
Sleepispartofaperson'sdailyactivitycycle.Thereareseveraldifferentstagesofsleep,andthe... Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles. If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you fist drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, you temperature will drop slightly, your muscles will relax, and your breathing well slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow down a bit too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep. slower your brain waves will be. Then about 40to 69 minutes after you lose consciousness you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. Your brain will show the large slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep.

2010-09-30 · TA获得超过288个赞
How students can improve sleep quality
We know that sleep for brain health is of paramount importance. People generally have required more than eight hours of sleep time, and must ensure high quality. If insufficient sleep time or quality is not high, then the brain will have an adverse effect, the brain's fatigue would be difficult to restore seriously the potential impact of the brain's function. If lack of sleep or poor quality sleep, it should be appropriately increased sleep time, such as a short nap in summer, and to find ways to improve sleep conditions. As a general point of view, sleep is to remove the main form of brain fatigue. If long-term lack of sleep or poor quality sleep, it will seriously affect brain function, it is very clever people will become very confused. A lot of people suffering from diseases such as neurasthenia, because a lot of time is caused by a serious lack of sleep.

In short, a person's First, there are many one-third of the time are spent in sleep. While good sleep, can regulate physiological function, the nervous system to maintain balance in life are important. Bad sleep less than the next day will be the first mistake bulging brain, the body can not afford. Sleep and Health at Work and study the relationship between the very closely.

The following areas can improve sleep quality:

* Sleep to moderate

1, we have an important point of view are: essential to sleep sleep. In a lot of books that adults generally sleep 7-8 hours a day on the same subject. Recently, however, the United States, professor of psychology James? Dr. Ma Si pointed out: one person 6-7 hours of sleep at night is not enough. His sleep study results showed that only 8 hours of sleep so the body can only function of the peak. What is so "modest", mainly "to mental and physical restoration," as the criteria.

Human sleep is divided into the slow eye movement sleep and rapid eye movement sleep to two. The concentration of rapid eye movement sleep in memory storage, maintenance organizations, information collation and new learning and performance have occurred in rapid eye movement sleep of the final stage and the rapid eye movement sleep usually occurs in 8-hour sleep period the rear, and can be sustained for about 90 minutes. Although we may not have noticed, but we sleep most of the people are actually not enough, This not only reduces the quality of life, but also may lead to disease.

In order to compensate for this widespread lack of sleep, Dr. Ma Si promote "nap." This nap is the official day of sleep to wake up 20 minutes after the nap, the effect of bed early is much better than the evening.

In particular, we emphasize that although primary and secondary school students now say "burden", but because of a variety of exam pressure, they are not easy, a lot of people obviously insufficient sleep time. Compared with the past, are in fact dark Mingsong tight. This is in fact both the society or the family are not worth the candle. We believe that only sleep sleep can be a good study. Sleep does not prevent future sleep: sleep time must be guaranteed!

* Sleeping environment

To get a good night's sleep, attention to appropriate bedtime Three three bogey very important.

Three are advised to:

Walking bedtime.

"Purple rock hidden book? Dependent book," Say: "sleep when the trip around the room a thousand step-by-step, beginning on the pillow cover is God ... ... labor, labor rates are thinking, moving and seeking a very static."

Sleep should have a suitable environment, the main bedroom is a quiet and comfortable bedding.

Ventilation is an important condition for the bedroom, because fresh air more important than anything else. Regardless of outdoor temperature high or low, should go to bed before the ventilation window. Choose a comfortable bed, and generally moderate brown stretch of soft and hard or soft wood bed of cotton-padded mattress is better. Pillow soft and hard to moderate, as far as possible冬暖夏凉.

Should have a correct sleep posture.

General propositions to the right side,微曲legs, decane are naturally relaxed, single-handedly put elbow pillow ago, on the one hand natural thigh.

To develop good sleep habits.

Whether it is night sleep or nap during the day as far as possible should be maintained at the same time go to bed and get up and holidays are no exception. To have the laws of moderate action.

* Conform to the biological clock

If we get up on time every day, go regularly every morning to greet the sun, then your clock will be running on time. Studies have shown that this is to improve the quality of sleep one of the key elements.

The impact of clock running one of the factors are the body temperature. Studies have shown that temperature fluctuations of the people of the circadian clock has a great impact. Person's body temperature dropped, it is easy to cause drowsiness, which is the use of temperature regulation in an effective way to clock. If temperature regulation out of control, the clock will cause sleep disturbance happened. Ways to control a lot of body temperature, for example, take a bath before going to bed or before going to bed to do 20 minutes of aerobic exercise and so on, to sleep when the body temperature will decline.

In short, the formation of habits, the person will fall asleep on schedule. Young people to develop good sleep habits, this is the most important. Clock are not easily damaged, do not on Saturdays, Sunday evening did not sleep during the day can not afford to undermine its own clock.

