Controlling soilborne pests
Soilborne plant pests cover a wide spectrum. They include insects, fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and weeds. Some are benign and easy to manage ,while others ,if left alone ,can hinder or even destroy a crop. Some are easily managed while others are persistent and very difficult to control.
Traditional cultural practices such as crop rotation, although useful, have limitations and are not fully effective. Over time ,certain pathogens can increase their numbers to levels that require intervention if crops are to be grown successfully.
Over the years , a number of pre- and postplant methods have evolved for controlling soilborne pathogens. Most use chemical controls. Concerns over short- and long-term human and environmental effects ,however, have led to the United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) canceling use of some these agrochemicals. Examples are heptachlor, ethylene dibromide, and dibromochloropropane. Of concern to many growers, the fumigant methyl bromide will be phased out by the year 2005, as a provision of the Clean Air Act/ for many growers, methyl bromide will not be easy to replace because of the wide range of pests it controls. 展开
Soilborne plant pests cover a wide spectrum. They include insects, fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and weeds. Some are benign and easy to manage ,while others ,if left alone ,can hinder or even destroy a crop. Some are easily managed while others are persistent and very difficult to control.
Traditional cultural practices such as crop rotation, although useful, have limitations and are not fully effective. Over time ,certain pathogens can increase their numbers to levels that require intervention if crops are to be grown successfully.
Over the years , a number of pre- and postplant methods have evolved for controlling soilborne pathogens. Most use chemical controls. Concerns over short- and long-term human and environmental effects ,however, have led to the United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) canceling use of some these agrochemicals. Examples are heptachlor, ethylene dibromide, and dibromochloropropane. Of concern to many growers, the fumigant methyl bromide will be phased out by the year 2005, as a provision of the Clean Air Act/ for many growers, methyl bromide will not be easy to replace because of the wide range of pests it controls. 展开
多年来, 一定数量前和postplant方法为控制soilborne病原生物演变了。 多数使用化学控制。 对短和长期人和环境效果的关心,然而, 导致了取消对一些这些agrochemicals的用途的美国环境保护代办处(EPA)。 例子是七氯, 二溴乙烷, 并且二溴氯丙烷。 对许多种植者重要, 熏蒸剂甲基溴在2005年以前将被逐步淘汰, 作为空气清洁法案的供应 为许多种植者, 甲基溴不会是容易替换由于它控制的大范围虫。
多年来, 一定数量前和postplant方法为控制soilborne病原生物演变了。 多数使用化学控制。 对短和长期人和环境效果的关心,然而, 导致了取消对一些这些agrochemicals的用途的美国环境保护代办处(EPA)。 例子是七氯, 二溴乙烷, 并且二溴氯丙烷。 对许多种植者重要, 熏蒸剂甲基溴在2005年以前将被逐步淘汰, 作为空气清洁法案的供应 为许多种植者, 甲基溴不会是容易替换由于它控制的大范围虫。
Soilborne植物虫报道一个广泛领域。 他们包括昆虫, 真菌, 细菌, 线虫, 并且杂草。 一些是良性和容易处理,当其他时,如果离开单独,能妨害甚至毁坏庄稼。 当其他是坚持和非常难控制时,一些容易地被处理。
传统文化实践例如轮作, 虽然有用, 有限制并且不要是充分地有效的。 随着时间的过去,某些病原生物可能增加他们的数字对要求干预的水平,如果庄稼将成功地增长。
多年来, 一定数量前和postplant方法为控制soilborne病原生物演变了。 多数使用化学控制。 对短和长期人和环境效果的关心,然而, 导致了取消对一些这些agrochemicals的用途的美国环境保护代办处(EPA)。 例子是七氯, 二溴乙烷, 并且二溴氯丙烷。 对许多种植者重要, 熏蒸剂甲基溴在2005年以前将被逐步淘汰, 作为空气清洁法案的供应 为许多种植者, 甲基溴不会是容易替换由于它控制的大范围虫。
Soilborne植物虫报道一个广泛领域。 他们包括昆虫, 真菌, 细菌, 线虫, 并且杂草。 一些是良性和容易处理,当其他时,如果离开单独,能妨害甚至毁坏庄稼。 当其他是坚持和非常难控制时,一些容易地被处理。
传统文化实践例如轮作, 虽然有用, 有限制并且不要是充分地有效的。 随着时间的过去,某些病原生物可能增加他们的数字对要求干预的水平,如果庄稼将成功地增长。
多年来, 一定数量前和postplant方法为控制soilborne病原生物演变了。 多数使用化学控制。 对短和长期人和环境效果的关心,然而, 导致了取消对一些这些agrochemicals的用途的美国环境保护代办处(EPA)。 例子是七氯, 二溴乙烷, 并且二溴氯丙烷。 对许多种植者重要, 熏蒸剂甲基溴在2005年以前将被逐步淘汰, 作为空气清洁法案的供应 为许多种植者, 甲基溴不会是容易替换由于它控制的大范围虫。