The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival that takes place on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar. It is celebrated to commemorate the life and death of the famous poet and statesman Qu Yuan, who lived during the Warring States period of ancient China.
The festival is named after the custom of racing dragon boats, which are long, narrow boats decorated like dragons. 端午节,又称为龙舟节,是中国传统节日之一,时间为农历五月初五。它的庆祝活动是为了纪念著名的诗人和政治家屈原,他生活在中国古代战国时期。 这个节日以赛龙舟的习俗命名,龙舟是一种长而狭窄、装饰成龙形的船只。
These boats are manned by a team of rowers and have a drummer at the front to set the pace. The races are held in rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water, with teams competing against each other to reach the finish line first. The dragon boat races are not only a thrilling sport but also a display of teamwork and unity.龙舟由一支划船队伍组成,船头有一个鼓手来定节奏。赛龙舟活动在河流、湖泊和其他水域举行,各队伍争相冲向终点线。龙舟赛不仅是一项激动人心的运动,也是团队合作和团结的展示。 除了赛龙舟,端午节还以其传统食物粽子而闻名。
Apart from dragon boat races, the Dragon Boat Festival is also known for its traditional food called zongzi. Zongzi are sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves and filled with various ingredients such as pork, beans, and nuts. They are steamed or boiled for several hours, resulting in a delicious and aromatic treat. Eating zongzi during the festival is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.粽子是用竹叶包裹的糯米团,里面填有猪肉、豆类和坚果等各种食材。粽子经过数小时的蒸煮,变得美味芳香。在节日期间食用粽子被认为可以驱邪避祸,带来好运。
Another significant custom during the Dragon Boat Festival is the hanging of pouches of herbs, known as xiong huang, on doors and windows. These pouches are made of colorful silk and filled with herbs such as Artemisia and realgar, which are believed to have the power to repel evil spirits and prevent diseases. 在端午节期间,还有一个重要的习俗是在门窗上挂香囊。这些香囊由彩色丝绸制成,内装艾草和雄黄等草药,被认为具有驱邪和防病的功效。