2002年无锡英语中考 100

我们英语老师神经不正常啊!!!要检查啊!!!!我找不到啊!!各位兄台帮帮忙啊!!!最好有答案的。。。。各位兄台,我找的是英语中考试题,不是英语模拟卷。。。。。还有一定要是... 我们英语老师神经不正常啊!!!要检查啊!!!!我找不到啊!!各位兄台帮帮忙啊!!!最好有答案的。。。。
 我来答
2007-01-24 · TA获得超过3748个赞
全卷共五大题,考试时间:120分钟;全卷满分:120分 )

班级____________ 姓名____________ 分数____________

I. 听力(30分)

A. 听录音,选择所听到的词组或句子。注意:每小题听三遍。(5分)
( )1. A. break out B. cry out
C. get out D. look out

( ) 2. A. a moment later B. a little later
C. a bit of D. a piece of

( ) 3. A. all the other B. all the same
C. all the time D. all kinds of

( ) 4. A. Let’s go there by bike. B. Let’s go by bike.

C. Let’s go there by bus. D. Let’s go by bus.

( ) 5. A. We have been to New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, London and Macao.

B. They have been to New York, Sydney, Toronto, London, Paris and Macao.

C. We have been to New York, London, Paris, Toronto, Sydney and Macao.

D. They have been to New York, Paris, London, Sydney, Toronto and Macao.

B. 听录音,选择与你所听内容意义相符的句子。注意:每小题听三遍。(5分)

( ) 6. A. Mike likes science a lot.

B. Mike doesn’t like science at all.

C. Mike is studying science now.

( ) 7. A. The lights in the street are beak.

B. The lights in the street aren’t very good.

C. The lights in the street aren’t very bad.

( ) 8. A. Her mother could go to bed early last night.

B. Her mother couldn’t sleep well last night.

C. His mother wasn’t able to sleep well last night.

( ) 9. A. Everybody can speak English in my school.

B. Nobody can speak English in my school.

C. In my school, some know English, some don’t know English.

( ) 10. A. The boy does well in P.E.

B. The boy is not good at P.E.

C. The boy likes P.E very much.

C. 听对话,根据所听内容回答问题。注意:每小题听三遍。(10分)

( ) 11. A. 68974356 B. 68974536
C. 68794356 D. 86793465

( ) 12. A. On June 3rd B. On July 10th
C. On June 10th D. On July 3rd

( ) 13. A. Tom and Lucy’s brother.
B. Lucy and Tom’s brother.
C. Both Tom and Lucy.
D. Neither Lucy nor Tom.

( ) 14. A. An interesting thing.
B. An important thing.
C. I have seen a truck and a child.
D. An accident.

( ) 15. A. Less than five years.
B. We don’t know.
C. It’s five years since he came to China.
D. More than six years.

( ) 16. A. Robert. B. Peter.
C. Mike. D. John.

( ) 17. A. Wei Hua says that Mrs King won’t agree.
B. Wei Hua says that Mrs King will agree.
C. Wei Hua says that Mrs King will mind.
D. Wei Hua says that Mrs King won’t be here.

( ) 18. A. Mr White’s uncle.
B. Mrs White’s aunt.
C. Mrs White’s uncle.
D. Mr White’s aunt.

( ) 19. A. Tom. B. Jim.
C. Mike. D. John.

( ) 20. A. Both hot tea and coffee.
B. Something delicious.
C. Something cold.
D. Something hot.

D. 听短文,根据所听到的内容辨别正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。注意:听三遍。(10分)

( ) 21. Mary only has a brother.

( ) 22. Mary’s brother is younger than Mary’s sister.

( ) 23. Mary likes her sister, but she doesn’t like her brother.

( ) 24. Her sister often takes her out to play.

( ) 25. They all love each other.

II. 词汇(25分)

A. 根据句子意思,找出一个能替代句中划线部分并与其意思相同或相近的词或词组,并将其代号添入左边括号内。(5分)

( ) 1. She couldn’t get the answer to the math problem if I didn’t help her.

A. give out B. work out C. put out
D. turn out

( ) 2. We must return the library book on time.

