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推荐于2016-08-01 · TA获得超过533个赞
Something Corporate - Fall lyrics

i close my eyes
thought i was lost but i was stranded
i go outside
to my surprise the sky had landed
i thought it made more sense
if i could only keep you guessing
i was a fool to think that i should stop you from undressing
now i'm believing all the words you say
that i can't say back to you
but so you can

so i fall
i don't wanna feel this small
you know i just can't handle this
handle this at all
and i'll just fall
i'll let my heartbeat drop
i falter as the music stops
and you watch me as stall
and wonder when i fall

i kiss your neck
i feel you breathing on my shoulder
still i'm perfect
it must be you cause now it's over
i was so close
that was the most that i have ever been through
now old cassettes and cigarettes
will be the ones to save you
how can you ask for me to stay
when all you ever do is go?
just go

and so i fall
i don't wanna feel this small
you know i just can't handle this
handle this at all
and so i fall
i let my heartbeat drop
i falter as the music stops
and you watch me as i stall
and wonder when i..

go on
you can't be waiting
go on
and watch me as i fall

i don't wanna feel this small
you know i just can't handle this
handle this at all
and so i'll fall
i'll let my heartbeat drop
i falter as the music stops
and you watch me as stall
and wonder when i..

Clay Walker - Fall Lyrics

Oh, look there, you go again, puttin' on that smile again
Even though I know you've had a bad day
Doin' this and doin' that, always puttin' yourself last
A whole lotta give and not enough take
But you can only be strong so long before you break

So fall, go on and fall apart
And fall into these arms of mine, I'll catch you
Every time you fall, go on and lose it all
Every doubt, every fear, every worry, every tear
I'm right here, baby fall

Forget about the world tonight, all that's wrong and all that's right
Lay your head on my shoulder and let it fade away
And if you wanna let go, baby, it's okay

Fall, go on and fall apart
And fall into these arms of mine and I'll catch you
Every time you fall, go on and lose it all
Every doubt, every fear, every worry, every tear
I'm right here, baby fall

Hold on, hold on
Hold on to me

Fall, go on and fall apart
And fall into these arms of mine and I'll catch you
Every time you fall, go on and lose it all
Every doubt, every fear, every worry, every tear
I'm right here, baby fall
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