanks to my teacher's help可知,“我”在写作方面取得了“进步(improvements)”。
47. A。由上文对liberal education优点的描述可知,这里指的是“文科(liberal)”教育的力量。
48. B。由下文的it teaches you how to speak your mind可知,作者将要叙述文科教育的另一个“优点(advantage)”。
49. C。由下文的grades及My Americanteachers可知,是印度和美国的“教育(education)”存在着差异。
50. D。51. A。由上文的in orderto get good grades here及下文的presenting my thoughts out loud可知,老师“评判(judge)”“我”的重要标准是“我”的语言表达能力,所以“我”一定要“说(talk)”。
52. B。53. C。由文中的I had ...little liberal education in India可知,“我”几乎没“接受(received)”过文科教育,所以“我”对讲话没有“信心(confidence)”。
54. A。根据下文的improve, all the time可知,我们处在一个瞬息万变的时代。
55. D。由上文的We are living in a time of ... change及下文我们要不断学习可知,在学校学到的知识很快就会“过时(old)”。
56. A。57. D。由上文的Muchknowledge you have learned可知,人们必须始终提高“知识(knowledge)”水平,否则就会“落后(fall behind)”。
58. C。由上文的a liberal education teaches you how to learn可知,文科教育帮助人们成为一名 “学习者(learner)”。
59. B。由下文的form fine judgment可知,文科教育训练人们收集“有用的(useful)”信息。
60. A。由上文的These are liberal education's advantages可知,文科教育会给人们带来“帮助(help)”。

61. as。考查介词。as ... as ...意为“和……一样……”。
62. to prepare。考查非谓语动词。It takes +时间 / 精力+ to do sth.意为“做某事要花费……”。
63. are invented。考查时态和语态。因New desserts与invent是被动关系,且根据every day可知,此处用一般现在时的被动语态。
64. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词slaves,并在从句中作主语,故填who / that。
65. a。考查冠词。form在此作“形式”讲,为可数名词且表泛指,故填a。
66. is。考查时态和主谓一致。There be结构中谓语的数遵循就近原则,evidence在此是不可数名词,且本句表示现在的状态,故填is。
67. Another。考查代词。根据前面的some可知此处填Another,泛指“另一个”。
68. married。考查形容词。get married to sb.意为“与某人结婚”。
69. earlier。考查比较等级。历史上记载在唐朝的时候,中国人就用牛奶制作冰激凌,比刨冰的历史要早,故填比较级。
70. whether。考查连接词。or后连接主语从句的分句意为“是否在别处被发明”,故填whether。

I. 1-5 DCCBB
11-15 BDADA 16-20BCDCB
1. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的You don't really learn much about a classmate from just a picture... You could learn about people's musical tastes, the movies they like, and soon可知,Catherine认为网络纪念册能帮助校友更加了解对方。
2. C。细节理解题。根据第二段的She spent many evenings talking on the phone to programmers in India可知,Catherine向印度的程序员寻求帮助建立网站。
3. C。词义猜测题。根据第三段的Some teens feel that they don't fit in at school, but can makefriends more easily online. Chatting online helps some shy people not to feel可知,一些青少年在学校不太合群,但是网上聊天可以帮助害羞的人不再感到被冷落。
4. B。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的Lunch Money donations have saved 0.3 km2 of rainforest ... and bought 20,000 kg of rice for peoplewithout enough food可知,Lunch Money已经帮助了不少人。
5. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段的Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from completingtheir schoolwork successfully, and going on to university可知,经营网站并没有影响她的学习。

1. D。下文的in England是提示,故选D项。
2. D。因为对两国人之间的交流差异“印象(impressed)”深刻,所以作者在下文对此展开论述。
3. C。上文的differences是提示。
4. B。下文多次出现的kiss是提示。
5. C。根据下文的saying ‘hi,’ or ‘hello,’ like we would in England, theykiss each other可知,法国人的打招呼方式是亲吻对方,“而不是(instead of)”说“你好”。
6. C。根据下文的I'm in a hurry, I am still expected to make time to give a ... kiss可知,“即便(even if)”“我”走得很匆忙,但是“我”仍要给老师一个吻。
7. A。根据下文的as I rush past them可知,这里是一个“迅速的(quick)”吻。
8. B。根据上文的I don't mind it — in fact可知,“我”并不介意这样的吻,事实上“我”“喜欢(like)”这样的吻。
9. A。根据语境可知,这种问候的方式会把陌生人变成“朋友(friends)”。
10. C。11. B。根据文中的peoplehere in France are much more open及 talk to a stranger可知,我“注意到(noticed)”的另一件事就是法国人对不“认识(know)”的人更坦率。
12. D。根据下文的only if completely necessary可知,英国人“通常(generally)”不会同陌生人搭讪。
13. A。根据下文的to ask where the bus stops next可知,这里是在“举例(for example)”。
14. D。根据下文的on long train journeys people have often started ... with me for noreason可知,法国人的这种行为与英国人形成对比,所以前后形成转折关系。
15. A。16. B。根据上文的talk及下文的sharing my story可知,法国人乘车时与陌生人“交谈(chatting)”以此来“消磨(pass)”时间。
17. C。根据下文的Besides, I'm fond of可知,“我”“喜欢(enjoy)”跟别人分享“我”的故事。
18. D。根据上文的people here in France are much more open with people可知,法国人很“坦率(open)”。
19. C。根据上文对法国人与陌生人的交流可知,法国人与“陌生人(strangers)”交流很自在。
20. B。根据下文的more willing to practice my French可知,“我”与法国人交流也很“轻松(comfortable)”。
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