Robin:Oh,hi Julie. Finally back from your vacation,I see.
Julie:What do you mean,“finally”?I feel like I've only been gone for two days instead of two weeks.
Robin:Well,you know what they say—“Time flies when you're having fun. ” You did have fun,didn't you?
Julie:Oh,it was marvelous. B. C. is so beautiful. And it was so nice to get away from this cold,miserable weather.
And those mountain views—they were absolutely breath taking.
Robin:How was Vancouver?
Julie:Busy. So much to see and do there. I hadn't realized how much I missed big-city life after being stuck out here in the boonies for so long(laughs)。
Robin:So what all did you do?
Julie:Oh,we went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries. All the usual touristy things.
Robin:Did you get over to the island? It's only two hours away by ferry,isn't it?
Julie:Yes,it was funny how on the ride over everyone stayed out on deck to enjoy the view,but on the way back,wejust sat inside like seasoned travellers and read magazines!
Robin:Victoria is a city I've always wanted to visit. They say it's such a quiet and elegant city with a lot of British influence.
Julie:We liked Victoria so much that we stayed in a day longer than we'd planned. I did like the custom of afternoon tea. It was a nice break from sightseeing too.
Robin:Oh,well,one of these days I'll get there myself. In the meantime,I better get back to work. Maybe we can get together sometime and you can tell me more about it.
Julie:Sure,and I'll show you my pictures once I get them developed.
Robin:Great. See you later.
A:It's interesting that as a financial center London looks so different from New York.
B:Indeed it does. By the way,what do you think has impressed you most in London?
A:I don't think I can say for sure. There are so many things that have left a deep impression on me. Yes,there is one thing worth mentioning at least. Although the buildings here seem old-fashioned,they have a peculiar flavor of their own.
B:Look at the nameplate on the wall of the corner building. We're getting near to Trafalgar Square now.
A:It's interesting where the British people place the road signs,but what's Trafalgar Square?
B:It's a busy road junction with Nelson's statue.
A:Oh,yes,I know something about British History. He's the admiral that defeated Napoleon.
B:You're right. There may not be much to see on the square itself,but it's easy to get from there to many interesting places in London.
A:Can you mention a few so that we can decide where to go this morning?
B:Sure,it's not far from here to the Thames. If you like,we can take a walk on the embankment.
A:What if we go to see Buckingham Palace first?
B:That's not far away either. Indeed you've got a very good idea. We can walk down the Mall which is wide and clean with quite a number of beautiful statues. It's so pleas ant to have a walk there.
A:Then let's walk down the Mall.
B:You'll see on one side of the Mall a beautiful park and ifwe have enough time,we may also visit the Houses of Parliament today.
A:We're lucky today.
B:Yes,there aren't any clouds in the sky and we're got such a beautiful view here. Look!This is St. James Park. And there's Buckingham Palace.
A:Where's Hyde Park?
B:It's on the other side of the Palace.
A:That's the place where people make speeches on Sundays,isn't it?
B:Yes,you're right. Politicians of all kinds,religious people,and one or two madmen.
A:Well,are we going there today?I want to take some shots there.
B:Sure. I can see you're enjoying your trip today.
A:Of course. Everything's so striking and fascinating.