
中文摘要反观我国的会计职业道德现状,尽管经过多年的整顿和建设,却依然令人担忧。职业道德的发展一般经历放纵、顺从和自悟三个阶段。我国的多数学者认为,目前我国的会计职业道德总... 中文摘要

2010-09-24 · TA获得超过2043个赞
When back and comparing with the current situation of professional ethics among the accountants in our country, it is still very worrying despite years of consolidation and construction. The development of professional ethics, generally, will experience indulgence, submission and self-acknowledgement these three stages. Most of the scholars in our country think that the overall situation of the accounting ethics of out country is still at the first stage, which is indulgence. There are multiple existing problems among the accountants: relatively under-level self-consciousness to follow the professional ethics, poor judgement, ineffective measure to strengthen the construction of accounting professional ethics, the poor combination of different types to manage the accounting, morally and legally; moreover, the regulation of the accounting morality and accounting technology regualtion can't support the professional ethics and offer noting to let it function healthily, not being able to adjust the trend of the change of the accounting world.
Along with the gradual completion of our country's market economy and the improvement in marketability, honesty in the accounting will be more strengthened. Therefore, every accountant and related people have to adjust to the trend of change in the accounting development as everyone should become self-consciousness to upgrade oneself's morality and judgement for the professional ethics, in order to make contribution to solidify honesty in accounting. The current problems which are need to be researched and solve are as follow: firstly,the sociality and the metond of realization of honesty in accounting; secondly, howto educate those accountants and related people to willingly upgrade their morality; thirdly, how to balance relationship of morally and legally managing the accounting; and last but not least, how to strengthen the education of accounting ethics professional and so on.
2010-09-23 · TA获得超过965个赞
In contrast China's accounting status of professional ethics, in spite of years of consolidation and building, is still cause for concern.Professional ethics of the development of general experience of indulgence, obedience, and enlighten three stages.China's Most scholars believe that China's current accounting professional ethics in general is still in the indulgence stage, accounting and related personnel to comply with the consciousness of poor accounting ethics, accounting professional judgment weak, and strengthening accounting professional ethics measures is not strong Accounting Accounting Virtue and the combination of the rule of law very place, the accounting code of ethics of the legal norms of accounting and accounting technical specifications will not achieve the role of support and protection, unable to adapt to the development trend of accounting integrity.

As China's market economy has improved steadily, rising market levels, the integrity of the accounting requirements will be further strengthened.Therefore, each accounting workers and related personnel must meet the development trend of accounting integrity, conscious action, from self-starting, from the little things, and constantly improve their standards of professional ethics and moral decision-making capacity, for the accounting industry Construction of integrity and make contributions.Need to study and solve the current problem is: First, the social accounting integrity and Approach; second is how to cultivate and improve the accounting staff and professional ethical standards related to personnel; third is how to handle the accounting of Virtue and the relationship between the accounting rule of law; 4 is how to strengthen the accounting ethics education.
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2010-09-23 · TA获得超过1154个赞
But in our country, the professional status quo, even after years of rectifying and construction, remains worrying. professional development through general indulgence, obedience, and the realization of the three stages. our most think that the professional accountant in our country was in wild, accounting and relevant personnel to do the work ethic, the professional judgment is very weak and strengthen the accounting work ethic of measures for effective rule of virtue, accounting and accounting
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In the situation of the accounting professional ethics in China, although after years of rectification and construction, are still worrying. The development of professional ethics, and general experience indulge in three stages from enlightenment. Most scholars believe that our present accounting professional ethics in general is still in the stage, accounting and indulgence by related personnel of the accounting professional ethics, the accounting professional judgment ability is very weak, strengthen accounting professional ethics construction measures was not strong enough, accounting and accounting rule of virtue is inadequate, the combination of accounting accounting ethics legal norms and accounting technical specifications not support and guarantee, cannot adapt to the development trend of accounting sincerity.

Along with our country market economy system, the degree of marketization of improving the integrity of accounting demand will further strengthen. Therefore, every accounting workers and relevant personnel must adapt to the development trend of accounting sincerity, conscious effort, starting from the self, from small start, continuously improve their professional ethics and morality, accounting for decision-making ability construction of creditable make due contributions. It is necessary to research and solve the problem is: one is the accountant's sincere sociality and realization ways, The second is how to cultivate and improve accounting personnel and personnel of professional ethics, The third is how to handle accounting rule of law and accounting; The fourth is how to strengthen the accounting professional ethics education, etc.
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