As you know that there is a new vocabulary word for each week on your student's planner, I said that the word for last week was goal. But I forgot to mention that this week's word is motivation.
From what you did on the homework of the word for the week, you defined 5 words. From the week of August 2 on page 10 in your student planner, the words start as follow each week: enthusiasm, courage, enterprise, ambition, attitude, hope, goals, and motivation. There are total of 8 vocabulary words. Out of these eight words, think to yourself 'Which ONE matters to you the most on helping you to succeed in learning? WHY???' Part of your writing homework is to answer this question and think out reason(s) WHY you choose the ONE. Please don't give one or two sentences as your answer. I want you to answer the question fully in depth and state what is your reason for picking that PARTICULAR ONE vocabulary.
For math extended response question: A cable company charges a $25 set-up fee and $34.95 each month for basic service. Write an algebraic expression to model these charges. Evaluate the expression for 1 to 6 months.
Let me know if you need any more clarification on these two homework. Thank you. Enjoy your weekend with extra homework to think more.
Reminder: Start thinking your career goal as ONE of our big project for this year as eighth graders.
Thank you, Ms.Ruan 展开
As you know that there is a new vocabulary word for each week on your student's planner, I said that the word for last week was goal. But I forgot to mention that this week's word is motivation.
From what you did on the homework of the word for the week, you defined 5 words. From the week of August 2 on page 10 in your student planner, the words start as follow each week: enthusiasm, courage, enterprise, ambition, attitude, hope, goals, and motivation. There are total of 8 vocabulary words. Out of these eight words, think to yourself 'Which ONE matters to you the most on helping you to succeed in learning? WHY???' Part of your writing homework is to answer this question and think out reason(s) WHY you choose the ONE. Please don't give one or two sentences as your answer. I want you to answer the question fully in depth and state what is your reason for picking that PARTICULAR ONE vocabulary.
For math extended response question: A cable company charges a $25 set-up fee and $34.95 each month for basic service. Write an algebraic expression to model these charges. Evaluate the expression for 1 to 6 months.
Let me know if you need any more clarification on these two homework. Thank you. Enjoy your weekend with extra homework to think more.
Reminder: Start thinking your career goal as ONE of our big project for this year as eighth graders.
Thank you, Ms.Ruan 展开
上星期的你们的家庭作业给5个词下了定义。从8月2号你们学生计划第十页开始,你们每个星期分别要学习一下的单词:enthusiasm, courage, enterprise, ambition, attitude, hope, goals, 和motivation。总共有8个单词,除了这8个单词,我还要你们想想一个问题“哪一个单词对于你能够学好(知识)最有帮助。为什么?” 你们写作作业的一部分就是回答这个问题,并且说出一个或者几个理由来说明为什么。我希望你们是深入地思考了,并告诉我为什么选择这个特殊的词。
另一项数学扩展题:一家有线电视公司要索取25美金的成立费用,和每个月34.95美金的基本服务费。 写一个不定式代数来表达这个费用。计算一下1-6月份的表达。
我好有耐性 = =
上星期的你们的家庭作业给5个词下了定义。从8月2号你们学生计划第十页开始,你们每个星期分别要学习一下的单词:enthusiasm, courage, enterprise, ambition, attitude, hope, goals, 和motivation。总共有8个单词,除了这8个单词,我还要你们想想一个问题“哪一个单词对于你能够学好(知识)最有帮助。为什么?” 你们写作作业的一部分就是回答这个问题,并且说出一个或者几个理由来说明为什么。我希望你们是深入地思考了,并告诉我为什么选择这个特殊的词。
另一项数学扩展题:一家有线电视公司要索取25美金的成立费用,和每个月34.95美金的基本服务费。 写一个不定式代数来表达这个费用。计算一下1-6月份的表达。
我好有耐性 = =