Don ' t be a monkey - - be a man
不要做一只猴子? ? 成为一个人 。
But our love makes us into one
但相爱使我们 成为一个人
Being too straight - forward and outspoken could bee one ' s achilles ' heel
说话太过爽直,可能 成为一个人 的缺点。
Where does the photographer cease being a photographer , and start being a human being
在什麼地方摄影师不再是一个摄影师,而是 成为一个人 ?
God had to e to pla earth to show himself in a body where he could talk ; he could touch people with his hand , and love them with his gentle spirit
他要做一次,要 成为一个人 ,让他用舌头说话,用手触摸,并能用灵魂发出呼声。他成为人一次,若他成为人,他便会死。
Cultural basis of a person is the important root for his existing and developing , a person may have many properties , but only through the cultural basis can they make up an organic whole
摘要人的文化本体是人存在和发展的重要根基,人的社会性、自然性和心智性等各种属性和本质,只有在文化本体的基础上,方能综合 成为一个人 有机的整体系统。