寻求女性英文名要含义是“神”的,或者是野心勃勃的美丽的女子 10

最好是拥有美丽,野心,神三个含义的,我目前只知道Michelle有这个意思,还有别的英文名也是这样的么????含义是金发蓝谋的精明女商人也行,拜托了!... 最好是拥有美丽,野心,神三个含义的,我目前只知道Michelle有这个意思,还有别的英文名也是这样的么???? 含义是金发蓝谋的精明女商人也行,拜托了! 展开
2010-09-18 · TA获得超过320个赞
Michaelia 蜜雪莉雅,也有这些意思,此外,在希伯来语中还有“似上帝的人”的含义。

Phoebe, 菲碧,【希腊】, 会发亮之物,显赫的人,月之女神。
Venus, 维纳斯 【希腊】, 爱与美的女神。
Athena, 雅典娜 【希腊】, 希腊神话中,智慧、及战争的女神,雅典的保护神。
Zenobia 丽诺比丽, 【拉丁、希腊】, 父亲的光荣;狩猎女神
Aurora, 奥萝拉 【拉丁】, 黎明女神
Cynthia , 辛西亚 【希腊】, 月亮女神黛安娜的称号。
Daphne, 黛芙妮 【希腊神话】, 月桂树;桂冠;月桂女神。
Diana, 黛安娜 【拉丁】, 光亮如白画;月亮女神
Doris, 多莉丝 【希腊】, 来自大海的;海洋女神。
Flora, 弗罗拉 【拉丁】, 花;花之神
Irene, 艾琳, 【法国,拉丁】, 和平;和平女神。
Iris, 爱莉丝 【拉丁】, 彩虹女神;鸢尾花。
Kama, 卡玛, 【印度】, 爱之神。
Marcia, 玛西亚 【拉丁】, 女战神.
Martina 玛蒂娜 【拉丁】, 战神。

Angela, 安琪拉 【法国】, 天使;报信者,安琪儿。
Ann, 安妮, 【希伯来】 优雅的,仁慈的上帝。
Belle, 贝拉, 【法国】, 美丽的;上帝的誓约;聪明高贵。
Bess, 贝丝, 【希伯来】 上帝是誓约。
Betsy, 贝琪, 【希伯来】 上帝是誓约。
Betty, 贝蒂, 【希伯来】 上帝是誓约。
Dana, 黛娜, 【希伯来】 来自丹麦的人;神的母亲;聪明且纯洁的。
Dora, 多拉, 【希腊】, 神的赠礼。
Doreen, 多琳, 【希腊】, 神的赠礼。
Dorothy 桃乐斯 【希腊】, 上帝的赠礼。
Elizabeth, 伊莉莎白, 【希伯来】 上帝的誓约。
Gabrielle, 嘉比里拉, 【希伯来】 上帝就是力量。
Isabel, 伊莎蓓尔, 【希伯来】 上帝的誓约。
Jacqueline, 贾桂琳 【法国】, 愿上帝保护。
Jane, 珍, 【希伯来,法国】, 上帝是慈悲的;少女。
Janet, 珍妮特 【希伯来,法国】, 少女,上帝的恩赐
Janice, 珍尼丝 【希伯来,法国】, 少女;上帝是仁慈的。
Jean, 琴, 【法国】, 上帝是慈悲的。
Jessie, 婕西, 【希伯来】 上帝的恩宠;财富。
Jessica 杰西嘉 【希伯来】 上帝的恩宠;财富。
Joa, 琼, 【法国,神话】, 上帝仁慈的赠礼。
Joanna, 乔安娜 【希伯来】 上帝仁慈的赠礼。
Joanne, 希伯来 【希伯来】 上帝仁慈的赠礼。
Lillian 丽莲, 【希腊】, 一朵百合花,代表纯洁;上帝的誓约。
Lisa, 丽莎, 【希伯来】 对神奉献。
Liz, 莉斯, 【希伯来】 上帝就是誓约。

Andrea, 安德莉亚, 【希腊】, 有气概,有野心的,美丽而优雅
Caroline, 卡洛琳 【条顿】, 骁勇、刚健、强壮的,具有野心的。
Chloe, 克洛怡 【希腊】, 青春的,美丽的,有朝气的。
Edith, 伊蒂丝 【古英国】 格斗;战争,有野心的。
Gloria, 葛罗瑞亚, 【拉丁】, 荣耀者,光荣者
Hilda, 希尔达 【条顿】, 战斗;女战士
Kelly, 凯莉, 【盖尔】, 女战士。
Maud, 穆得, 【日耳曼】 强大的;力量。
Megan, 梅根, 【希腊】, 伟大,强壮能干的人。
Miranda 米兰达 【拉丁】, 令人钦佩或敬重的人。
2010-09-18 · TA获得超过2044个赞

