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In their article "Does Beauty Build Adapted Minds," Toobyand Cosmides (2001) noted that involvement in fictional, imagined worldsappears to be a human universal. They define fiction broadly to include"any representation intended to be understood as nonveridical, whetherstory, drama, film, painting, sculpture, and so on" (p. 7). To theevolutionist, there are two possible explanations for the human tendency tocreate and consume fictional representations.
The first explanation is that human engagement in fictionalexperience is a functionless byproduct of psychological (brain) adaptationsthat were designed by natural selection to serve other functions. In this view,engagement in fictional experience is not something that we are designed to dobut, rather, something that we are susceptible to, as we are susceptible tobecoming addicted to drugs. This hypothesis is elaborated and championed byPinker (1997), who argues that many of the arts are best understood asevolutionarily novel technologies that effectively "pick the locks"of our brain's pleasure circuits. 展开
In their article "Does Beauty Build Adapted Minds," Toobyand Cosmides (2001) noted that involvement in fictional, imagined worldsappears to be a human universal. They define fiction broadly to include"any representation intended to be understood as nonveridical, whetherstory, drama, film, painting, sculpture, and so on" (p. 7). To theevolutionist, there are two possible explanations for the human tendency tocreate and consume fictional representations.
The first explanation is that human engagement in fictionalexperience is a functionless byproduct of psychological (brain) adaptationsthat were designed by natural selection to serve other functions. In this view,engagement in fictional experience is not something that we are designed to dobut, rather, something that we are susceptible to, as we are susceptible tobecoming addicted to drugs. This hypothesis is elaborated and championed byPinker (1997), who argues that many of the arts are best understood asevolutionarily novel technologies that effectively "pick the locks"of our brain's pleasure circuits. 展开