A. come back B. go back C. put back
D. give back

( ) 3. --- Shall we stay here?

--- All right.

A. OK B. No
C. What D. Sorry

( ) 4. Tom fell asleep in the classroom.

A. went to bed B. got to sleep
C. was going to sleep D. was going to school

( ) 5. It’s a nice frisby. Do you want a go?

A. go to play B. have a walk
C. want to go D. want a try

B. 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式或时态填空。(10分)

6. It’s dangerous to run _____________ the street. (cross)

7. How _____________ the wind is blowing! (strong)

8. They’re good basketball __________ in our school. (play)

9. Are the old __________ your mother’s? (photo)

10. Mr White lives on the ___________ floor of the building. (nine)

11. Most of ____________ write English as carefully as them. (we)

12. While I _____________ TV, my mother came back. (watch)

13. Our teacher said light ____________ faster than sound. (travel)

14. The boy got up quickly and went on ____________. (run)

15. Yunnan is in the ______________ part of China. (south)

C. 翻译下列词组。(10分)


16. 起跑线_________________________
17. 前天__________________________
18. 在右边_________________________
19. 对……感兴趣__________________
20. 当然__________________________


21. go shopping ______________________ 22. at the moment_____________________

23. answer the telephone _______________ 24. all the time _______________________

25. the finishing line _________________

III. 选择填空。(20分)

从A B C D四个选项中,选择能填入空白处的正确答案,并将其代号填入左边括号内。

( ) 1. --- Doing is harder than talking.

--- Yes. We’d better _______________ and ________________.

A. to talk less, do more B. talk less, do more

C. talking less, do much D. talk more, do less

( ) 2. She is always very friendly and polite __________ others.

A. for B. to
C. of D. with

( ) 3. __________ man over there is __________ popular teacher in our school.

A. A, an B. The, a
C. The, the D. A, the

( ) 4. They can’t walk without their _____________.

A. foot B. foots C. feet D. feets

( ) 5. He doesn’t know ___________ to write about.

A. what B. how C. that D. whose

( ) 6. These are not ______________ kites but ___________. I bought them ________.

A. hers, my, mine B. my, your, myself
C. mine, yours, yourself D. her, mine, myself

( ) 7. The radio is giving the weather report. I can’t hear it clearly.

Could you___________?

A. turn it up B. turn it off
C. turn it in D. turn it down

( ) 8. There is little milk in the bottle, _____________?

A. isn’t there B. is there
C. isn’t it D. is it

( ) 9. Wei Hua’s mother _____________ since one year ago.

A. died B. has been dead
C. has died D. has dead

( ) 10. ____________ bad weather it is today!

A. What B. What a
C. How D. How a

( ) 11. __________ trees were planted on the hill last week.

A. Thousand of B. Thousands of
C. Five thousand of D. five thousands

( ) 12. The girl fell off the tree and _____________ on the road.

A. lived B. lie
C. lay D. laid

( ) 13. The pear is delicious. Please give me __________ one.

A. the other B. another
C. others D. other

( ) 14. How did you made the baby ___________ while it was crying?

A. smile B. to smile
C. smiles D. smiled

( ) 15. --- Don’t read picture-books in class, please, Bill.

--- Oh, I ____________.

A. mustn’t B. don’t
C. won’t D. am sure

( )16. In China, the first name is _____________ name. That’s different __________ English names.

A. family, with B. given, from
C. family, from D. given, with

( ) 17. When you meet your teachers on September 10th, you should say ___________.

A. Happy Teacher Day B. Happy birthday
C. Good morning D. Happy Teachers’ Day

( ) 18. --- Which of his parents is a doctor?

--- ______________ are.

A. Any B. Either
C. Both D. Neither

( ) 19. --- How did he do in the sports meeting?

--- He did quite well in __________ race.

A. a 400-metre B. the 400-metre
C. the 400- metres D. 400-metre

( ) 20 --- Will you please _______it in the sun?

--- All right. Thank you.

