
EconomicandSocialbackgroundinadministrativeareaofSouthernProvincialCouncilIthasalanda... Economic and Social background in administrative area of Southern Provincial Council
It has a land area of 5544 Sq. kilo meters which consists of 5383 kilometers of upland and 161 Sq. Kilometers of internal lakes.
Out or this land area, the amount of land utilized for Agriculture and Plantation Industry is 17 5,504 hectares which covers 48,753 hectares of Tea, 10,173 hectares of Rubber, 48,716 hectares of Coconut, 19,435 hectares of Cinnamon and 48,427 hectares of Paddy.
The estimated population within Southern Province at the end of the year 2006 is 23,87,489. According to the data in year 2002 of Department of census and statistics, more than 60% of this population that is 616112 families live below the poverty line. That is. 176021 family units in Galle district 162278 family units in Matara District and 277,813 family units in Hambantota District. Therefore, the investment and divisional investment in the Province is at a very low level and most of the rich persons in the Southern Province have done their investment beyond the Southern Province and this matter has aggravated this condition. About 40% of these persons are in a situation when they cannot find basic living needs.
It is a truth that has to be accepted that considerable development has not been affected although several sector development programmes and projects have been implemented targeting economic development of the Province. According to the report of Central bank for year 2003 – 2004 it, has been indicated that per capita income in Southern Province is Rs. 3,279/- and this indicates the development condition of the Province. This could be indicated as the best indicator of measuring economic condition of the Province.
Even in a background of this nature which shows a weakness prevailing in the economy of the Province, an important place in the economy of the country has been received by contributing 10% of the economy out of local gross production, not because of any thing else other than the opportunities existing in capable entrepreneurs, educated trained work force, developed agriculture and also partly developed industrial production and tourism activities.
It has been disclosed at a study done regarding work force of the Province, that majority of employees are engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, fisheries that are primary productive activities while rest of the group is engaged in industrial productions and service sectors. Industrial sector is limited to few large scale and small scale limited productive businesses and few productive businesses based on small scale cottage industries and ancestral techniques.
5 It is not a secret when comparing comparatively with other Provinces, unemployment ratio and under employment assumes a very high value and it has become a grave social problems.
在南方省的在2006年年底的人口估计为23,87,489。据有关资料在部门年度普查和统计,超过60的人口是616112这以下的家庭生活在贫困线%2002。这是。在加勒地区162278 176021在马塔拉区和277813在汉班托塔区家庭为单位的家庭单位的家庭单位。因此,投资在全省分区投资在一个非常低的水平,在南方省最丰富的人已经做了他们超越南省投资,这件事情加剧这一状况。约有40%是这些人的处境时,他们无法找到的基本生活需要。
这是一个事实,必须承认,相当大的发展并没有受到影响,虽然有几个部门的发展计划和项目实施针对全省经济发展。据对2003年至央行报告 - 2004年,一直表示,在南部省份,每人均收入是卢比。 3279 / - 这表明了省的发展情况。这可能表明作为衡量经济状况的省的最佳指标。
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