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2022-05-22 · TA获得超过5301个赞

演讲稿具有宣传、鼓 动、教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使 他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。下面是我收集整理的毕业英语演讲稿,希望对你有所帮助!


Dear leaders, teachers and dear students,

Good evening,everyone!

I feel very honored to have the opportunity to speak here on behalf of the 04 graduates。 Today is an unforgettable day for our graduates, because after today, our university life will be a full stop。 We will say goodbye to the students who get along with each other, say goodbye to the teachers, train our alma mater and step on the new journey of life。 Here, let me, on behalf of the 04 graduates, express our heartfelt thanks and respect to all our leaders and teachers。

4 days of college life will soon become a beautiful memory。 Four years ago, we entered the campus with a beautiful vision。 After four years, we left each other with our dreams。 In four years, we have learned to grow, learn to think, learn to cooperate and compete, learn to trust each other, and learn how to constantly improve themselves and surpass ourselves。 All the way through, the teacher's courtesy and profound expectation, the careful care and silent support of the students and friends, and our hard pursuit and high spirited struggle。 Looking back on yesterday, a warm smile from our friends, a warm atmosphere in the class, let us learn to love, to persist and to believe in the future。

Come together do not know how to cherish, leave only to know heavy。 The unconditional bell of separation has been ringing in your ears。 Look back on the past, feeling full of emotion。 The age of innocence, the light dance of sophomore, and the tension and bustle of junior high have become eternal memories。

Remember the scene that just stepped into the school gate? Remember our introduction on the first day of enrollment? Remember when we were shopping together, drinking together, chatting together and singing together? Do you remember the morning rush to the playground to do morning exercises? Do you remember being squeezed together for dinner? Do you remember sitting up late reading for the exam? The library of the North District Library, the fossil forest in the eastern area, the dinosaur egg in the Shaw Museum, and the fried rice in the two canteen。 The curtain is like a beautiful picture of clipping。 It is a movie that is about to play。 It plays our happiness and sadness, records our youth and our past, and everything is like a poem that has not finished。 The banquet banquet, hand off the hand, go all the way。。。 Everything seems to have been envisaged that everything is too helpless。

Yes, we graduated today, we say goodbye to the once ignorant, farewell to the once young and frivolous, farewell that pure youth years, ushered in another fresh sunshine, and the heart has a new dream。 Farewell to this place that reminds us of ourselves, we will surely soar in another wider sky。 No matter how we came in four years, we need not complain and regret at the moment。 We will clear everything tomorrow。 Graduation is not the end, not the completion, but the announcement of progress, but a new beginning。

In the light of the stars, recalling the best four years of this life, let us say goodbye and send a blessing, no matter how many years, no matter where we go, and we will not forget that we have been nurtured by this deep feeling of land, a palace that gave us knowledge and ability; and we will not forget, For our growth and diligent leadership and teachers, we will never forget the profound friendship we have formed in the past four years。

A seed will always find a soil suitable for its own growth, for it is only there to produce more bright flowers; a drop of water will always return to the sea, for only in the rough sea can it bloom the glory of life。 I believe that today's separation is better for tomorrow。

Finally, let us wish the alma mater's tomorrow more brilliant; wish our teachers work well, health, family happiness; also bless our classmates, four years of companions of brothers and sisters, all the way, bright future。 Remember, we have another appointment in ten years。

Thank you。


Dear leaders, dear teachers and dear students,

Good afternoon, everyone!

I am XX from the four class of international trade and trade in the XX International Trade Department, and I am honored to be represented as the representative of the XX graduate of the International Trade Department of the XX Youth Political College。 First of all, let me, on behalf of all the graduates, give my sincere thanks to the teachers who have long been concerned and helped us, and thank you for the inculcation of these three years。 At the same time, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations and sincere wishes to all of you here。

Today, when we graduate, we will have to say goodbye to our alma mater in the twinkling of an eye。 Some people say that time is a book that is too hasty。 Yes, the more than 1000 page flies over like this, and the more than 1000 page carries too many memories。

In September of XX, we came from all parts of the province, looking forward to the realization of this dream, hoping to burn everyone's extraordinary brilliance。 Actually, learning a place and falling in love with this place is not a long process。 When we were ignorant and confused at the beginning, we finally felt the deep love for the land, but we had to say goodbye。 You and I must remember that when we first arrived in China World Trade Center, we helped our elder sister in school。 Three years in the University, everyone has his own too many memories: recalling the classroom of the teaching building, that still has the trace of our fighting; recollection of the dormitory downstairs, that still floats the taste of green vanilla; recalling the warm dorm, as if still echoing the laughter and laughter of all of us。 The scene of the scene is like a gorgeous clipping, a movie that is about to play the curtain, playing our happiness and sadness, recording our youth and past, and witnessing our profound feelings。

In the past three years, we have learned to grow, learn to think, learn to cooperate, and learn to trust each other。 Together with teachers' ardent teachings and expectations, we have gained knowledge and hope at the same time。 We support each other and help each other。 Friends warm smile, class warm atmosphere, let us learn to love, to persist, to believe in the future!

Today is a happy day, an exciting day, and a thankful day。

Standing here today, let's say to our respectable teacher, "thank you, teacher!" Thank teachers for their hard work and selfless dedication, giving us valuable knowledge and teaching us how to behave。

Let's say to our dear parents, "thank you, mom and dad。" We are the hope of our parents。 Our growth embodies the selfless love and care of our parents。 Every achievement we make is the pride of our parents。

Let's say to our classmates: "friends, cherish!" Once a classmate, a friend, fate brings us together。 Three years, we wrote together a pure youth memories, a period of youth and frivolous。

In a few days, we will leave this familiar campus or take part in our work or continue our studies。 But no matter where we are, we must not forget the friendship we once had。 Don't forget the teacher's words and deeds, and don't forget our dreams。 Let time testify that we will be more brave, strong and mature in facing the future with our dreams。 We are sure to be a man of wisdom and excitement, a very ambitious and down—to—earth person, a man of both ability and courage, a person with a responsibility and a heavy burden。

In the end, we sincerely wish our alma mater to remain young, peach and plum, and wish all the teachers to be healthy。 Wish every student of the graduation will be able to make a dream come true!

Thank you all。

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