如图,有P1到P6,每个P后面有几个不等的数值,这里P1有一个(1),p2有2个(4,6),p3有2个(2,3),p4有3个(9,10, 11)p5有2个(7,8),p6有2个(12)。要解决的是在P1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6中各取一个数,排列组合成如图中8-13行中所示的组合,一共应该有1*2*2*3*2*1=24种组合,我写了3组。请问,如何用VBA写个代码来做这个工作,因为以后每个P后面的数值的个数会有不同,组合会更多,。谢谢啦!
Sub a()
Dim a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, b, c
b = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(1))
For a1 = 2 To 6
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(a1)) > b _
Then b = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(a1))
c = 2
For a1 = 2 To b
If Cells(1, a1) <> "" Then
For a2 = 2 To b
If Cells(2, a2) <> "" Then
For a3 = 2 To b
If Cells(3, a3) <> "" Then
For a4 = 2 To b
If Cells(4, a4) <> "" Then
For a5 = 2 To b
If Cells(5, a5) <> "" Then
For a6 = 2 To b
If Cells(6, a6) <> "" Then
Cells(8, c) = Cells(1, a1)
Cells(9, c) = Cells(2, a2)
Cells(10, c) = Cells(3, a3)
Cells(11, c) = Cells(4, a4)
Cells(12, c) = Cells(5, a5)
Cells(13, c) = Cells(6, a6)
c = c + 1
Dim a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, b, c
b = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(1))
For a1 = 2 To 6
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(a1)) > b _
Then b = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(a1))
c = 2
For a1 = 2 To b
If Cells(1, a1) <> "" Then
For a2 = 2 To b
If Cells(2, a2) <> "" Then
For a3 = 2 To b
If Cells(3, a3) <> "" Then
For a4 = 2 To b
If Cells(4, a4) <> "" Then
For a5 = 2 To b
If Cells(5, a5) <> "" Then
For a6 = 2 To b
If Cells(6, a6) <> "" Then
Cells(8, c) = Cells(1, a1)
Cells(9, c) = Cells(2, a2)
Cells(10, c) = Cells(3, a3)
Cells(11, c) = Cells(4, a4)
Cells(12, c) = Cells(5, a5)
Cells(13, c) = Cells(6, a6)
c = c + 1
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