Documents required
1. Benneficiary’s signedcommercial invoice in three copies,originals of which must be certified by thechamber of commerce in beneficiary’s country
2. Certificate of origin in threecopies,original of which must be certified by the chamber of commerce inbeneficiary’s country,stating the name of the manufacturer/producer andshipper,confirming that the goods are of Chinese origin.
3. Packing list in two copies.
4. Original F.C.A (forwardercertificate of receipt) issued and dated by the forwarder ‘M/S unitex logisticsLTD,china confirming taking in charge of goods as described in field of thiscredit in good order and condition for onward delivery from any seaport and/orairport in china to any seaport and/or airport in LIBIYA,for the account of applicant ,the actual date of taking incharge of goods should be mentioned on the F.C.R 展开
1. Benneficiary’s signedcommercial invoice in three copies,originals of which must be certified by thechamber of commerce in beneficiary’s country
2. Certificate of origin in threecopies,original of which must be certified by the chamber of commerce inbeneficiary’s country,stating the name of the manufacturer/producer andshipper,confirming that the goods are of Chinese origin.
3. Packing list in two copies.
4. Original F.C.A (forwardercertificate of receipt) issued and dated by the forwarder ‘M/S unitex logisticsLTD,china confirming taking in charge of goods as described in field of thiscredit in good order and condition for onward delivery from any seaport and/orairport in china to any seaport and/or airport in LIBIYA,for the account of applicant ,the actual date of taking incharge of goods should be mentioned on the F.C.R 展开