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2010-09-18 · TA获得超过2925个赞
Aphrodite (Greek) - The beautiful Goddess of love and fertility. No man could resist Aphrodite when she wore her magic girdle. Her name means foam born or risen from foam as she was birthed from the churning sea.

Arianrhod (Celtic) - Goddess of fertility, rebirth and the weaving of cosmic time and fate. The last aspect of her nature is contained within her name which means “silver wheel” or “round wheel,” suggesting her importance in the cycles of life. Other common spellings of her name are Aranhod and Arianrod.

Artemis (Greek) - An independent spirit, she is Goddess is of the hunt, nature and birth. There are several different theories about the origin of her name, one school of thought says it comes from an ancient word for “safe” and another argues that it means “strong limbed.” Either way the suggestion is that this maiden Goddess has the strength and ability to protect herself from any unwanted attention.

Athena (Greek) - Goddess of war and wisdom and domestic crafts. Plato believed her name meant "mind of God" whilst others suggest it comes an ancient word meaning “sharp.” Both these words point to Athena's great intellectual ability to see the true nature of a situation and to develop successful strategies.

Bast (Egyptian) - The famous cat Goddess, she protected pregnant woman and children. Bast was a very sensual Goddess who enjoyed music, dance and perfume. Her name comes from the bas jars used to store perfumes and ointments. Other versions of this Goddess name's include: Bastet, Baset, Ubasti and Pasht.

Ceres (Roman) - This Goddess of agriculture and grains name comes from the Indo European word root, ker meaning “to grow.” In turn her name has become the origin of our modern word cereal.

Ceridwen (Celtic) - Goddess of moon, magic, agriculture, nature, poetry language, music, art, science and astrology. She was also keeper of the cauldron. Her name means “chiding love.” Cerridwen, Caridwen, Kerritwen, Keridwen, Kyrridwen are other variations of her name.

Demeter (Greek) - Goddess of the harvest who possessed great knowledge of the best way to grow, preserve and harvest grain. She was also the devoted mother of Persephone. Her name reflects her nurturing personality as it means “earth mother” in Greek.

Diana (Roman) - Goddess of the hunt and wild animals. She later took over from Luna as the Roman Goddess of the moon, responsible for fertility and childbirth. Her name means "heavenly divine," reflecting her celestial role.

Eirene (Greek) - This Greek Goddess name means peace in her native language, expressing her diplomatic nature. Her name also often appears as Irene.

Eos (Greek) - A sunny natured Goddess whose name means dawn.

Epona (Celtic) - Protector of horses, donkeys, and mules. She was also an ancient fertility Goddess. Epona's Goddess name comes from the Gaulish word epos meaning "great mare."

Ereshkigal (Sumerian) - Goddess of Attalu, the land of the dead and ancestral memories. Her name translates as "great lady under the earth." Irkalla is an alternative name by which this Goddess is identified.

Freya (Nordic) - Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, wealth, divination and magic. Her name comes from the ancient Norse word for lady or mistress. There are several variations of the spellings of this Goddess name including: Freyja, Freyr and Freyja.

Frigg (Nordic) - Goddess of marriage, childbirth, motherhood, wisdom, household management and weaving and spinning. Her name means "beloved" in ancient Norse and is derived from fri "to love." She is also known as Frige, Friia, Frija and Frea.

Hathor (Egyptian) - This heavenly cow's areas of influence included music, dancing, joy and fertility. Her name translates as "house of Horus". Alternative names for this Goddess are Het-Hert, Hetheru, Mehturt, Mehurt, Mehet-Weret, and Mehet-uret,

Hebe (Greek) – Hebe’s name literally means youth or in the prime of life. She was one of the daughters of Zeus and Hera. Her role was to serve the nectar and ambrosia to the Gods and Goddesses that prevented them from aging.

