capital rating
Assets appraisal
资产评估相关英语表达有形资产评估 Tangible assets appraisal
资产评估理论 theory of asset appraisal
无形资产评估 intangible asset evaluation ;
资产评估硕士 Master of Valuation
资产评估与估价 property appraisal and valuation
资产评估管理 assets evaluation management
资产评估的英语例句1. The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career.
2. Asset Evaluation expired become one of the reorganization of the controversy.
3. Part three: the internal environment of the assets appraisal.
第三部分: 资产评估机构执业的内部环境.
4. Assessment method Mainly take income method for resources property assessment.
5. Mechanism equipment appraisal is an important branch of assets appraisal.
6. Providing other assets appraisal services concerning financial affairs, investment and project consulting.
其它 与资产评估相关的财务 、 投资和工程咨询服务.
7. For example, the registration system for pledges, and assets assessment system, etc.
比如, 担保登记制度 、 资产评估制度等等.
8. Assets valuation is an indispensable medium service trade in market economy activities.
9. No branch may issue any asset appraisal report in its own name.
分支机构不得以自己的名义出具资产评估 报告 .
10. Next, company assets evaluates lack to be restricted effectively.
其次, 企业资产评估缺乏有效的制约.
11. Next, aggrandizement evaluates the supervisory management of the organization to asset.
其次, 强化对资产评估机构的监督治理.
12. This is the assessment of the assets of the lending priorities.
13. Hedonic price index is a price index based on quality adjustment.
14. Part two: the external environment of the assets appraisal.
第二部分: 资产评估机构执业的外部环境.
15. So the society pays close attention on the quality of assets appraisal.
资产评估质量已经成为社会关注的 热点 问题.
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