where条件里case when语句then有多个值 怎么弄
select max(wwo.finish_date)
from wo_work_order wwo,
wf_activityinst wa,
stf_activity_repo_map sarm,
om_order oo
where wwo.base_order_id = oo.id
and wwo.activity_inst_id = wa.activityinstid
and wa.repoid = sarm.repo_id
and sarm.tache_id in
(case when oo.city_code='0791' then 'LOCAL_TEST', 'LIGHT_TEST_GCTX' else 'LIGHT_TEST_A', 'LIGHT_TEST_GCTX', 'LIGHT_TEST_Z' end) 类似这种效果
then 后面这样写会报错 但是我需要类似这样的效果 展开
from wo_work_order wwo,
wf_activityinst wa,
stf_activity_repo_map sarm,
om_order oo
where wwo.base_order_id = oo.id
and wwo.activity_inst_id = wa.activityinstid
and wa.repoid = sarm.repo_id
and sarm.tache_id in
(case when oo.city_code='0791' then 'LOCAL_TEST', 'LIGHT_TEST_GCTX' else 'LIGHT_TEST_A', 'LIGHT_TEST_GCTX', 'LIGHT_TEST_Z' end) 类似这种效果
then 后面这样写会报错 但是我需要类似这样的效果 展开