Hekate (Greek) - Goddess of the wild places, childbirth and the crossroads. She is closely associated with magic and witchcraft. Her name is said to be derived from the Greek word hekas meaning "far off" describing her unworldly, shamanic nature. Also known as Hecate

Hella (Nordic) - The fearsome Goddess of the Nordic realm of the dead. Her name is derived from the word kel, meaning "to conceal." There are numerous spellings of her name including Halje Hell, Hel, Helle,Hela and Holle.

Hera (Greek) - Queen of the Olympians and Goddess of marriage and birth. The meaning of her Goddess name has been lost. One historian claims her name could be connected to the Greek word for seasons hora, suggesting she is ripe for marriage.

Hestia (Greek) - The domestic Goddess of the Greek Pantheon, she rules over the hearth and home. Her name comes from the Greek word estia meaning "she that dwells or tarries." This reflects the importance of the role that the ancient Greeks attributed to this Goddess in sacrificing her position as an Olympian to guard the fire and maintain a happy home.

Inanna (Sumerian) - Goddess of love, war, and fertility. Inanna was the personification of the morning and evening star. Her beautiful name means "lady of the sky." This Goddess is closely linked to Ishtar and Nin-anna.

Indunn (Nordic) - Goddess of youth and springtime. Her name means she who renews and has several alternative spellings including Indun, Iduna and Idhunna.

Iris (Greek) - Goddess of the rainbow and messenger to the Gods. Her name means rainbow in her native language.

Isis (Egyptian) - This famous Goddess has so many different aspects, her most important roles are as Goddess of life and magic. Isis’s name comes from the Egyptian word aset and means "she of throne" in other words the Queen of the Goddesses.

Juno (Roman) - Goddess of marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. She protected the finances of the citizens of Rome. Her name is mystery, it speaks of a contradictory role for this Goddess, before her alignment to the matronly, Greek Goddess, Hera. This is because her name is derived from the root yeu meaning "vital force" indicating a more youthful, maiden Goddess

Maat (Egyptian)- Goddess of truth, justice and balance. She prevented the creation from reverting to chaos and judged the deeds of the dead with her feather. This Goddess name stems from the word Mayet meaning “straight.” This reflects her unbending nature in upholding what is right and just.

Minerva (Roman) - Goddess of wisdom, medicine and crafts. Her name is linked to the Latin word mens which means "intellect," suggesting the intelligence and inventiveness of this ancient Goddess.

Morrigan (Celtic) - The terrifying crow Goddess associated with war and death on the battlefield. She was queen of phantoms, demons, shape-shifters and patroness of priestesses and Witches. Her name means "great queen" in the old Irish language. Morrigan was also known as Morgane, Morrígu, Morríghan, Mor-Ríoghain and Morrígna.

Nephthys (Egyptian) - Goddess of death, decay and the unseen. Her name speaks of her priestess role as it means "lady of the temple enclosure." Other variations of her title include Nebet-het and Nebt-het.

Nike (Greek) - This Greek Goddess name means victory, she represented success especially in the sporting arena which is why her name was chosen for a famous brand of sportswear.

Persephone (Greek) - Daughter of Demeter and Queen of the Underworld. She was also none as Kore reflecting the Maiden aspect of this Goddess. Other variations of her name include Persephoneia, Persephassa, Persephatta and Pherepapha

Pomona (Roman) – Pomona protected fruiting trees and gardens. Her name is derived from the Latin word pomus, meaning “fruit tree.”

Rhea (Greek) - The ancient Titan Earth Goddess, responsible for the fertility of the soil and women. The name is most likely a form of the word era meaning "earth", although it has also been linked to 'rheos' the Greek term for “stream.”

Selene (Greek) – Selene was the Titan personification of the moon, unsurprising then that her name means moon in Greek.

Seshat (Egyptian) - The great scribe and librarian Goddess who was responsible for accounting, architecture, astronomy, historical records and mathematics. Her Goddess name means "she who scibes." It is also appears as Safkhet, Sashet, Seshata, Sesat, Sesheta and Sheshat.

Themis (Greek) - Goddess of divine justice, order and customs. She also had the gift of prophecy. Her name simply means "law of nature" or "divine nature."

Venus (Roman) - Goddess and love and beauty. Her Goddess name has become synonymous with her role as the woman who all men desire.

Vesta (Roman) - Guardian of the sacred Flame. Vesta’s name and function is derived from the Greek Goddess Hestia.

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2010-09-18 · TA获得超过242个赞
野性美丽女子wendy 月桂女神daphne
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