Android 4.4 还流行 tab bar 底部导航栏吗
推荐于2016-12-05 · 知道合伙人数码行家
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首先要说明的是,这种底部导航栏并不是Android design推荐的(准确来说在Android design里面根本没有这种导航模式),这种底部tab的导航模式是从 ios design上移植过来的(如下图所示)。
Android 4.0 里面的导航主要是通过底部的“向上”虚拟键、action bar、navigation draw来实现应用内和应用间导航的。
而且,因不同的设计哲学和为了区分系统品牌风格, Android design中还明确说明不要使用底部tab导航栏:Don't use bottom tab bars. Other platforms use the bottom tab bar to switch between the app's views. Per platform convention, Android's tabs for view control are shown in action bars at the top of the screen instead. In addition, Android apps may use a bottom bar to display actions on a split action bar. You should follow this guideline to create a consistent experience with other apps on the Android platform and to avoid confusion between actions and view switching on Android.