
我们都知道,上海有许多外来务工人员,其中很大一部分人从事建筑、搬运等技术含量比较低的体力劳动,他们被我们称为农民工。让我们看看周围,房子、马路、高架、地铁,甚至是世博场馆... 我们都知道,上海有许多外来务工人员,其中很大一部分人从事建筑、搬运等技术含量比较低的体力劳动,他们被我们称为农民工。

2010-09-23 · TA获得超过6635个赞
As we all know, there are many migrant workers in shanghai, of which a large number of people engaged in construction, transportation and other relatively low technology manual, they are called peasant workers. Let us look around, houses, roads, elevated, the MTR even the expo venue construction, which opened this special title? Urban economic development of their indispensable. Let us imagine, US local people in the scorching sun, braving the cold wind the clock on the urban road construction, building is? The answer is no doubt that the negative. however, is so difficult to ignore the existence often ignored by us, even discrimination. According to statistics, China has more than 200 million the number of migrant workers has become an important part of the urban social groups. The problem of peasant workers has aroused the concern of the community. And all the people of shanghai, I do not deny some quality of peasant workers is relatively low, they have brought many urban problems, such as theft, robbery and murder, is potentially unsafe factors. When people are constantly accused them of the time, we should also do some soul - searching? 怀揣 their dream from rural areas to cities, But the reality is cruel, they have to face the low wages, serious arrears ; work long hours and security conditions are poor and lack of social security, industrial accidents, school your children to school and many other issues, which led to many social contradictions. They are social exclusion and discrimination, did not enjoy national treatment and power. Under such a vicious circle, when basic survival is threatened, we can ask them who? But this is not a fair society, most of them still choose to stay in the cities of these seems not belong to their hard living and hard work, they and our common good, rely on our own hands and make money to support their families. this is not high, but should be at least some of the respected. About 3 to 4 years ago, I personally experienced one thing. One day, my mother and me through a river, I suddenly discovered that the river was vaguely floating what my vision is better, when I saw I was aware of the seriousness of the matter, It is a human hair. Somebody overboard, and gradually sank. My mother and I did not have the ability to save her, dial 110 is certainly too late, we could only to the people around him for help, Then the prime heard the sound of many local spectators, but no one was willing to launch rescue. This time the shore of a stranger in a small restaurant rushed over, I looked, and dirty, dirty overalls, people lose weight is not robust, he did not know what accent ask the us, and then quickly take off clothes, shoes, water, he floated up the river visibility was very low, indicated that we need more exact location, and then again he dive, this time without success, He consumed too much energy to the shore, all red, and trembling, I guess that water must be very cold. Then came a foreign young man, He went on into the salvage, I feel his dive for a long time, Finally he Floating I saw him an arm. We get ashore the drowning girl, ambulances also arrived, after car drove off I saw the lives of two people dressed quietly walked. This makes me very moved, very shocked. I do not rule out the people of Shanghai Water - General in this matter is rather poor, cannot afford the rescue. however, I wonder if Members have not found that many commended he now. All say that Shanghai is a Sebastian heiner of 100 cities in sichuan, also can accommodate these migrant workers, these brothers or sisters? finally, for everyone to see a screen, china's migrant workers 达人秀 dance. On the issue of migrant workers, people will easily picture, was despised in other provinces and Shanghai people, because their bad impression, can change?
