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2022-06-13 · TA获得超过5045个赞
151、-ment. n. == 1)表示结果. 2)表示机构. 3)表示状态

①improvement 改良,进步:improve改进+ment表示结构→improvement改进后的结果即改良,进步

There is need for improvement in your handwriting.

②government 政府:govern统治、管理+ment表示机构→government统治、管理人民的机构即政府

The government would not even consider his claim for money.政府甚至不考虑他的赔款要求。

③disappointment 失望:disappoint失望+ment表示状态→disappointment处于一种失望的状态即失望

She concealed her disappointment from her mother.她对母亲隐瞒了自己的失望。

152、-ness. n. == 处于…的状态;具有…的性质、特点

①eagerness 渴望:eager渴望的+ness处于…的状态→eagerness处于一种渴望的状态即渴望

She shows great eagerness for success.

②carelessness 粗心:careless粗心的+ness具有…的性质、特点→carelessness具有粗心的特点即粗心

Accidents often arise from carelessness.

③emptiness 空洞,空虚:empty空虚的、空洞的+ness具有…的性质、特点→


It is a world of emptiness.

153、-ous/-ious. a. 具有…的性质、特点

①famous 著名的:fame名声、名望+ous具有…的性质、特点→famous具有很大的名望即著名的

New York is famous for its skyscrapers.  纽约以其摩天大楼著称。

②advantageous 有优势的,有利的:advantege优势+ous具有…的性质、特点→advantageous具有很大的优势即有优势的,有利的

This is advantageous to the owners of the rights.

③mysterious 神秘的:mystery秘密、神秘+ous具有…的性质、特点→mysterious具有神秘的性质即神秘的

Africa is a mysterious land to him.

154、-ship. n. == 表示状态

①friendship 友谊:friend朋友+ship表示状态→friendship处于朋友的状态即友谊

Real friendship is more valuable than money.

②partnership 合作伙伴:parter伙伴+ship表示状态→partnership处于伙伴的状态即合作伙伴

They decided to break up the partnership.

③fellowship 交情,伙伴关系:fellow同伴+ship表示状态→fellowship处于同伴的状态即伙伴关系

They offered him the hand of fellowship when he was in difficulties.

155、-some. a. == 充满

①burdensome 累赘的,沉重的:burden负担+some充满→burdensome身上充满负担的即累赘的,沉重的

It's really burdensome to have many children.

②troublesome 麻烦的:trouble麻烦+some充满→troublesome充满麻烦即麻烦的

You must learn to rid yourself of such troublesome thoughts.

③laboursome 费力的:labor劳动+some充满→laboursome充满劳力的即费力的

It is a laborsome work.Nobody would like to undertake it.


156、-ty. n. == 处于…的状态

①security 保险:secure安全的+ty处于…的状态→让某人处于安全的状态即保险

I'll undertake for your security. 我将保证你的安全。

②safety 安全:safe安全的+ty处于…的状态→safety让…处于安全的状态即安全

The safety of the ship is the captain's responsibility.

③loyalty 忠诚:loyal忠诚的+ty处于…的状态→出于忠诚的状态即忠诚

His loyalty is above suspicion.  他的忠诚无可置疑。

157、-ure. n. == 1)…的行为、动作;事实2)…的结果

①failure 失败:fail失败+ure…的结果→failure失败以后的结果即失败

The play was a complete failure.这场戏完全失败了。

②closure 圈地:close关闭+ure……的行为、动作→closure关闭的动作引申为圈地

Lack of money forced the closure of the company.

158、-y. a. == 充满

①tricky 狡猾的:trcik计谋、骗局+y充满→tricky充满计谋、骗局的即狡猾

The tricky robbers escaped again.

②hairy 毛茸茸的:hair毛发+y充满→hairy充满毛发的即毛茸茸的

The newborn baby has a hairy head.


159、acu ==敏锐的、锋利的

①acute 敏锐的;尖锐的:acu 敏锐的、锋利的+te→acute 敏锐的;尖锐的

He suffers from acute depression.  他患有严重的抑郁症。

②acumen敏锐;聪明:acu 敏锐的、锋利的+men表示名词→acumen敏锐;聪明

His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed.

③acupuncture 针灸:acu 敏锐的、锋利的+ punc点 +ture表示名词→acupuncture 针灸用尖针点引申为针灸

It is said that acupuncture is painless.

160、alti == 高

①altitude 高度:alti高+tude表名词→altitude 高度

We are flying at an altitude of 20000 feet.

②altimeter 高度计:alti高+meter测量→altimeter测量高度用的即高度计

An altimeter is used for measuring height above sea-level.

③exalt 提高;提升:ex+alt高→exalt 提高;提升

He was exalted to the position of general manager.

161、ambula ==行走

①ambulance 救护车:ambula行走+nce→ambulance 救护车

An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident.救护车风驰电掣赶往事故现场。

②ambulant 流动的:ambula行走+ant→ambulant 流动的

The centralized management of ambulant clinic laboratory sheets is a necessary work for modern hospitals .


③ambulate 行走、移动:ambula行走+te→ambulate 行走、移动

The bed needs to be put inside the room to ambulate least place, person ability obtains true rest.床需放在房内走动最少的地方,人才能获得真正的休息。

162、ann ==年

①anniversary 周年纪念:ann年+ vers转 +ary表名词→anniversary一年转到一次引申为周年纪念

He gave me a necklace as an anniversary gift.

②annual 每年的:ann年+ual…的→annual一年一度的即每年的

The firm has an annual turnover (营业额)of $75 million. 

