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2023-02-14 · TA获得超过289个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】暑假生活像一个五彩斑斓的梦,使人留恋,使人向往,暑假发生的一件件有趣的事,常常把我带进美好的回忆中。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is almost over. During the holidays, I almost hid at home to read without going out of the gate. There were not many interesting things, but the false alarm made me have endless afterthoughts.

  Remember one day, I was at home alone. After I finished my homework, I went for a walk in the park opposite. Near noon, when I came to my house, I found that I had not taken the key with me. I was like an ant on a hot pot, turning round and round. My originally happy and smiling face suddenly changed from sunny to cloudy, as if a wonderful Sichuan opera had been performed. Hey, what should I do? The door can't be opened, I can't eat lunch, I have no place to sleep in the afternoon... Thinking about it, I feel more depressed.

  I knocked on the door of my neighbor's house and said to the uncle who opened the door: "uncle, I forgot to bring my key when I went out, and my mother is not at home. Could you lend me the phone and let me tell my mother..." I actually talked a lot about this phone borrowing. I pushed and knocked every word in a reasonable way. Now I think back, it was definitely an excellent oral composition. But the uncle was unmoved and coldly threw out the two words "not to borrow", and closed the door.

  When I faced the door of my house, I felt a sudden ecstasy. "Ah?" I was stunned. It turned out that the door was not locked. It was just a small lock at the bottom. Once the handle was turned, the door would open. I leaned against the door frame, angry and funny.

  It's interesting to think about it now. It also makes me understand: in fact, there is no absolute failure in this world. What fails is often our methods and attitudes towards problems. Most of the time, failure is just a frightening wooden bridge over the torrent of water. Go over it, and success is waiting for you.


  The summer vacation I long for has finally come! Although it is accompanied by homework and tutoring classes and our parents' desire for final exam results. But in any case, we will be happy, because children of our age have always yearned for holidays.

  Unknowingly, the x month of summer vacation has passed. Are you happy? Anyway, I am very happy. Because there are many interesting things to accompany, it is difficult to be unhappy. Now let me tell you an interesting story.

  In the past x months, although there were many tutoring classes and the homework was messy, I was very happy. In fact, it's very good to go to the tutorial class. You can have many friends.

  I once went to an English class and met one of my classmates who was also in our classroom. I was wondering why he came back. Did he come to this classroom? Sure enough, he came to class. When the teacher called the roll, they were discussing their grades with each other. One person said that he scored 102 points in the math test. As a result, my classmate bragged about his score of about 110, and said that none of you in this room exceeded this score. The teacher was also praising him: "Oh, so high in the exam!" Hearing the teacher's praise, he was very happy and raised his head proudly.

  At this time, I couldn't watch any more, so I said, "cut, it's good to show off just a few points on the test." He turned to look at me and said, "it's like you got full marks in the exam." I smiled and said, "how do you know how many points I got in the exam without asking?" "How many scores did you get?" "120?" "Cut, it's a lie." "I don't know my grades, as if you knew it." but even if he didn't accept the reality, he had to accept it. But as soon as he said that no one would surpass him, someone came to make him speechless.

  We all laughed, but only three did not. One was the teacher, one was him, and the other was me. I think it's really not funny. I was speechless by what I said. It's really not funny.

  Summer vacation is a good time, there are always many interesting things. This is an interesting thing in the summer vacation, a thing that only belongs to this summer vacation.


  The most interesting thing about this summer vacation is to help dad wash his hair.

  This afternoon, dad was about to go to the bathroom to wash his hair, but I pulled him back: "Dad, can I help you wash your hair?" "Can you do it?" Dad said. I played the coquette "let me have a try" while moving rescue troops to my mother. Mom had to help persuade dad. My mother and I took him (my father) to the bathroom without my father's consent, just like the police caught a thief. Although he finally "surrendered", he was still skeptical and said, "can you really?" I said confidently: "of course!"

  I have prepared a bottle of shampoo, a basin of warm water, a towel and a comb. Everything is ready except the east wind! Shampoo action begin now! I put the towel on my father's shoulder and began to wash my father's hair. The first step: wet my hair. OK! I poured water on dad's head. "Wow! Is there any mistake? I'm almost drowned!" Because of the large mouth of the basin, the water flowed out too much, making his face full of water. It's really the first time that pig Bajie eats watermelon! I apologized repeatedly: "sorry! Sorry!" after soothing my father, I continued to help him wash his hair. Step 2: apply shampoo. I poured some shampoo on my father's head, and then scratched and scratched on his head, just like a professional shampoo. But when I looked down at my father, I only saw a painful expression on his face. I felt a little guilty. But as the saying goes, "there is no return arrow when I draw a bow", I had to listen to it! "Dad, all right!"

  Our family of three is happy


  During the summer vacation, our family went to Dalian to travel. In the torrent adventure palace of Xinghai Park, my brother and I had a good time!