我们都知道,上海有许多外来务工人员,其中很大一部分人从事建筑,搬运等技术含量比较低的体力劳动,他们被我们称为农民工. 让我们看看周围,房子,马路,高架,地铁,甚至是世博场馆的建设,哪一样离得开这个特殊的称谓? 城市经济发展他们必不可少. 试想一下,我们身边的本地人会顶着烈日,冒着寒风日以继夜得为这个城市修路,建房吗? 答案毋庸置疑是否定的. 然而,就是这么一个不容忽视的存在往往被我们所忽视,甚至是歧视. 据统计,我国农民工数量已超过2亿,已成为城市社会群体中的重要组成部分. 农民工问题一再地引起社会的关注. 和所有上海人一样,我不否定农民工的有些素质的确比较低,他们带来了很多城市问题,诸如偷窃,抢劫甚至杀人,是潜在的不安全因素. 当人们不停指责他们的时候,我们是否也应该反省一下? 他们怀揣着梦从农村来到了城市,然而现实总是残酷的,他们必须面对工资偏低,被拖欠现象严重;劳动时间长,安全条件差;缺乏社会保障,工伤事故多,子女上学难上学贵等诸多问题,这些引发了不少社会矛盾. 他们受到社会的排斥和歧视,根本没有享受任何基本的国民待遇和权力. 如此恶性循环下,当基本生存受到威胁时,我们凭什么要求他们还能安分守己? 但是面对这个不公平的社会,他们中的大多数还是选择默默留在这些似乎不属于他们的城市中艰难地生活着,辛勤地工作着,其实他们和我们一样平凡善良,靠着自己的双手赚钱养家,这并没有什么崇高的,但至少应该得到该有的尊重. 大约3,4年前,我亲身经历了一件事. 有一天,我和我妈妈经过一条河,我突然发现河面上隐约飘着什么,我视力比较好,当我看清时我意识到事情的严重性,那是一个人的头发. 有人落水了,并且在渐渐下沉. 我和妈妈都没有能力去救她,拨打110肯定是来不及了,我们只能向周围的人求助,当时有很多本地的壮年闻声过来看热闹,但没有一个人愿意下水救人. 这个时候在岸边小饭店吃饭的一个外地人冲了过来,我打量了一下,脏脏的工作服,人偏瘦不算健壮,他操着一口不知道哪的口音询问了一下我们,然后很快脱了衣服鞋下水了,很快他浮上来了,河水能见度很低,示意我们需要更确切的位置,接着他再一次下潜,这一次也没有成功,他消耗了太多体力只好上岸来,全身都红了,不停打着哆嗦,我猜那水一定很冷. 这时候又来了一个外地小伙子,他继续下水去打捞,我感觉他下潜了很长时候,终于在他浮上来的时候我看到他手里还有一个胳臂. 我们把落水的女孩弄上岸,救护车也到了,等车开走后我看到救人的两个人都穿好衣服默默地走了. 这件事让我很感慨,很震撼. 我不排除在这件事情上上海的人水性普遍比较差,没有能力施救. 但不知道大家有没有发现,现在很多见义勇为的都是外乡人了. 都说上海是一个海纳百川的城市,是否也一样可以包容这些农民工,这些我们的兄弟姐妹呢? 最后,给大家看一段视屏,中国达人秀的民工舞蹈. 就像民工问题一样,人们很容易就会以偏概全,其他省市的人很鄙视上海人的,因为给他们的印象不好,觉得可以改变吗?
2010-09-22 · TA获得超过266个赞
We all know that there are many migrant workers in Shanghai, which is a big part of people engaged in building, handling technology content is low, they are our physical labor is called migrant workers.
Let us look around, house, street, elevated, subway, even the expo venue construction, which was opened this special? Urban economic development they is indispensable. Imagine that all of us locals will be under the scorching sun, risking the night for the city road, building? Answer unquestionable negative. However, it is a neglected is often ignored by our existence, even discrimination.
According to statistics, China has more than 2 million migrant workers number, has become an important part of social group. The problems of rural migrant workers by social concern over and over again. And all from Shanghai, I don't deny migrant workers are relatively low quality of the city, and they brought many problems, such as theft, robbery, is potentially kill the unsafe factors. When people accuse them, whether we should self-reflection? They come from the countryside huaichuai the dream, but the reality is cruel city, they must face low wages by default, serious, For a long time, labor safety condition, The lack of social security, inductrial injury accident, more children to your school to such problems, which caused many social contradictions. They are social exclusion and discrimination, didn't enjoy any basic national treatment and power. Such a vicious cycle, when the basic living under threat, w-shall we require them to still can line? But face the unfair society, most of them still choose to remain silent these don't seem to belong to their city life, hard working hard, just like us, they ordinary kind, by his hands, and it is not the bacon what noble, but at least they should get this some respect.
About 3, 4 years ago, I was experiencing a thing. One day, I and my mother after a river, I suddenly found the river, I faint the eyesight is better, when I see when I realized the seriousness of this problem, it is a man's hair. Somebody drowning, and gradually sink in. My mother and I have no ability to save her, call 110 affirmation is late, we can help to people around, there was a lot of local prime heard over complainers, but no one wants to save water. The little restaurant on the shore of a foreigner, I dashed looked up, dirty clothes, who is not strong, his thin a did not know which of the inquiry about our accent, then quickly stripped off his clothes and shoes down soon he float, the low visibility, signal, we need more exact location, then he descend again, this time, he also failed to consume too much physical body to shore is red and keep cringe, I guess it under the water must be very cold. This again is a guy, he went into town to salvage, I feel he descend a long time, finally he float in when I saw his hand and an arm. We put the drowning girl get ashore, ambulance arrived after the car, I saw save both wear good clothes silently walk.
It makes me very regrets, very shocked. I don't exclude it in Shanghai person, no less common water rescue ability. But do not know everybody has been found, now many heroic were strangers. All that Shanghai is a large city, whether can also containing these migrant workers, these our brothers and sisters?
Finally, for everyone to see a screen, China expert show of migrant workers dance.

