一封信的英文 a letter
1、你每到一个地方,都要给我写一封信。Everywhere you are, don't forget to write me a letter.然后我请他们给我写一封信,告诉我他们是谁。
2、I then asked them to write me a letter, telling me who they are.她总是一个月写一封信给我
3、即使仅仅是为了责备我还没有回她的上一封信。She always writes me once a month, if only to scold me because I haven't answered her last letter yet.
4、那么写一封信给我带去,告诉他赶快卖掉,一分一秒都不要耽误,或者我到那儿时已经晚了!Then give me a letter to him, and tell him to sell out without an instant's delay, perhaps even now I shall arrive too late.
5、是的,我要你写一封信,寄这个包裹并打电话给我的律师。Yes, I need you to take a letter, deliver this package and call my lawyer.
6、夏令营的第一天,我们就被要求写一封信给我们的父亲,告诉他们我们已经平安到达。During our first day at summer camp we were told to tell them that we had arrived safely.
7、我每星期给我父亲写一封信。I write to my father once a week.
8、你愿意向我们和其他读者介绍你自己吗?给我们写一封信吧。Would you like to introduce your-self to us and other readers? Write to us.