点名在英语中可以这么说:call the roll; keep track of one's attendance; make a roll call; mention sb. by name; registration; roll-call.
1、 正式上课之前,老师要对全班学生进行点名。Right! I'm going to call the roll.
2、 霍尔小姐点名后把它们一一划掉。Miss Hoare called out names and marked them off.
3、 我们每天早上都得站在雪地里等着点名。We had to stand in the snow every morning for roll call.
4、 她按照花名册上的名单对她班上30个12岁大的孩子进行点名。She calls the register for her class of thirty 12 year olds.
5、 经理决定点名批评团队中工作又懒又慢的成员。The manager has decided2 to name and shame the tardiest3 team members.
6、 那家俱乐部点名批评了不按时缴会费的会员。The club plans to name and shame members who do not pay their membership fees on time.
7、 这时有人轻轻的拍我肩膀,坐在我后面的学生悄悄告诉我:“他在点名呢。”Then he ambled to get down all the names when I felt a tap on my shoulder. The student in back of me whispered, "He's taking attendance."
8、 伦敦证交所发现,帝王石油严重违反了aim的诸多规则,尽管蒂米什个人并未受到点名批评。The LSE found that Regal had committed "numerous, serious breaches" of aim rules, although Mr Timis was not specifically criticised.
9、 本文通过在VISUAL BASIC下对Access数据库表中记录的随机调用,达到教师在课堂上对学生进行随机点名回答提问的目的。
This paper described the random transference recorded inside the Access database form under the Visual Basic, attaining the purpose that the teacher could ask and answer the student in classroom with the random roll call.