As workers, people can easily in other provinces, the man is despised from Shanghai, because of the bad impression to them that can change?
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2010-10-13 · TA获得超过273个赞
We all know that there are many migrant workers in Shanghai, which is a big part of people engaged in building, handling technology content is low, they are our physical labor is called migrant workers.
Let us look around, house, street, elevated, subway, even the expo venue construction, which was opened this special? Urban economic development they is indispensable. Imagine that all of us locals will be under the scorching sun, risking the night for the city road, building? Answer unquestionable negative. However, it is a neglected is often ignored by our existence, even discrimination.
According to statistics, China has more than 2 million migrant workers number, has become an important part of social group. The problems of rural migrant workers by social concern over and over again. And all from Shanghai, I don't deny migrant workers are relatively low quality of the city, and they brought many problems, such as theft, robbery, is potentially kill the unsafe factors. When people accuse them, whether we should self-reflection? They come from the countryside huaichuai the dream, but the reality is cruel city, they must face low wages by default, serious, For a long time, labor safety condition, The lack of social security, inductrial injury accident, more children to your school to such problems, which caused many social contradictions. They are social exclusion and discrimination, didn't enjoy any basic national treatment and power. Such a vicious cycle, when the basic living under threat, w-shall we require them to still can line? But face the unfair society, most of them still choose to remain silent these don't seem to belong to their city life, hard working hard, just like us, they ordinary kind, by his hands, and it is not the bacon what noble, but at least they should get this some respect.
About 3, 4 years ago, I was experiencing a thing. One day, I and my mother after a river, I suddenly found the river, I faint the eyesight is better, when I see when I realized the seriousness of this problem, it is a man's hair. Somebody drowning, and gradually sink in. My mother and I have no ability to save her, call 110 affirmation is late, we can help to people around, there was a lot of local prime heard over complainers, but no one wants to save water. The little restaurant on the shore of a foreigner, I dashed looked up, dirty clothes, who is not strong, his thin a did not know which of the inquiry about our accent, then quickly stripped off his clothes and shoes down soon he float, the low visibility, signal, we need more exact location, then he descend again, this time, he also failed to consume too much physical body to shore is red and keep cringe, I guess it under the water must be very cold. This again is a guy, he went into town to salvage, I feel he descend a long time, finally he float in when I saw his hand and an arm. We put the drowning girl get ashore, ambulance arrived after the car, I saw save both wear good clothes silently walk.
It makes me very regrets, very shocked. I don't exclude it in Shanghai person, no less common water rescue ability. But do not know everybody has been found, now many heroic were strangers. All that Shanghai is a large city, whether can also containing these migrant workers, these our brothers and sisters?
Finally, for everyone to see a screen, China expert show of migrant workers dance.

As workers, people can easily in other provinces, the man is despised from Shanghai, because of the bad impression to them that can change?
楼主我能帮你就帮那么多了! 很高兴能为你解答!