  My sister and I happily boarded the expedition ship and began to move forward. The boat rushed forward with the speed of the current. Suddenly, the boat turned a corner and entered a dark cave. There were no fingers in the cave, and sometimes there were terrible bat calls. Our boat rose to a height of seven or eight meters. After reaching the peak, it immediately dived down and splashed water four or five meters high. The ship continued to move forward. In the depths of the cave, there was a weak light, and countless huge things appeared. When the boat approached, we were surprised to find that there were many vivid dinosaurs. If I don't look carefully, I'll be really surprised. These dinosaurs looked terrible with their mouths wide open. The flow of water accelerated. After a sharp turn, we came to the "ape man world". In the dense forest, we can see the vivid figure of our ancestors. Some of them are sitting on the grass, watching around a round object, some are hanging from the trees, and some are washing their faces and feet by the water. Suddenly, a huge crab was lying on the water, blocking our way. The clever sister shrunk her head and just passed. I bowed my head and tried, but I couldn't. I just squatted at the bottom of the cabin. Hey, I really succeeded.

  We had just passed through an obstacle when the water stopped. We had to paddle by ourselves. My sister and I worked together and rowed hard. About 20 minutes later, we reached the end, ending this exciting and interesting adventure tour.


  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon finally came my long-awaited summer vacation. Out of school, I just like a bird out of its cage. I feel everything is so beautiful.

  On the first day, I used to wake up very early. I always hoped that as long as I could see the bright sunshine every morning, I would feel happy. Every morning when I get up, I can't wait to open the curtains, go into the balcony, breathe the fresh air, listen to the birds, smell the fragrance of the grass, feel the cool wind, and look at the pedestrians on the road. My heart is full of happiness. But when I go to school every day, I have no mood to enjoy the fresh air.

  Open the curtains, the birds on the branches say hello to me, and the grass nods to me. At this time, I found a fireball rising out of the sky in the East. The fireball is red and dazzling. A beautiful day has also begun.

  In the first few days, I was really happy and free. There is no restriction on the homework that must be handed in every day, nor the pain of being called to the office to be criticized every day, nor is there any need to get up before dawn every day in order not to be late. That feels really good.

  Every day when I wake up, I watch TV and play with the computer. This is the case every day. But just after the summer vacation, I began to look forward to the beginning of school. This is just the opposite of the previous holiday. Now I feel that my life at school is more interesting. You know, my summer vacation is so dull that it is like a glass of boiled water in a glass. Through the glass, you can see at a glance that it is just boiled water, without any imagination of a goblet full of red wine.

  It took me three days and two nights to eliminate my four homework. What should I do next?

  I'm looking forward to the beginning of school, looking forward to returning to the classroom, and returning to our collective. But then I had to start to go to school every day before dawn, and live a two-point and one-line life at school and home; I had to be hungry all morning in order to get to school without having time for breakfast. The summer vacation is really joyful and worrying.


  The summer vacation has already passed, and the scenes of the summer vacation are disappearing in my mind. However, there is one thing I can never forget. That day, when I saw that my parents had not finished work, my stomach began to sing "empty city" with "Gulu, Gulu". I thought: my parents came so late, I'll cook by myself! Action is better than heart. I took out bean sprouts from the refrigerator, picked them up, and washed them in the vegetable washing basin. I turned on the gas, sat the pot, and began to prepare the necessary seasonings, salt, vinegar, MSG, chicken essence, what else? Oh, yes, some more ginger, garlic and shredded green onions. I cut them carefully. When I opened the gas valve, the pot was dry and I poured some oil. After the oil is hot, I put the ginger, garlic and onion shreds into the pot and stir fry them continuously. After the fragrance comes out, I put the bean sprouts into the pot and stir fry them for a while. Then I put the salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and other seasonings into the pot. Then, I smelled a strong aroma, so I turned off the gas. Then, I carefully put the bean sprouts on the plate and brought them to the table. I appreciated my masterpiece and said proudly, "ha ha, it's done." Then I will wait for my parents to come back and enjoy the delicious food.

  After a while, my parents came back. When they smelled the fragrance, they came to the kitchen and said, "son, did you make this?" "Ha ha, your son didn't do it. Who else did it?" I am happy with pride. The parents said in unison: "Oh! It seems that our son has really grown up and is very good at cooking. That's great!" After listening to my parents, I felt very happy.

  Through this event, I understand a truth: as long as you work hard, there is nothing you can't do.


  This summer holiday, our family went to many interesting and interesting places to play. We went to the East Lake drifting, the farmhouse in the countryside, and the whole family learned to play badminton. I had a very happy and full summer holiday this year.

  Just after the holiday, my mother took me to drift in the Dongjiang Lake. The scenery around the Dongjiang Lake is very charming. The bamboo forests on the mountain are rustled by the breeze. The lake is clear and the Dongjiang fish unique to the Dongjiang Lake are swimming happily in the water. It makes me feel that there is a kind of Xanadu scenery here. When drifting, I felt the tension and excitement that I had never felt before, especially when the kayak rushed from the upstream to the downstream along the rapid flow of water. My heart pounded and my blood accelerated. The rapid flow was like a runaway wild horse, and our kayak was like a green leaf in the whirlpool. I had to close my eyes and scream. It was really exciting and fun.

