
 我来答
Nowadays, there are many people dying because of traffic
accidents. Road safety has aroused much attention. Many rules are made
to reduce this kind of accidents, but they do not work very well. In my
opinion, we should pay much attention to road safety in daily life. When
we walk in the street, we must walk in the sideway. We have to learn to
protect ourselves. Besides, car drivers should obey the traffic rules.
It’s both good to themselves and others. In one word, road safety is a
big problem that all of us should look out particularly. After all, life
is not a small matter.
Today is the Lunar New Year January 19,is the birthday of my father,my father has had 44 years of age.爸爸的头挂着几十条银丝,脸上有一点小皱纹.The father hung the first dozens of silver,his face a little small wrinkles.别看他已四十多岁,其实他的心还是年轻,他还经常带我去打篮球、乒乓球,也经常陪我出去玩、上网玩游戏,我喜欢玩的东西他也有兴趣.Although he has more than 40 years old,in fact,his heart is still young,he often took me to play basketball,table tennis,I often go out to play,play online games,I like to play things,he is also interested.晚上,妈妈为了庆祝爸爸的生日,学做了一道新菜式--盆菜以庆祝爸爸的生日.In the evening,to celebrate her mother's father's birthday,the school has made a new dish - poon choi to celebrate the birthday of the father.我爸爸是一个大好人呢!My father is a big so good!有一次,我写作业遇到难题时,爸爸会来帮助我.On one occasion,I have homework was a problem,dad will help me.我要去买书的时候,爸爸会同意我买.I'm going to buy books,the father will agree with me to buy.还有一次,我发烧41℃,爸爸看了看急了,马上带我去医院,我看完病,打完针,就在家里床上休息.On another occasion,I have a fever 41 ℃,the father looked at urgently and immediately took me to hospital,I have read through the disease,and finished pin on bed rest at home.我经过爸爸的照顾,病情慢慢的转好了.After my father's care,his condition slowly turned for the better.记得小时候,爸爸就用各种方式来启蒙我的思维.I remember when I was young,my father used to come in a variety of ways,I thought of the Enlightenment.上街的时候,他经常指着街上招牌的字启发我,使我从小对数学、英语单词产生了兴趣,读小学之前我已经学会了加减乘除、分数、简单的英语单词.Took to the streets,he often pointed at the street signs inspired by the words I,me from a young age in mathematics,English words have had interest in primary school before I learned how to calculation,scores of simple English words.读幼儿园的时候,老师还叫我当小老师教同学们学英语单词.Kindergarten,the teacher also asked me when the teacher taught the students to learn English words.有些老师、同学还称我是小数学家、小英语家呢!Some teachers,fellow students said I am a mathematician small,so small English at home!这些成绩都凝聚了爸爸的一片心血.These results are a combination of father's efforts.爸爸不但关心我的学习,还关心我的生活,为我提供了良好的学习环境.My father not only concerned with learning,but also concerned about my life,I provided a good learning environment.我一定要努力学习,报答爸爸的养育之恩.I have to study hard and repay the yan father's upbringing.最后,我要对爸爸说:“爸爸,生日快乐!” Finally,I would like to father:"Dad,happy birthday!"
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