参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/185761435.html?si=2

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2010-09-22 · TA获得超过2071个赞
We all know that there are many migrant workers in Shanghai, which is a big part of people engaged in building, handling technology content is low, they are our physical labor is called migrant workers.
Let us look around, house, street, elevated, subway, even the expo venue construction, which was opened this special? Urban economic development they is indispensable. Imagine that all of us locals will be under the scorching sun, risking the night for the city road, building? Answer unquestionable negative. However, it is a neglected is often ignored by our existence, even discrimination.
According to statistics, China has more than 2 million migrant workers number, has become an important part of social group. The problems of rural migrant workers by social concern over and over again. And all from Shanghai, I don't deny migrant workers are relatively low quality of the city, and they brought many problems, such as theft, robbery, is potentially kill the unsafe factors. When people accuse them, whether we should self-reflection? They come from the countryside huaichuai the dream, but the reality is cruel city, they must face low wages by default, serious, For a long time, labor safety condition, The lack of social security, inductrial injury accident, more children to your school to such problems, which caused many social contradictions. They are social exclusion and discrimination, didn't enjoy any basic national treatment and power. Such a vicious cycle, when the basic living under threat, w-shall we require them to still can line? But face the unfair society, most of them still choose to remain silent these don't seem to belong to their city life, hard working hard, just like us, they ordinary kind, by his hands, and it is not the bacon what noble, but at least they should get this some respect.
About 3, 4 years ago, I was experiencing a thing. One day, I and my mother after a river, I suddenly found the river, I faint the eyesight is better, when I see when I realized the seriousness of this problem, it is a man's hair. Somebody drowning, and gradually sink in. My mother and I have no ability to save her, call 110 affirmation is late, we can help to people around, there was a lot of local prime heard over complainers, but no one wants to save water. The little restaurant on the shore of a foreigner, I dashed looked up, dirty clothes, who is not strong, his thin a did not know which of the inquiry about our accent, then quickly stripped off his clothes and shoes down soon he float, the low visibility, signal, we need more exact location, then he descend again, this time, he also failed to consume too much physical body to shore is red and keep cringe, I guess it under the water must be very cold. This again is a guy, he went into town to salvage, I feel he descend a long time, finally he float in when I saw his hand and an arm. We put the drowning girl get ashore, ambulance arrived after the car, I saw save both wear good clothes silently walk.
It makes me very regrets, very shocked. I don't exclude it in Shanghai person, no less common water rescue ability. But do not know everybody has been found, now many heroic were strangers. All that Shanghai is a large city, whether can also containing these migrant workers, these our brothers and sisters?
Finally, for everyone to see a screen, China expert show of migrant workers dance.

As workers, people can easily in other provinces, the man is despised from Shanghai, because of the bad impression to them that can change?


参考资料: 有道词典

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We all know that there are many migrant workers in Shanghai, which is a big part of people engaged in building, handling technology content is low, they are our physical labor is called migrant workers.
Let us look around, house, street, elevated, subway, even the expo venue construction, which was opened this special? Urban economic development they is indispensable. Imagine that all of us locals will be under the scorching sun, risking the night for the city road, building? Answer unquestionable negative. However, it is a neglected is often ignored by our existence, even discrimination.
According to statistics, China has more than 2 million migrant workers number, has become an important part of social group. The problems of rural migrant workers by social concern over and over again. And all from Shanghai, I don't deny migrant workers are relatively low quality of the city, and they brought many problems, such as theft, robbery, is potentially kill the unsafe factors. When people accuse them, whether we should self-reflection? They come from the countryside huaichuai the dream, but the reality is cruel city, they must face low wages by default, serious, For a long time, labor safety condition, The lack of social security, inductrial injury accident, more children to your school to such problems, which caused many social contradictions. They are social exclusion and discrimination, didn't enjoy any basic national treatment and power. Such a vicious cycle, when the basic living under threat, w-shall we require them to still can line? But face the unfair society, most of them still choose to remain silent these don't seem to belong to their city life, hard working hard, just like us, they ordinary kind, by his hands, and it is not the bacon what noble, but at least they should get this some respect.
About 3, 4 years ago, I was experiencing a thing. One day, I and my mother after a river, I suddenly found the river, I faint the eyesight is better, when I see when I realized the seriousness of this problem, it is a man's hair. Somebody drowning, and gradually sink in. My mother and I have no ability to save her, call 110 affirmation is late, we can help to people around, there was a lot of local prime heard over complainers, but no one wants to save water. The little restaurant on the shore of a foreigner, I dashed looked up, dirty clothes, who is not strong, his thin a did not know which of the inquiry about our accent, then quickly stripped off his clothes and shoes down soon he float, the low visibility, signal, we need more exact location, then he descend again, this time, he also failed to consume too much physical body to shore is red and keep cringe, I guess it under the water must be very cold. This again is a guy, he went into town to salvage, I feel he descend a long time, finally he float in when I saw his hand and an arm. We put the drowning girl get ashore, ambulance arrived after the car, I saw save both wear good clothes silently walk.
It makes me very regrets, very shocked. I don't exclude it in Shanghai person, no less common water rescue ability. But do not know everybody has been found, now many heroic were strangers. All that Shanghai is a large city, whether can also containing these migrant workers, these our brothers and sisters?
Finally, for everyone to see a screen, China expert show of migrant workers dance.

As workers, people can easily in other provinces, the man is despised from Shanghai, because of the bad impression to them that can change?
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