③annals 编年史:ann年+als→annals 编年史

His name will go down in the annals.他的名字将载入编年史。

163、anthro == 人、人类

①anthropoid 似人类的;类人猿:anthro人、人类+poid→anthropoid 似人类的;类人猿

Man evolved from the anthropoid ape.

②anthropology 人类学:anthro人、人类+p+ ology表示学科 →anthropology与人相关的学科即人类学

She's course tutor in anthropology.

③anthroposociology 人类社会学:anthro人、人类+po+sociology社会学→anthroposociology 人类社会学

Anthroposociology studies the relation between human and society.

164、arch ==统治者,统治;主要的


They attempted to overthrow(推翻) the monarch.

②anarchism 无政府主义:an+arch统治者+ ism…主义 →anarchism没有政府统治的即无政府主义

Anarchism in the area of education is unworkable.

③patriarch 家长、族长: patri父亲、祖国(pater) +arch统治→patriarch父亲的统治即家长、族长

Her patriarch is strict with her.

165、aster/astr == 星

①astrology 占星术:astr星+ ology学科 →astrology专门研究星星的学科即占星术

Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science.天文学是一门严谨的科学,与占星术完全不同。

②astronomy 天文学:astr星+o+ nomy某一领域(的知识) →astronomy和星星相关的知识即引申为天文学

Physics and astronomy are cognate sciences.物理学和天文学是相关联的科学。

③asterisk 星号,星标:aster星+ isk小东西 →asterisk 小星星引申为星号,星标

The asterisked questions may be omitted.  带星号的问题可以略去。

166、audi == 听

①audience 听众:audi听+ence表名词→audience 听众

Someone in the audience began to laugh.

②audible 听得见的:audi听+ble表形容词,…的→audible 听得见的

The shot was clearly audible in the silence.

③audiphone 助听器:audi听+ phone听筒、耳机 →audiphone助听器

Investrgation and guidance of audiphone using in convalescents(疗养员)

167、auto == 自己、自动

①automation 自动化:auto自己、自动+m+ation表名词→automation 自动化

Automation has obsoleted many unskilled workers.自动化使很多非技术工人受到淘汰。

②autobiography 自传: auto自己、自动 +bio生命+ graph写 +y→autobiography 自己写关于自己的生命、生活即自传

Edison’s autobiography is a best- seller.

③autosuggestion 自我暗示:auto自己、自动+suggest暗示+tion名词后缀→autosuggestion 自我暗示

Stated in another way, autosuggestion is self-suggestion.

168、bio == 生命

①biology 生物学:bio生命+logy学科→biology与生命有关的学科即生物学

We have a biology lesson tomorrow.

②biography 传记:bio生命+graph写+y→biography写关于生命的东西即传记

He likes to read biographies of great men to promote himself.

③biocide 杀虫剂:bio生命+cide切开、杀→biocide杀死生命即杀虫剂

Study shows that the effectiveness of a compound biocide is better , and the dosage(剂量) used to be small.

169、brevi == 短的

①brevity 简洁:brevi短的+ty表名词→brevity 简洁

His style is characterized by brevity.

②abbreviate 缩写:ab+brevi短的+ate动词后缀→abbreviate让单词变短即缩写

In writing, the title `Doctor' is abbreviated to `Dr'.

170、capit == 头

①capital 首都:capit头+al形容词后缀,…的→capital国家的头部即首都

Beijing is the capital of China.

②decapitate 斩首:de去掉+capit头+ate动词后缀→decapitate 斩首

They used these weapons to decapitate the barbarian(野蛮人).

③capitation 人头税;按人收费:capit头+ation名词后缀→capitation 人头税

The vast majority of secondary schools belong to the free education scheme and receive allowances and capitation grants from the State.绝大部分中学属于免费教育方案,接收国家津贴和按人头计算的补助费。

171、ced == 去、移动

①recede 后退;引退:re往后+ced移动+e→recede往后移动即后退;引退

As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.

②unprecedented 史无前例的:un表否定+ pre预先 +ced移动+ent表名词+ed过去分词表形容词(现在分词表名词)→unprecedented转到之前没有的即史无前例的

We are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale.

③precede 先行,居先: pre预先 +ced移动+e→precede预先移动即先行,居先

He precede his speech with a welcome to the guest.

172、cess == 去、移动

①access 通路:ac+cess去、移动→access 通路

This is the only means of access to the building.

②process 进展: pro向前 +cess去、移动→process向前移动即进展

Building a car is a long process.

173、chron == 时间

①chronology 年表,年代学:chron时间+ ology学科 →chronology与时间有关的学科即年代学

Historians seem to have confused the chronology of these events.

②chronic长期的,慢性的:chron时间+ic…的→chronic 慢性的

We finally won in this chronic war.

③synchronal 同步的,同时发生的: syn同时 +chron时间+al…的→synchronal 在时间上是同时的即同步的,同时发生的

Sound and picture are synchronal in recording.

174、cide == 切开、杀

①suicide 自杀: sui自己 +cide切开、杀→suicide自杀

For one reason or another, she committed suicide.不知什么原因,她自杀了。

②insecticide 杀虫剂:insect昆虫+i+cide杀→insecticide能够杀死昆虫的即杀虫剂

The gardener sprayed(喷洒) insecticide on the flowers.

③bactericide 杀菌剂:bacteria细菌+i+cide杀→bactericide 能够杀死细菌的即杀菌剂

It is the first report that molecular sieve bactericide used on agriculture.本文是分子筛杀菌剂应用于农业的首次报道。
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