
仙人掌对内外皮肤科的治疗作用1.内科�★★呼吸内科�⑴咳嗽(热咳)�仙人掌100克,去刺,加白糖30克,水煎服,1日分2次服用。... 仙人掌对内外皮肤科的治疗作用

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Cactus to inside the treatment function of cortex skin section

1.Medicine �
★★Breathe Medicine �
⑴ A cough(hot cough) �
The cactus is 100 grams, stab, add refined sugar 30 grams, water fried, divide 2 times on the 1st to take.Through cure 36, all more.Generally use to want can immediately take effect on the 1~2th, at most take for 7 days, didn't see a bad reflection, the body temperature more than 38 ℃ considers to add an antibiotic treatment.�
⑵ Common cold, cough �
The cactus is twice 6250 grams, stab, wash clearly, cut to pieces, fill with water decoction, fry Fei for an hour for the first time, fry Fei for 0.5 hours for the second time, squeeze percolation, will twice filter liquid merger to precipitate, take up the pure liquid, concentrated go to about 5000 milliliters, plus refined cane sugar 2500 grams, heat agitation, get to float the Mo miscellaneous quality, filter, cool off behind join benzene AN a sour sodium is 2.5 grams, Ni lake gold B fat 1.5 gram(ether fuse), mix blend namely become cactus syrup.Take 10~20 milliliters each time, everyday 3 times.
Treatment common cold, cough 85, cure 53, turn for the better 20, invalid 12.Cure nervous prostration 24, cure 15, turn for the better 6, invalid 3.
⑶ Lung hot cough �
The cactus is 60 grams, wash to clearly stab, the yellow Qin is 12 grams, the Zhe shell is 10 grams, water fried.�
The ⑷ coughs blood �
The cactus is 100 grams, stab to wash clearly, cut into slice, add refined sugar 50 grams, water is fried, generation tea drinking.Dispeled the breeze pure lung effect, the lord cured to cough blood, the outside feeling breeze is evil to don't understand, take blood in the larynx Yang, a cough, phlegm, the thirsty nose is dry, body hot with the result that pain etc..�
⑸ Whooping cough �
Take a finger sort thick, grow the cactus of a form 1, the Dao is thin, once a day take and meet with an effect for a week.�
The ⑹ bronchus asthma �
The cactus is 100 grams, stab to the skin and dip honey just the right amount of cook to take.Early and late 2 times take a medicine each time everyday for oneself palm 1/2 sizes, the symptom disappearance can immediately stop a medicine.�
★★Digest Medicine �
The ⑴ has a stomach-ache �
Take the cactus insolates a private to grind an end, 3~4 grams once, the clear water sends and the day takes 3 times.The cactus is 30~40 grams and slice thin, join adequacy to adjust to anticipate, 70 grams of with beef totally fry it.The cactus is 60 grams, stab, wash clearly, slice a piece, braise a food with tripe, everyday once.The cactus root is 30~60 grams, wash, clearly cut to pieces and just the right amount braise with tripe.�
The ⑵ digest ulcerates �
The cactus has been already stop bleeding and the protection create the function of noodles, so the one who be applicable to to ulcerate a disease to bleed.The � stabs cactus to wash clearly, slice, dry in the sun, levigation, each time 1 gram, the day takes 2 times.Agree with stomach sour not tall sufferer, can in join the gold powder in the chicken 30~60 grams in 500 grams of each cactus powders, the stomach acid is higher of join a squid bone powder again is 60~90, 21 day for a treat a distance.Clinical observe 8, take after the medicine the last stomach ache, anti- and sour and black then the etc. symptom all disappears or turns for the better, 7 barium meal reexaminations, the pathological changes also greatly has disappearance.(Chen2 Qing4 is identically equal.Practical clinical herb medicine) fresh cactus 300 grams stab to wash clearly, slice, decoction, finish take for a day 3~6 times everyday, 30 day for a treat a distance.Through 61 clinical observations, total efficient have 98.6%.
⑶ Stomach, 12 intestinal ulcer �s
The cactus is 100~200 grams, go to skin to wash, clearly cut to pieces, with tripe on paying to braise together take soup to take orally, have already gone spirit to live blood, the effect of the Jian Pi benefit spirit.�
The cactus is 30~60 grams, the beef is 60~90 grams, cut into cactus thin silk, beef slice, join to adjust to anticipate, fry familiar, eat beef, can go spirit to live blood, the Jian Pi proper spirit.�
The ⑷ old stomach ulcer �
The cactus is 100~150 grams, pound into pulp into a mire form after stabbing to wash clearly and add an egg pure mix blend even, steam with the porcelain and ceramics container familiar after, the morning empty stomach take and once treat a distance for 1 for 21 days for a day.A the old suffers from stomach ulcer as long as 20 years, all stomach medicines eat, the effect is very tiny, and pressing this square to take a medicine can exterminate.�
The ⑸ virus enteritis �
Take fresh cactus 100 grams, stab, skin, cut to pieces, the text fire braises for 30 minutes and join brown sugar after cool off few adjust.1~2 years old every time of sufferer is 4 milliliters, 3~5 years old every time is 6~10 milliliters, the sufferer over 6 years of age drinks 15~20 milliliters each time, everyday 4-5 times, connect take for 3~7 days.�
The fresh cactus is 100 grams and stab and the skin cut to pieces and the text fire braises for 30 minutes and add just the right amount of refined sugar to mix evenly after cool off.Drink soup, everyday is 1, divide 3s and connect to take for a week.
