机会的英文的用法:Don't miss this chance to showcase your talent。(不要错过展示你才能的机会)。I was given the opportunity to study abroad。(我有机会出国留学)。She seized the chance to start her own business。(她抓住机会开始了自己的事业)。
There are plenty of job opportunities in the tech industry。(科技行业有很多就业机会)。I'm grateful for the chance to meet such influential people。(我很感激有机会见到这样有影响力的人)。
1、You must grasp this opportunity。你必须抓住机会。
2、chance opportunity。错过机会。
3、take this occasion to。借此机会。
4、avail oneself of the opportunity to。放弃机会。
5、throw away one is chance。抓住机会。
6、seize a chance。千载难逢的好机会。
7、the chance of a lifetime。高兴有机会访问贵国。
8、be pleased to have the opportunity of visiting your country。我没有给他说话的机会。