A. don’t read B. not to read
C. not read D. not reading

IV. 阅读理解。(30分)
One day the sun and the wind had a quarrel(争论).The sun said he was stronger than the wind, and the wind said he was stronger than the sun. Just then they saw a man. The man was walking with a coat on. The sun said, “Let’s see who can make the man take off his coat. If you can do that quickly than I, then you are stronger.” “All right,” said the wind, “I’ll try first.”So the wind began to blow. But the harder he blew, the tighter (紧)the man held his coat. The wind could not make the man take off his coat. The sun tried. Soon the man took off his coat. Then the wind said to the sun, “That’s enough, you’re stronger than I.”


( ) 1. The sun and the wind had a meeting one day.

( ) 2. The wind said, “I am stronger than the sun at last.”

( ) 3. The sun and the wind tried to make the man put on his coat.

( ) 4. After the wind tried, the man took off his coat.

( ) 5. The sun was stronger than the wind.

We should help everyone as much as we can, and we ourselves often need help. The great (强者) can help the small while the small can help the great. About this, a French writer told the following story.

An ant (蚂蚁)was drinking by a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the side of the river, but she couldn’t move at all. The poor ant got too tired, but she was still doing her best. At this time a bird saw her, she threw a piece of wood to her. With it the ant got to the side. When the ant was drying herself in the grass, she heard a man coming up. He was walking without shoes on his feet and carrying a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the bird, he wanted to kill her. But the ant bit (咬) him in one of his feet just as he was going to kill the bird. He stopped to see what had bit him. And at that time the bird flew away at once.


( ) 6. One day an ant _______________ by a small river.

A. was playing B. was eating
C. was drinking D. was walking
( ) 7. Though the ant was too tired, she ______________.

A. lost hope B. stopped trying
C. cried for help D. went on trying

( ) 8. The bird didn’t lose her life at last, didn’t she? ____________.

A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t.
C. Yes, she didn’t. D. No, she did.

( ) 9. “We ourselves often need help” means ___________________.

A. we often need help B. we often help others

C. others need our help D. we can only help ourselves

( ) 10. The whole story tells us ____________________.

A. how brave the bird was B. how clever the ant was

C. how the ant saved the bird D. even the small can help the great

Hearing the strange noise from the back of the car, the driver got out to have a look. He examined the wheels carefully but as he found nothing wrong, he continued his way. The noise began almost immediately and now it was louder than ever. Quickly turning his head, he saw there seemed to be a great black cloud following the car. When he stopped at a village further on, he was told that a queen bee (蜂王)must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees nearby.

The man drove away as quickly as possible, hoping to get rid of the bees. After an hour’s hard driving, he stopped his car outside a hotel and went in to have a drink. He had hardly sat down when he was told that his car was covered with bees. The poor driver had to telephone the police for help. The police suggested calling a bee keeper, who found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheel at the back of the car. Very gratefully(感激的) to the driver for his unexpected gift, the keeper took the queen and her thousands of followers home in a large box.


( ) 11. What is the main idea of this story?

A. A bad thing can sometimes lead to (导致) good results.

B. Hidden passengers like insects (昆虫) can be sometimes cause a lot of trouble.

C. A bee-keeper is good at solving difficult problems.

D. Insects like bees are troublesome.

( ) 12. Why did the man check the wheels carefully?

A. Because he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car.

B. Because he realized that a queen bee needed repairing.

C. Because the strange noise came from the back of his car.

D. Because he thought there must be something wrong with the wheels.

( ) 13. What did the man see when he turned his head? He saw ______________.

A. A great black cloud following his car

B. Something that looked like a big dark cloud

C. Thousands of bees

D. A queen bee hiding near the wheels

( ) 14. Where did the driver see the hidden passenger?

A. At the village. B. On his way to the village.
C. In his car. D. Outside the hotel.

( ) 15. Which sentence can be used to end the story with?

