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2022-10-06 · TA获得超过5503个赞

1. 用定语从句写一篇英语作文

In addition to historical sights, memorials, museums and cultural sights also attract thousands of travelers.Qin Huai River , in the southwest of the city, extends one hundred kilometers. The river used to be the most flourishing part of Nanjing in the old days. In many Chinese novels, it is renowned as a place which nurtured beauties and romance. Today, it is a place for people to recall the old splendor of this historical city. Like all sights in Nanjing, it tells the story of past, present and future for the city.。

2. 用定语从句写一篇关于最喜欢的学科的作文

My favorite subject in school is Mathematics.It is my favorite because I never have difficulty with it and always get good marks in tests.

I suppose I am lucky to be born with a clear-thinking brain.So ever since young,manipulating numbers and figures came easy to me The wonderful thing about Mathematics is that,besides some formulae,there is nothing else to remember.Every step in solving a problem is done logically.Other subjects like History and Geography require a lot of memory work.Remembering dates and other facts is hard work pared with the ease and simplicity of mathematical reasoning.While Mathematics is simple to me,some of my friends have great difficulty with it.I do not really understand why.They get stuck with simple problems and often give up.So I help them out when I can.

3. 【定语从句在写作中的运用(把下面这篇小短文改写成含有定语从句的

This is our school,where we study.Our class is a big family that consists of 25 girls and 20 boys .Most of them are mainly from the countryside.Zhao Qiang is a kind-hearted boy who is always ready to help others .He is such a good boy that we all like him .。

4. 用定语从句做一篇英语作文

I am a boy who is quiet but brave.I like the language which is simple for us to study.And I like the music that is soft and quiet.I eat a healthy diet and my favourite food is things that can keep fit,such as fruits and vegetables.I like the movie which is exciting。..


5. 谁能详细地写一下定语从句的使用``越全越好

其实好多材料的定语从句都写得特别麻烦,没有什么其实.一句话由主谓宾组成.定语从句用于修饰主语或是宾语中的名词.看这样一句话.That boy is a student.很简单.我们如果想说,那是个什么样的孩子,什么样的学生,怎么办呢?加定语.That good boy is a good student.如果定语很长,怎么办呢?用定语从句.定语从句就是用一个句子表示一个定语,说白了就是有动词的定语.汉语里我们说,“那个穿红衣服的坐在我旁边的胖乎乎的小孩是一个优秀的一年级学生”.再长的定语全都放在前面加一个“的”字就可以了.英语不然.只要定语有动词(包括be动词,汉语中不存在He is fat中的is),我们就必须得把定语放在那个要修饰的名词后面.还是刚才的那个句子,我们看一看刚才的那个长句子.那个穿红衣服的坐在我旁边的胖乎乎的小孩是一个优秀的一年级学生汉语里本不应该有那么多“的”的,但是为了方便把所有的“的”都加上,每一个“的”就是一个定语.找找看有没有动词?(一定记得系动词也是动词,汉语里是没有的)先把主干写出来That boy is a student.小学都做个这种训练,缩写句子.穿红衣服 That boy (who wears red) is a student.坐在我旁边 That boy (who wears red and sits beside me) is a student胖乎乎的 - 这个就不用从句了,一个词fat解决 That (fat) boy (who wears red and sits beside me) is a student.优秀的 That (fat) boy (who wears red and sits beside me) is a (good) student.一年级 That (fat) boy (who wears red and sits beside me) is a (good first-grade) student.看到了吗?能不用动词表达的定语就放在前面,必须用动词表达的定语就放在后面.为了表示后面的动词是从句而不是主句的一部分,加一个who,that,which表示修饰.根据前面是人是物,是特定还是选择决定用什么连词.which和that在相当多的情况下都可以通用.但是注意,穿红衣服的小孩和被我打的小孩 动作可是不一样的.一个是小孩发出的,一个是小孩承受的.The boy (who wears red) is a good student.这里who后面的东西直接练到boy后面组成句子 - The boy wears red.这就是为什么wear后面要有一个s.The boy (who I beated) is a good student.这里boy是*被*我打.所以动词前面要有一个主语,而整个从句连在The boy的前面,不是后面.(想想看,如果男孩被打,“我”作主语,男孩不就是宾语吗?宾语是不是应该放在动词后面?所以整个定语放在前面)I beated the boy.同样表示被我打,如果男孩作主语,就要用被动式.The boy (who was beaten by me) is a good student.这里男孩是主语,所以定语连在主语后面,连成一句.The boy was beaten by me.无论是主动式(男孩作宾语),还是被动式(男孩作主语),只要男孩是动作的承受者而不是发出者,连接词就可以省略.也就是说,上面的句子可以写成 The boy I beated is a good student.who被省略掉了.是被动式,be也可以省略.The boy beaten by me is a good student.was beaten 被省略了.注意,我们刚才说过,定语连在名词的前面或后面(取决于名词作主语还是宾语)时应当连成一句话.这就意味着,不及物动词的介词不能省略.举例:纸是白的That paper is white.我看的那张纸失败的That paper (that I looked at) is white.“纸”是“看”的承受者,所以that可以省略.That paper (I looked at) is white.为什么一定要有at?因为没有的话就练不成一句话.纸是宾语,所以定语从句放在前面.I looked at the paper.-> the paper (that) I looked at说英语的人觉得光这样太无聊了,于是决定,凡是定语从句以介词结尾的,统统要在正规场合把介词挪到前面.于是就变成了*The paper (at I looked)遭了,at后面应该接宾语的,怎么借了个I?那就这么说*The paper (at paper I looked)听着别扭啊,paper说一遍就完了呗,还说两遍?于是规定,凡是第二次出现宾语,统统用which代替.The paper (at which I looked)这个句子变成这样The paper at which I looked is white或者The paper I looked at is white上面书面,下面口语千万注意,不一定因为纸是动作的承受者就一定是宾语.用被动式的话就会变成主语.比如,The paper (that was looked at by me) is white.被动式,纸是承受者,但是也是主语.The paper was looked at by me.句子很奇怪哈,没人会这么说话的.我们只是讲语法.这就是定语从句的一切了.写了好半天,其实没有多少东西.多写几个句子感受一下,就都清楚了.清楚了这个,别的从句也都好解决了.无非掉个顺序再加个that什么的.。

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