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2016-05-12 · 超过62用户采纳过TA的回答

近5年内在国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录论文40余篇,包括在Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, J Plant等国际顶级与权威学术刊物上发表论文10多篇。研究成果被广泛引用,应邀多次在国内外际学术会议上作大会报告。
1) Jing Li, Shihua Zhu, Xinwei Song, Yi Shen, Hanming Chen, Jie Yu, Keke Yi,Yanfen Liu, Valerie J.Karplus, Ping Wu * and Xing Wang Deng * 2006 A Rice Glutamate-receptor-like Gene Is Critical for Division and Survival of In dividual Cells in the Root Apical Meristem .Plant Cell 18:340-319. (SCI)
2)Xiaopeng Qi, Jie Zhou, Qiaojun Jia, Huixia Shou, Hanmin Chen, Ping Wu * 2005 A characterization of the response to auxin of the small GTPase, Rha1. Plant Science, 169:1136-1145.(SCI)
3)Min Xu, Ling Zhu, Huixia Shou * and Ping Wu ** 2005. A PIN1 Family Gene, OsPIN1, involved in Auxin-dependent Adventitious Root Emergence and Tillering in Rice. Plant Cell Physiol. 46(10): 1674-1681.(SCI)
4)Tao Lin, XiaoWei He, Ling Yang, HuiXia Shou, Ping Wu * 2005 Identification and characterization of a novel water-stress-suppressed gene OsARD encoding an aci-reductone-dioxygenase-like protein in rice. Gene, 360:27–34. (SCI)
5) Keke Yi1†, Zhongchang Wu1†, Jie Zhou1, Liming Du1, Longbiao Guo2, Yunrong Wu1, Ping Wu1* 2005 OsPTF1, anovel transcription factor involved in tolerance to phosphate-starvation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant Physiology, 138:2087-2096. (SCI)
6) Hongjia Liu†, Shoufeng Wang†, Xiaobo Yu†, Jie Yu, Xiaowei He, Shelong Zhang, Huixia Shou, Ping Wu* 2005 ARL1, a LOB-domain protein required for adventitious root formation in rice. The Plant Journal, 43:47-56. (SCI)
7) Huawu Jiang, Shaomin Wang, Lei Dang, Shoufeng Wang, Hanmin Chen, Yunrong Wu, Xinhang Jiang, Ping Wu* 2005 A novel short-root gene encodes a glucosamine-6-phosphate acetyltransferase, required for maintaining normal root cell shape in rice。 Plant Physiology, 138:232-242. (SCI)
8)Hou XL, Wu P*, Jiao FC, Jia QJ, Chen HM, Yu J, Song XW, Yi KK 2005. Regulation of the expression of OsIPS1 and OsIPS2 in rice via systemic and local Pi signaling and hormones. Plant Cell and Environment, 28:353-364. (SCI)
9)Dian WM, Jiang HW and Wu Ping* 2005. Evolution and expression analysis of starch synthase III and IV in rice. JEB, 412:623-632. (SCI)
10)MAO Chuan-zao,YANG Ling ,ZHENG Bing-song ,WU Yun-rong,LIU Fei-yan,YI Ke-ke,WU Ping* 2004 Comprarative mapping of QTLs for Al tolerance in rice and identification of positional Al –induced genes. JZUS 2004 5(6):634-643
11)Jing Weizheng, et al. Wu Ping* 2004. characterization of enhancer trap and gene trap harboring Ac/Ds transposon in transgenic rice. JZUS, 5(4):390-399.
12)Yang L, Zheng BS, Mao CC, Qi XP, Liu FY, Wu P*. 2004. Analysis of differentially expressed transcripts in three parts of rice roots under a water deficit. MGG, 272:433-442. (SCI)
13)Jiang HW, Dian WM, Chen QS, Liu FY, Wu P*. 2004. Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of three Genes Encoding Starch Synthase II in Rice. Planta, 218:1062-1070. (SCI)
14)Chuanzao Mao, Keke Yi, Ling Yang, Bingsong Zheng, Feiyan Liu, Ping Wu* 2004. Identification of aluminum-regulated genes by cDNA-AFLP in rice (Oryza sativa L.): Aluminum regulated genes for metabolisms of cell wall components. J Expt Botany, 55(394):137-143.(SCI)
15)Yan C Q, Qian KX, Yan Q S, Zhang X C, Huangfu W G,Wu Y F, Zhao Y Z, Xue G P, Jeams A, Huang J and Wu P* 2004. Creating new germplasms for bacterial blight resistance from somatic hybridization between Oryza Sativa L and Oryza Meyeriana L. Plant Cell Report, 22: 569-575..(SCI)
16)Huang .G,Y. R. Wu . L .Zhu . X. B. Qi . X. B. Wang . P. Wu* 2004. QTLs for Nitrate Induced Elongation and Initiation of Lateral Roots in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant and Soil, 263 (1-2): 229-237.(SCI) 2000年获教育部中国高校自然科学一等奖;

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