初临高中,初中留下的弊端体现了出来,我到底是把初中的时间浪费了的,没有打下良好的基础。还记得,小时候,当老师表扬自己,邻居夸赞自己,父母为自己骄傲的时候,自己是多么的光荣!然后,就因为自己,因为自己初中的放纵,导致了——自己曾经的光荣黯淡了,消失了。现在,高中的我,突然明白了,于是我第一次有了梦想,第一次发奋。没错,我的梦想,便是能够重新如小时候一般,重新是那份属于自己的荣耀发出灿烂的光辉,让所有人都知道,我并不是一个没用的,自甘堕落的男孩,我要用自己的双手证明,我是最棒的! 展开
初临高中,初中留下的弊端体现了出来,我到底是把初中的时间浪费了的,没有打下良好的基础。还记得,小时候,当老师表扬自己,邻居夸赞自己,父母为自己骄傲的时候,自己是多么的光荣!然后,就因为自己,因为自己初中的放纵,导致了——自己曾经的光荣黯淡了,消失了。现在,高中的我,突然明白了,于是我第一次有了梦想,第一次发奋。没错,我的梦想,便是能够重新如小时候一般,重新是那份属于自己的荣耀发出灿烂的光辉,让所有人都知道,我并不是一个没用的,自甘堕落的男孩,我要用自己的双手证明,我是最棒的! 展开
Unconsciously has high school, remember how was the yearning. High school life is so nervous, school of learning is compact, face pressure, I can step by step forward.
In high school, junior high school early leave out the drawbacks embodies the junior high school, I really is a waste of time, not lay a good foundation. Remember, when I was young, when the teacher praised his neighbor praised his parents, his pride, for when your glory! Then, because of oneself, because his junior high school, led to the indulgence - has a glorious and disappeared. Now, the high school, I suddenly understand, so I have the dream for the first time, the first hard. Yes, my dream is to
In high school, junior high school early leave out the drawbacks embodies the junior high school, I really is a waste of time, not lay a good foundation. Remember, when I was young, when the teacher praised his neighbor praised his parents, his pride, for when your glory! Then, because of oneself, because his junior high school, led to the indulgence - has a glorious and disappeared. Now, the high school, I suddenly understand, so I have the dream for the first time, the first hard. Yes, my dream is to
Unconsciously has high school, remember how was the yearning. High school life is so nervous, school of learning is compact, face pressure, I can step by step forward.
In high school, junior high school early leave out the drawbacks embodies the junior high school, I really is a waste of time, not lay a good foundation. Remember, when I was young, when the teacher praised his neighbor praised his parents, his pride, for when your glory! Then, because of oneself, because his junior high school, led to the indulgence - has a glorious and disappeared. Now, the high school, I suddenly understand, so I have the dream for the first time, the first hard. Yes, my dream is to
In high school, junior high school early leave out the drawbacks embodies the junior high school, I really is a waste of time, not lay a good foundation. Remember, when I was young, when the teacher praised his neighbor praised his parents, his pride, for when your glory! Then, because of oneself, because his junior high school, led to the indulgence - has a glorious and disappeared. Now, the high school, I suddenly understand, so I have the dream for the first time, the first hard. Yes, my dream is to
Unknowingly been in high school, I still remember how the longing for a child. High school life is so tight, high school, learning is so compact, the face of pressure, I can only go forward step by step.
First visit to high school, junior high school reflects the shortcomings of left out in the end I was the middle of the time wasted, not to lay a good foundation. Remember, a child, when the teacher praised their neighbors praise their parents to be proud of the time, how glorious he is! Then, because he, as the indulgence of his junior high school, resulting in - the glory of their once dark, and disappeared. Now, high school, I suddenly realized, so the first time I have a dream, for the first time strenuously. Yes, my dream is to re like a kid in general, is re-issued share of the glory of their own splendor, let everyone know, I am not a useless, stoop boy, I want to with their own hands and prove I was the best
First visit to high school, junior high school reflects the shortcomings of left out in the end I was the middle of the time wasted, not to lay a good foundation. Remember, a child, when the teacher praised their neighbors praise their parents to be proud of the time, how glorious he is! Then, because he, as the indulgence of his junior high school, resulting in - the glory of their once dark, and disappeared. Now, high school, I suddenly realized, so the first time I have a dream, for the first time strenuously. Yes, my dream is to re like a kid in general, is re-issued share of the glory of their own splendor, let everyone know, I am not a useless, stoop boy, I want to with their own hands and prove I was the best