  During the summer vacation, our family went to the farmhouse in the suburb on a sunny weekend. There, I felt the hardships of the farmers' uncles. In the hot summer sun, they worked hard in the fields from morning to night, watering, fertilizing, weeding and weeding melons and vegetables. In the hot sun, I saw their skin was tanned and bright, and I immediately felt sympathy. I thought: I will not waste food in the future, because they are so hard won! This trip to the countryside has given me a lot of insight.

  The study and sports in the summer life also make my summer vacation full of happiness and vitality. I go to the Cambridge children's English training class at the Youth Palace every morning. This not only cultivates my interest in learning English, but also improves my English level. I also insist on learning to play badminton and run every day. This is mainly to strengthen my physique, so that my fat can be turned into muscle. In the summer vacation, the harvest of study and exercise is really not small!

  This is my summer vacation life this year, a colorful summer vacation. I hope that the winter and summer holidays in the future will be like this, so that our primary school students can truly feel the happiness brought by the holiday.


  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, a new summer vacation has finally begun. I have participated in many social activities, including military training, travel to Beijing, and some interesting activities such as foreign cousins visiting relatives here.

  I think the most meaningful thing is military training. Military training not only gives me the perseverance of a soldier, but also gives me sufficient confidence. Get rid of the bad habits of our little princesses and emperors. Wash the clothes and fold the quilt by yourself. All these should be completed independently.

  I remember when I was practicing catching the enemy's fist, the sun was so hot that the leaves were wilting. We still hit and walked well step by step. The instructor said: "1 move, 2 move, 3 move, 4 move, 5 move... 28 move." We should be strong and steady in every move and move, and we should also shout loudly: "ha! Ha! Ha!" In order to make us excited and stronger, the instructor also held a relay race for us. Some girls broke their legs and went back to the dormitory for rest. I also broke my legs. However, I stayed with my perseverance to continue training. Through this incident, we even looked at me with new eyes.

  As the saying goes: first bitter, then sweet! Before participating in these social activities, you must complete the summer homework first. I do 5 pages a day. Sometimes when I am tired, I will read some extra-curricular books or play computer for 30 minutes to chat with my classmates.


  This summer holiday, in fact, there was not much homework, but because my grades were not good, my mother added two kinds of homework to me, copying math problems, and copying the English of the fourth grade books two times. This mountain of homework nearly collapsed me. But I can get a good score next year. I can't bear it.

  My good friend called me down to play, but I couldn't, because I couldn't delay my homework, and I couldn't finish it.

  In order to regain my freedom as soon as possible, I worked hard, sometimes at 9 o'clock, and sometimes at 4 o'clock. After a month, I finally finished writing, and I could play with my friends again. I was not so happy. I always felt that my efforts in this month were not in vain.

  Think about it carefully. It's not my mother's fault that I can't go out to play and I have to stay at home to do my homework. It's my fault. On the day of the exam, I was always elated, secretly looked down on other students and thought I knew all the questions. When the teacher handed out the paper, I just glanced at the questions on the paper and didn't pay any attention to them. I found that I knew all the questions, so I picked up my pen and wrote them, The examination time was 100 minutes, and I finished the whole paper in 40 minutes. After a cursory look, I handed in the paper.

  When the test paper was handed out, I felt cool. The 89 points written in red pen on the test paper were particularly conspicuous at this time, as if laughing at me: "ha ha! You are so stupid. You can make mistakes on such a simple test paper!" I was numb at that time. Fortunately, my mother just let me work hard. She didn't beat me or scold me.

  I think that I must study hard next semester and try to get a good score to express my apologies to my mother and make her happy.


  Summer life is like a colorful dream, like a string of shining pearls, which makes people miss and yearn for. There is one thing that has been deeply imprinted on my mind, and it will be fun to think of it now!

  Summer vacation is coming. I went back to Nanxiong and went to the countryside with my grandfather at 9:00 in the morning. I'm from the city and haven't been to the countryside yet! Walking into the countryside, there are also rice beside the road. When I arrived at my destination, it was very hot. The cicadas in the tree are crying as if saying: "it's hot, it's hot... I have nothing to do. Suddenly, I thought of a good idea. I went to my friends and said," go, buddy, let's go and catch the cicadas. " My opinion was unanimously adopted. With the tools for catching cicadas, we set off. We were walking along the roadside. Suddenly, I saw a cicada. My eyes were shining with gold. I held the net and shouted, "die!" Before I caught it with the "net of law", it had already escaped. I learned from this failure that we should be careful when catching cicadas and not act rashly. As the saying goes, "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." The second time, I learned the lesson of the last time. I crept to a tree, then netted it, but let it fly away. The third time, I caught a cicada, but when I put it into the box, I didn't catch it well and flew away. After three failures, I finally realized the skill of catching cicadas. I caught many cicadas one after another. My friends looked at me, and I returned home with a full load.

  This summer holiday is very interesting. It brings me a lot of laughter and happiness.

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