Last year,I went to Beijing.I visit many famous places,such as the Place Museum ,the Great Wall and so on.And I eat delicious food,such as Beijing duck.I will remember my trip to Beijing forever.
英语作文 根据内容提示介绍你的一次旅游经历80词左右
Last Saturday,we travelled to the Huang Mountain for the first time.At half past seven on that morning ,we reached an agreenment to meet at the schoolgate together. After a while,all the clas *** ates and the teachers had e.We were very excited and went on the bus one by one. Our bags were so heavy ,because we brought a lot of food and drink with us. When we got to the destination(目的地),we watched the beautiful scenery,went camgping and held some interesting activities ...At last,when we had to go home,we were so unwilling to leave,and we would e here the next time. 和这个差不多 可以自行修改 望采纳
是不是交作业啊Last week , my friends and I climbed mountain Hua, we arrived the foot of the mountain in the night, and we start climbing at 9:00 PM, at 5:00 AM we finally arrived the of the mountain!Wow, the senary was great! I saw the sun ing out from the remote place, what a beautiful sunrise! The sunshine cover the entile groud.I was touched and drowned in the beautiful scenery.
活泼的小狗,它长著雪白雪白的毛,只有额头上是淡褐色的,它有又尖又长的嘴巴,锋利的牙齿和爪子,又红又溼的鼻子,三角形的耳朵,明亮的大眼睛,就像一位白雪公主,美丽极了。我给小狗起了个名字,叫:欢欢。 欢欢的性格和...
答:关爱我的王老师 想起王老师,我的心中就暖暖的,充满了感激之情。 星期三中午放学后,因妈妈不在家,我不知道该去哪里,正在焦急的时候,王老师走了过来
似水流年,今天的我们已不再是在草地里玩过家家的小朋友;今天的我们已不再是大声朗读“床前明月光”的小学生;今天的我们已经告别童年,走向青春。带着对未来的憧憬,我们来到了人大附中,走进了初一生活。 开学已经一个月了,对新的环境有了一定...
文 原来的她被小辈们装饰得楚楚动人。可现在,你走出去看看:天空是昏黄的,河水是浑浊的,花草树木奄奄一息,白色垃圾横行道路······我为周围的环境的恶化而感到心痛。我们应该醒醒了,否则,我们的生命将毁在我们自己手中,老天会...
我是一只啄木鸟,生活在郁郁葱葱的森林.我快乐级极了,因为有许多的好伙伴被陪伴我.可是有一天...... 太阳透过树洞照在我身上,暖和极了.我跳下床,伸了伸懒腰.忽然,我觉得肚子好饿好饿.是呀,这几天大叔伯伯们都没有生病,我也找不到食物.怎么办?只...
第1篇:点亮心灵的灯 我继续向前走,“总算快到了”我在心中庆幸著。可眼前的景象让我大吃一惊——路灯坏了,漆黑一片,我一头扎进黑暗中。怎么办?怎么办?我焦燥不安地想。我一步一步向前走,象走入了境区似的小心翼翼,两边黑极了,但远处总伟来...