* Regulation of Food

We often see this: In the evening a small number of people have substantial consumption of coffee, chocolate, cola, tea and other food or drink does not sleep after the subjective feeling bad, but the experiment confirmed that the depth of their sleep will be adversely affected. So before going to bed, not to eat these things.

In order to get a good sleep effects, before going to bed has the following aspects should be taboo:

Eat three square meals a bogey

78 into a supper you can eat. Do not eat before going to bed so as not to increase Health and gastrointestinal burden.

Avoid drinking strong tea and coffee

Evening not to drink strong tea, coffee and other food, so as to avoid the spirit of excitement, or frequent urination normal sleep.

Avoid alcohol

Studies have shown that alcohol seems to help people fall asleep, but in fact is not correct. Wine in the process of metabolism will release a natural stimulant, to undermine our midnight sleep.

* Noise

Friend because many young people in some kind of noise often, the habit into nature, to adapt to this adverse environment. This should be in our sleep is detrimental, will reduce the concentration of our sleep time. So sleep environment should try to avoid noise interference.

In addition, people who easily suffer from insomnia, drowsiness should have when going to bed, early to bed is often the result of "More haste, less speed", will only increase the psychological pressure. Someone once had such a test, in some cases,晚睡to get up early, to reduce the sleep time, and is conducive to improve sleep quality.

* Sleep time

To improve sleep quality, must pay attention to the time;

Able to obtain a better quality of sleep in sleep time is 21:00 to 11:00, 12:00 to 1:30, 2:00 to 3:30, then dropped the body energy, slow to react, slowed thinking, emotional low conducive to the human body into slow-wave sleep, sweet dreams to enter.

What kind of sleep is the best way? Sleep should be a pleasant state of unconsciousness.

Even if the sleep time is short, and the next day be able to get up very spirit that has good sleep 'quality', but if in sleep after a long time still feel very tired, poor sleep quality on the express.

Modern scientists confirm that the diet for insomnia is the best method of treatment, is better than sleeping pills without side effects. Here are a few are available for trial:

(1) 1 tablespoon vinegar, pour a cup of cold water in the drink, you can fall asleep and sleep soundly hypnosis.

(2) often suffer from insomnia, the use of lotus seeds, longan, lilies with kaoliang cereals (corn)熬粥, sleep has an effect.

(3) blood insomnia, will be dressed in uniforms or lotus root starch, or low heat simmer add honey moderate eating lotus root; also available longan meat 10g, jujube 5 go nuclear, a steamed egg consumption, once a day.

(4) guilty conscience, hyperhidrosis, insomnia, and Pig Heart by a cut, then put into Changium, Danggui the 25g, with steamed to drugs, eating pork heart and soup, have good efficiency.

(5) due to hypertension due to insomnia, the use of banana root 50g, pork 100g,同煮taking it to hypnotic sleep.

(6)怔忡Patient anxiety and insomnia, check plantain root 50g, pork 100g,同煮using them, can fall asleep hypnosis.

(7) of insomnia in patients with neurasthenia, it is desirable serous lettuce 1 tablespoon, dissolved in a glass of water. As a result of this milky juice have a calming sedative function, so has a certain hypnotic effect.

(8)临睡前eat an apple. Or placed in a bedside cabinet or ripping skin incision citrus, so the sleepless smoking smell its aroma, you can calm the central nervous system, helping to fall asleep.

(9) onion pounded appropriate, into the bottle cover, Pillow临睡前on sniffing the air, and generally will be able to fall asleep after a while.

Improve sleep quality ten law

1. Insist on a regular schedule, do not sleep late on weekends. If you sleep late Saturdays Sundays starting late Sunday evening so you may suffer from insomnia.

2.猛吃not猛喝bedtime. Before going to bed around 2 hours to eat a small supper, do not drink too much water, constantly on the toilet at night because affect sleep quality; Evening Do not eat spicy foods rich in fats, because these foods can also affect sleep.

3. Bedtime stay away from coffee and nicotine. Suggest that you do not sleep eight hours before the coffee.

4. Selection exercise time. Afternoon exercise is to help the best time to sleep, and have regular physical exercise can improve nighttime sleep quality.

5. To keep at room temperature with cooler temperatures. Bedroom temperature slightly contribute to sleep.

6. To sleep on the night. Nap during the day may cause sleep time at night was "deprived." Daytime sleep time strictly controlled in less than one hours, and can not sleep after 15 o'clock.

7. To keep silent. Turn off the television and radio, because quiet on the improve sleep quality are very useful.

8. A comfortable bed. A comfortable bed give you a good sleep space. In addition, you have to determine whether bed spacious enough.

9. Bedtime bath. Before going to bed a hot water bath will help relax your muscles, make you sleep better.

10. Do not rely on sleeping pills. Prior to taking sleeping pills should consult their doctors recommend that you do not take sleeping pills over four weeks.

Finally, experts advise, insomnia should not give their own time pressure because the pressure makes you more awake.
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