mr black was()inthe
Mr Black's eyesight (视力) is too bad but he doesn^ like wearing glasses. And there was an interesting story which happened to him during his vacation last month. One day after climbing the mountains in the day and Mr Black was very tired at night he stayed in a hotel room with a bottle of wine in each hand. On the wall there was a fly but he thought it was a nail. So the moment he hung them on the bottles fell broken and the wine spilt all over the floor. When a waitress found what had happened she decided to help him. So the next morning when Mr Black was taking a walk in the garden outside the hotel the waitress put a nail in the place where the fly had stayed. Then Mr Black came into his room. When he looked up at the wall he found the fly was there again!He walked to it carefully and slapped (拍打) it. On hearing a loud cry the waitress came in quickly. To her great surprise the poor old man was there sitting on the floor with his right hand bleeding ! 1. The story happened ____ . A. on the beach B. in a garden C. in a hotel D. in the glasses shop 2. The bottles fell broken from the wall because ____ . A. the bottles were filled with wine B. Mr Black regarded the fly as a nail C. Mr Black didn't like them D. the bottles were not hard 3. The waitress put a nail in the place where the fly had stayed because ____ . A. she wanted to hang the bottles on the wall B. the manager asked her to do so C. the place looked ugly without a nail D. she wanted to help Mr Black hang the bottles on the wall 4. Mr Black cried loudly because ____ . A. there was a fly on the wall B. he couldn’t drink any wine C. the waitress came in quickly D. his right hand slapped a nail 5. The underlined word “ bleeding means“ ____ ”. A. having blood B. shaking C. having water D. pointing
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 文章讲述了视力差的Mr Black旅游时发生的一件趣 事。在旅馆里他把苍蝇误认为是钉子,想悬挂啤酒,结果啤 酒撒了一地。服务员好心帮忙,在苍蝇呆过的地方钉上了一 个钉子。第二天,Mr Black想起了那只苍蝇,一看苍蝇还在, 用手使劲拍了上去…… 1. C细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句话“...he stayed in a hotel room... ”以及接下来的描述可知,故事发生在 一所旅馆内。 2. B细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句话“On the wall there was a fly but he thought it was a nail. ”可知,Mr Black 视力很差,他把苍蝇误认为是钉子,想悬挂啤酒,结果 啤酒撒了一地。 3. D细节理解题。根据第三段的“…the waitress put a nail in the place where the fly had stayed. ” 可知,服务员把苍蝇待过的地方钉上了一个钉子,目的是想帮助Mr Black挂啤酒。 4. D推理判断题。通读最后一段可知,服务员把苍蝇呆过的地方钉上了一个钉子,但是Mr Black认为苍绳还在, 于是用右手使劲拍了上去,结果右手很疼痛,所以大声 喊叫了起来。 5. A词义猜测题。上文提到了 Mr Blade认为苍蝇还在,于是用右手使劲拍了上去,实际上拍的是钉子,大声喊叫 了起来。由此可推知:他的右手鲜血直流。 look up抬头看 to one's surprise令 … … 吃惊的是 根据因果关系判断词义 需要推测的词,通常要么是生词,要么是熟词新 义,单靠平时积累是不够的,还要掌握一定的做题技 巧。俗话说,“有因必有果,有果必有因”。根据因果 关系进行判断通常是十分有效的:根据原因可以预测 结果,根据结果也可以找出原因。 如第5题,根据文章叙述的脉络,酒店的服务员 在墙上钉上了一个钉子,Mr Black用力一拍的结果就 只能够是“流血”。