Oracle客户端SQL Developer远程连接服务器数据库没问题,用PLSQL Developer远程连接报ORA-12170,求解
Oracle客户端SQL Developer远程连接服务器数据库没问题,用PLSQL Developer远程连接报ORA-12170,昨天用PLSQL还是可以连接上的,同一台PC,连接同一个服务器的数据库,为什么一种方式可以,另一种报错了。求解!
[oracle@mac02 ~]$ oerr ora 12170
12170, 00000, "TNS:Connect timeout occurred"
// *Cause: The server shut down because connection establishment or
// communication with a client failed to complete within the allotted time
// interval. This may be a result of network or system delays; or this may
// indicate that a malicious client is trying to cause a Denial of Service
// attack on the server.
// *Action: If the error occurred because of a slow network or system,
// reconfigure one or all of the parameters SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
// SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT, SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUT in sqlnet.ora to larger values.
// If a malicious client is suspected, use the address in sqlnet.log to
// identify the source and restrict access. Note that logged addresses may
// not be reliable as they can be forged (e.g. in TCP/IP).
连接超时, 仍是网络问题。
12170, 00000, "TNS:Connect timeout occurred"
// *Cause: The server shut down because connection establishment or
// communication with a client failed to complete within the allotted time
// interval. This may be a result of network or system delays; or this may
// indicate that a malicious client is trying to cause a Denial of Service
// attack on the server.
// *Action: If the error occurred because of a slow network or system,
// reconfigure one or all of the parameters SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
// SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT, SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUT in sqlnet.ora to larger values.
// If a malicious client is suspected, use the address in sqlnet.log to
// identify the source and restrict access. Note that logged addresses may
// not be reliable as they can be forged (e.g. in TCP/IP).
连接超时, 仍是网络问题。
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