常言道:“谈虎色变”,“望虎生畏”。在人们心目中,老虎一直是危险而凶狠的动物,是最强大的猫科动物。然而,在正常情况下东北虎一般不轻易伤害人畜,反而是捕捉破坏森林的野猪、狍子的神猎手,而且还是恶狼的死对头。为了争夺食物,东北虎总是把狼赶出自己的活动地带。东北人外出时并不害怕碰见东北虎,而是担心遇上吃人的狼。人们赞誉东北虎是“森林的保护者”。 展开
常言道:“谈虎色变”,“望虎生畏”。在人们心目中,老虎一直是危险而凶狠的动物,是最强大的猫科动物。然而,在正常情况下东北虎一般不轻易伤害人畜,反而是捕捉破坏森林的野猪、狍子的神猎手,而且还是恶狼的死对头。为了争夺食物,东北虎总是把狼赶出自己的活动地带。东北人外出时并不害怕碰见东北虎,而是担心遇上吃人的狼。人们赞誉东北虎是“森林的保护者”。 展开
Siberian tiger body vigorous, agile, and more than 1 meter tall at the shoulder, up to 3.4 meters in length, tail length of about 1 meter, average weight 240 kg or so, is the largest size of cats! The "King of the Jungle" in the title. Siberian tiger's coat bright beauty, tigers, and canines benefits such as blades, sharp, length of 9 cm and 15 cm, is indispensable to tear prey, "knife" is also a powerful weapon for its survival.
As the saying goes: "scared", "tiger look awesome." In people's minds, the tiger has been a dangerous and vicious animals, the most powerful cats. However, under normal circumstances, tigers are generally not easily hurt people and animals, but damage to the forest to capture wild boar, roe deer hunter god, but also a wolf's enemies. In order to compete for food, the Siberian tiger is always out of their activities to the wolf zone. Out of the Northeast Siberian tiger is not afraid to meet, but worried about man-eating wolf encounter. People praise Amur tiger is "the protector of the forest."
As the saying goes: "scared", "tiger look awesome." In people's minds, the tiger has been a dangerous and vicious animals, the most powerful cats. However, under normal circumstances, tigers are generally not easily hurt people and animals, but damage to the forest to capture wild boar, roe deer hunter god, but also a wolf's enemies. In order to compete for food, the Siberian tiger is always out of their activities to the wolf zone. Out of the Northeast Siberian tiger is not afraid to meet, but worried about man-eating wolf encounter. People praise Amur tiger is "the protector of the forest."

2025-02-12 广告
Siberian tiger body vigorous, agile, and more than 1 meter tall at the shoulder, up to 3.4 meters in length, tail length of about 1 meter, average weight 240 kg or so, is the largest size of cats! The "King of the Jungle" in the title. Siberian tiger's coat bright beauty, tigers, and canines benefits such as blades, sharp, length of 9 cm and 15 cm, is indispensable to tear prey, "knife" is also a powerful weapon for its survival.
As the saying goes: "scared", "tiger look awesome." In people's minds, the tiger has been a dangerous and vicious animals, the most powerful cats. However, under normal circumstances, tigers are generally not easily hurt people and animals, but damage to the forest to capture wild boar, roe deer hunter god, but also a wolf's enemies. In order to compete for food, the Siberian tiger is always out of their activities to the wolf zone. Out of the Northeast Siberian tiger is not afraid to meet, but worried about man-eating wolf encounter. People praise Amur tiger is "the protector of the forest." 前面那位同学,请不要抄袭哦!
As the saying goes: "scared", "tiger look awesome." In people's minds, the tiger has been a dangerous and vicious animals, the most powerful cats. However, under normal circumstances, tigers are generally not easily hurt people and animals, but damage to the forest to capture wild boar, roe deer hunter god, but also a wolf's enemies. In order to compete for food, the Siberian tiger is always out of their activities to the wolf zone. Out of the Northeast Siberian tiger is not afraid to meet, but worried about man-eating wolf encounter. People praise Amur tiger is "the protector of the forest." 前面那位同学,请不要抄袭哦!