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有些句子大家帮忙翻译成英文
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1.鱼睁着眼睛睡觉
The
fish
sleep
open
the
eyes
2.鱼生活在水中
Fish
living
in
the
water
3.一些鱼白天睡觉,而一些鱼夜里睡觉
Some
fish
sleep
at
daytime
,but
some
sleep
at
night
4.鱼睡觉时是不动的,它们有时呆在河床上,有时浮在水里
When
the
fish
sleep
they
are
still,sometimes
they
stay
on
the
riverbed
,sometimes
float
it
the
river
5.鱼一般是没有眼脸的.
Generally,fish
has
no
eyelids
.
The
fish
sleep
open
the
eyes
2.鱼生活在水中
Fish
living
in
the
water
3.一些鱼白天睡觉,而一些鱼夜里睡觉
Some
fish
sleep
at
daytime
,but
some
sleep
at
night
4.鱼睡觉时是不动的,它们有时呆在河床上,有时浮在水里
When
the
fish
sleep
they
are
still,sometimes
they
stay
on
the
riverbed
,sometimes
float
it
the
river
5.鱼一般是没有眼脸的.
Generally,fish
has
no
eyelids
.
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