A. The fact that a queen bee was hidden in the car proved to be true.

B. To express his gratitude (感激)to the keeper, the driver drove him home.

C. The man shook hands with the bee-keeper again and again and wrote a letter of thanks to the police.

D. Very grateful too, the man drove away without the “black cloud” which had hung over his car.

V. 书面表达。(15分)

要求:1. 写短文,词数不少于50个;

2. 写对话。与朋友交谈,双方对话各不少于5项;

3. 意思连贯正确,语言流畅。文中不得使用真实人名和校名,否则以零分计。




A. 听录音,选择所听到的词组或句子。注意:每小题听三遍。(5分)

1. break out (A)
2. a piece of (D)
3. all the same (B)
4. Let’s go there by bus. (C)
5. They have been to New York, Paris, London, Sydney, Toronto and Macao. (D)


6. Mike is interested in science. (A)
7. The lights in the street are very bad. (B)
8. Her mother wasn’t able to sleep well last night. (B)
9. Not everybody in my school knows English. (C)
10. He is a little weak in P.E. (B)


11. M: May I have your name?

W: Kate Green.

M: And your telephone number?

W: 68974356.

Q: What’s Kate’s telephone number? (A)

12. M: Where is Mr Li?

W: He has gone to Yunnan.

M: When did he go there?

W: He went there on June 3rd and he will be back in a week.

Q: When will Mr Li be back? (C)

13. M: Have you ridden a horse, Lucy?

W: No, but my brother has. What about you, Tom?

M: Yes, I have. But my brother hasn’t.

Q: Who has ridden a horse? (A)

14. W: Look! What has happened over there?

M: A truck hit a child badly.

W: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

Q: What has happened? (D)

15. M: Where is Tom?

W: He has gone to Beijing.

M: When did he come to China?

W: He came here five years ago.

Q: How long has he been in China? (C)

16. W: Where do you come from, Peter?

M: Can you guess?

W: You come from Canada.

M: No, I come from Australia. My friend, Robert, comes from Canada. What about you?

Q: Who is from Australia? (B)

17. W: I’ll ask Mrs King to look after my cat when I’m away. I’m sure she won’t mind.

M: Are you sure, Wei Hua?

W: Yes, I am.

Q: What does Wei Hua say about Mrs King? (B)

18. W: There was a phone call for you ten minutes ago, Mr White?

M: Oh, who was it?

W: It was your uncle. Oh, no, it was your aunt.

Q: Who made a telephone call ten minutes ago ? (D)

19. W: Tom is taller than Jim, isn’t he?

M: Yes, but Tom is shorter than Mike.

W: Yes, you are right.

Q: Who is the shortest of the three boys? (B)

20. M: Would you like some tea or coffee? They are hot.

W: Thank you. I like both of them. But I prefer something cold now.

Q: What does the woman want to drink now? (C)


Mary is a little girl and she has a brother and a sister. Mary is two years old and her brother is six years old. And Mary’s sister is two years younger than her brother. Mary’s sister always takes Mary out to play and see pictures. She also helps Mary with her washing and buy good things for her. So Mary likes her sister. And she also loves her parents and her brother. They all love each other.

21. F 22. F 23. F 24. T 25. T

II. A: 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D

B: 6. across 7. strongly 8. players 9. photos 10. ninth 11. us 12. was watching 13. travels 14. running 15. southern

C: (1). 16. the starting line 17. the day before yesterday 18. on the right (side) 19. be interested in

20. of course

(2). 21. 去购物 22. 现在;此刻 23. 回电话;接电话

24. 一直 25. 终点线

III. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A

6. D 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A

11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C

16. C 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. C

IV. A: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T

B: 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. D

C: 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. C
2007-01-26 · TA获得超过221个赞
) 9. Wei Hua’s mother _____________ since one year ago.

A. died B. has been dead
C. has died D. has dead

( ) 10. ____________ bad weather it is today!

A. What B. What a
C. How D. How a

( ) 11. __________ trees were planted on the hill last week.

A. Thousand of B. Thousands of
C. Five thousand of D. five thousands

( ) 12. The girl fell off the tree and _____________ on the road.

A. lived B. lie
C. lay D. laid

( ) 13. The pear is delicious. Please give me __________ one.

A. the other B. another
C. others D. other

( ) 14. How did you made the baby ___________ while it was crying?

A. smile B. to smile
C. smiles D. smiled

( ) 15. --- Don’t read picture-books in class, please, Bill.

--- Oh, I ____________.

A. mustn’t B. don’t
C. won’t D. am sure

( )16. In China, the first name is _____________ name. That’s different __________ English names.
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