⑹ Impatient germ the � of dysentery
The fresh cactus is 50~100 grams, wash clearly and stab, skin, cut to pieces, fried soup, take 20~30 milliliters each time, recover from illness to namely stop a medicine 23 times everyday.�
The fresh cactus is 100 grams and stab, skin, cut to pieces, the text fire braises for 30 minutes and join just the right amount of refined sugar to mix evenly after cool off.Drink soup, everyday is 1, divide to 3 times take and connect to take for a week.
2007-01-21 · TA获得超过1191个赞
Cactus 1 in the treatment of both skin. Respiratory Medicine, Medical � � appropri cough ** (heat cough) � cactus 100 grams. Deburring, plus 30 grams of sugar, Capsule, 2 pm on the 1st dose. After administering 36 cases, all the more. 1-2 generally used to effect the day, taking up to seven days, and no bad reflection Added temperature over 38 ℃ antibiotic therapy. � 2 cold, cough � cactus 6,250 grams, stabbed, cleaned, chopped and water decoction twice, the first one hour Jianfei, Second Jianfei 0.5 hours Filter Press, the two combined filtrate precipitation, and the supernatant, and concentrated to about 500 ml. plus 2,500 grams of white granulated sugar, heating and mixing fish to floating impurities foam filter, cooling after adding 2.5 grams of sodium benzoate. Nipagin B 1.5 g fat (dissolved), stirring constantly cactus syrup. Each taking 10-20 ml, three times a day. Treatment of the common cold, cough 85 cases, 53 cases cured, improved 20 cases, 12 cases invalid. Treatment of neurasthenia 24 cases, 15 cases cured, improved six cases, three cases invalid. 3. � Cactus 60 grams of lung heat cough, wash stabbed, Scutellaria 12 grams, 10 grams Zhejiang Pui, Capsule. � � 4 Cactus 100 grams of hemoptysis, and stabbed washed into films, plus 50 grams of sugar, Pall on behalf of tea drinking. Have Qufeng Qingfei efficacy to treat hemoptysis, sensors The chief difficulty, throat tickle cough, blood-tinged sputum, dry mouth dry nose, a fever caused pain. � � 5 from the finger as pertussis rough, one long strip of cactus, 208,000 fine, serve on the 1st 1st, a week of getting results. � � cactus 100 grams of asthma facts, stabbed peeled, dip in honey appropriate because the service. A day later on two occasions, each medication to half the size of my palm, withdrawal symptoms will disappear. ** Gastroenterology � � � take appropri stomach disabilities herb drying cactus, 1 3-4 grams of water delivery service, the Japanese serve three times. Cactus 30-40 grams, all small, suitable flavoring, and 70 grams of total beef speculation Clothes. Cacti 60 grams, stabbed, and clean cuts, and pork cooked food once a day. 30-60 grams of cactus root, washed, chopped and stewed pork adequate service. � � 2 cactus have peptic ulcer bleeding wound and protect the effect, it is applicable to ulcer bleeding. � will wash cactus stabbed, sliced dried, the Institute powder, each 1 g, 2 day service. Patients not high on acid, 0.5 kg of cactus powder can be added to each yield of 30-60 grams of powder. High acid and then the cuttlefish bone meal 60-90 grams of mixture, 21 days a week. Clinical Observation eight cases, abdominal pain medication, anti-acid, the symptoms disappeared or improved then black, barium meal reviewed seven cases, has been a great lesions disappeared. (Tony won. Practical clinical herbal medicine) to 300 grams of fresh cactus thorns cleaned, sliced and decocting, 3-6 times daily. served a day, 30 days a week. Clinical observations on 61 cases, the total efficiency of 98.6%. 3. Gastric, duodenal ulcer � cactus 100-200 grams peeled clean, chopped and stewed pork paying together, bring soup oral, Qi has Huoxue spleen Yiqi effects. � cactus 30-60 grams of 60-90 grams of beef, cactus into filaments, beef slices, adding seasoning, Chao Shou. eat beef, herb viable spleen are advised to gas. Among the ulcer � � cactus 100150 4 grams stabbed cleaned, as Muddy been smashed. Stir well to increase egg white, ceramic containers in boiling water, fasting morning dose, 1 day, 21 days a month. 20-year old man suffering from a gastric ulcer, are fanciers of all medications, the results were minimal, according to medication side to root out. � � 5 viral enteritis take 100 grams of fresh cactus, stabbed, skins, shredding, text heat 30 minutes. After adding a little brown sugar regulation and cooling services. 4 ml every 1-2 years old, 6-10 ml every 3 to 5 years old. 2.0 ml of drinking above the age of six patients each day, four to five days even serve 3-7. � 100 grams of fresh cactus, stabbed, Percutaneous broken, the text heat for 30 minutes, adding some sugar after cooling and 0.72% respectively. Drink a lot of soup, the daily dose, three-time service, and continued for 1 week. � of 50 grams of fresh cactus retain acute bacterial dysentery, wash, stabbed, skins, shredding, Jian in, each serving 20 to 30 ml, three times per day, illness or withdrawal. � 100 grams of fresh cactus, stabbed, skins, shredding, text heat for 30 minutes, adding some sugar after cooling and 0.72% respectively. Drink a lot of soup, the daily dose, taken three times, even a week service.
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