我非常擅长在线查找信息和使用Microsoft Office。"
I am quite skilled at finding information online and using Microsoft Office."
Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework.
One way you can locate information in an Access database is to create and run a query.
The search system improves the information retrieval performance in the community and makes the collaboration among organizations more effective.
Search engine is an important tool for Internet users to find information in the vast amounts of data on the Web.
Extensible search makes finding information from across IBM and your own enterprise simple.
With the explosive increase of the network information, it becomes more and more difficult for people to find the information they needed.
Two-thirds of Americans use Google to look for information on everything from aardvark aromatics to zygotic cleavage.
首先,IBM Support Assistant可以用于从IBM内部和外部的关键资源查找信息。
To start, the IBM Support Assistant can be used to find information from key resources both within and outside of IBM.
You can also view the Communities tag cloud to filter communities based on tags or utilize the full-text search capabilities to find information.
Internet is one of the most important way of getting information in information times. Internet search engine based on keywords has become the main means of searching information on internet.