英语作文写自己拥有的体育物品和其他物品怎样写?50词拜托各位了 3Q

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2022-10-08 · TA获得超过5494个赞

英语作文写自己拥有的体育物品和其他物品怎样写?50词拜托各位了 3Q

I have a basketball. For the round shape, it is like a watermelon. It seemed to be departe averagely by several black line. Beeen to part, there are o point. It is made of plastic.


I have a ping-pong ball,o basketballs.I have an alarm clock,it's blue,it's on the dresser.I like them very much.

写一段英语,谈谈你所拥有的体育用品和其他物品 可加分

I am good at sports,I like basketball,so ,I own a basketball.I like ping-pong ,too.And I also have a ping-pong ball and a bat.

怎样写英语作文:游泳?拜托各位了 3Q

Today is Sunday. This morning, I went to the swimming pool with my mum.I decided to learn swimming today. At first, I could not swim at all. My mother was very patient. She taught me how to swim.Three hours later, I could swim by myself. Although I couldn't swim very well, I was very happy.


春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”这句话用在老师的身上再恰当不过了。老师默默无闻地传授给我们知识,带我们在知识的海洋里遨游。 每当放学后,经过老师的窗前总会看到老师们仍然在那些电灯的陪伴下认真地批改作业、备课,甚至为了使我们可以理解得更透彻,学得更扎实,老师不惜花费很长时间去做很多的模型。作业本上的每一个对勾以及每一个红叉都凝聚着老师的汗水。当我们有不懂的难题时,老师总会耐心地为我们讲解,“师恩重如山”“滴水之恩当涌泉相报”。同学们,不要等到事业有成,就在今天,就在师生相处的日日夜夜,我们就要把诚挚的谢意和美好的祝福献给恩师,使我们的恩师时时感受到莘莘学子的爱的热流! 他们呕心沥血,他们甘为人梯,他们清贫一生为的是什么?为的是给国家培养出更多具有高素质的优秀人才,老师们是一枝不起眼的蜡烛,在关键时刻默默奉献的蜡烛,他们牺牲了自己宝贵的青春年华,然而为国家培养出一批批的栋梁之材。 老师是无私的,他们配受一切赞美。 ~~~~~~~~~

爱惜物品的作文拜托各位了 3Q

我有一个心爱的布熊,是XX送的,是我的吉祥物,我的小宝贝。他有一身棕色的绒毛,大大的眼睛像两颗黑宝石,一闪一闪地。他的脖子上有一个小蝴蝶结,粉粉地,是我扎的。它的绒毛很软,绵绵的,摸上去十分舒服。白天,我带着她到院子里玩,它总是用那双大眼睛望着我,好像在对我撒娇。晚上,我抱着她睡觉,他带给了我一晚好梦。 每次,我生气,他都在一旁看着我,好像在说:“别生气了,我不喜欢你生气的样子!”我痛哭流泪时,它好像对我说:“哭的孩子会变丑的,不哭了好不好?”我开心时,它也会说:“希望你以后一直都会开心”看着它,我就马上会露出甜美的笑容。 布熊那纯真可爱的样子,一直陪伴着我,他是我的好伙伴。每当我想起布熊时,心里就暖洋洋的。 是这个布熊带给了我快乐、自信,我要永远爱惜它


My dog
I have a dog.Its name is Laike.It's o years old.It's grey.Its body is very long.Its mouth is white.Its o eyes are blue.It has o *** all ears.Its four legs are very long.Its tail is thin and long.It runs fast.It likes meat.I like to play with it.It's my good friend.


Three years of high school life already became past. Recalling my memory about these precious three years, I surprisingly found out that i experienced so much in high school
Remember when i was in grade 8, i made a new friend, A. It was a extremely cold December morning, i arrived at school as usual. A dashed toward me with great excitement, and shouted,"e on B, i got a strawberry plant from a *** all store! I'm gonna eat strawberries this summer!" Hearing that, I *** irked,"It's like 10degree below zero outside, how can you put any hope on planting such delicate thing!"
A glanced at me disappointed, and then took her strawberry away quickly. In front of tons of homework, I fot about such a *** all thing very quickly. Until March, A brought another plant to school. Many healthy-looking strawberry were hanging down from the delicate plant. A held her plant with such pride,"See, i can plant strawberries in winter! This time you are so wrong haha"
"That's so unbelievable!" Still not recovered from the shock of those bright red strawberries, I praised.
"How is that possible!" Our friend C cried in the crowd. Yeah, maybe sometimes, i really can make impossible things possible, like what A did. What i'm lacking is just what A has: some great determination. Since then, I tried hard to believe in myself, and finally, i bee w


She is medium hight,very slim,her shape is cute,and her skin is as white as snow.She has got long,curly,black hair,her lips red as wine.She has big,bright eyes,when she is *** illing,her eyes are shinning.Her voice is soft,but powerful,that’s because she is knowledgeable.Her head is big,I bet there's lots of knowledge in it.She likes wearing a blue sweater and long,brown skirt.Sometimes she also wears jeans,when she is wearing jeans,she looks pretty cool.By the way,she never wears glasses; you can see her eye sight is very good.Well,she is beautiful,isn’t it?


Look this is my room! Although very simple, but I like it.
There is a clock on the door. Wall painting, painting is beside the window. The window and the pink curtain. The of the wall and lamp. On the table there is plant and box. Oh. On my desk is a box and a cup. The desk there is a vase. To have a blanket, that was my sleeping blankets!
浅影 2012.11.26 23:05

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