这里求助一下,EC用的金手指也行,但最好还是给VBA的金手指(本人有点笨,EC码不知道怎么转换成VBA码,所以还是给VBA的金手指比较好)。谢谢各位了!!!! 展开
这里求助一下,EC用的金手指也行,但最好还是给VBA的金手指(本人有点笨,EC码不知道怎么转换成VBA码,所以还是给VBA的金手指比较好)。谢谢各位了!!!! 展开
金钱 02002134:05F5E0FF
不遇敌 020029C3:FF
种类 02002140:xx
数量 02002203:63
HP 02001F42:270F
MAXHP 02001F44:270F
MP 02001F46:270F
MAXMP 02001F48:270F
42001F7A 1063
00000018 0002
HP 02001FC2:270F
MAXHP 02001FC4:270F
MP 02001FC6:270F
MAXMP 02001FC8:270F
42001FFA 1063
00000018 0002
HP 02002042:270F
MAXHP 02002044:270F
MP 02002046:270F
MAXMP 02002048:270F
4200207A 1063
00000018 0002
HP 020020C2:270F
MAXHP 020020C4:270F
MP 020020C6:270F
MAXMP 020020C8:270F
420020FA 1063
00000018 0002
42002418 0001
000000A9 0002
01 道具
02 武器
03 防具
01 Potion
02 Hi-Potion
03 X-Potion
04 Ether
05 Turbo Ether
06 Dry Ether
07 Elixir
08 Megalixir
09 Phoenix Down
0A Remedy
0B Antidote
0C Gold Needle
0D Eye Drops
0E Echo Crass
0F Emergency Exit
10 Sleeping Bag
11 Tent
12 Cottage
13 Spider's Silk
14 White Fang
15 Red Fang
16 Blue Fang
17 Light Curtain
18 Red Curtain
19 White Curtain
1A Blue Curtain
1B Lunar Curtain
1C Hermes' Shoes
1D Vampire Fang
1E Cockatrice Claw
1F Giant's Tonic
20 Faerie Tonic
21 Strength Tonic
22 Protect Drink
23 Speed Drink
24 Golden Apple
25 Silver Apple
26 Soma Drop
27 Power Plus
28 Stamina Plus
29 Mind Plus
2A Speed Plus
2B Luck Plus
01 Nunchaku
02 Knife
03 Staff
04 Rapier
05 Hammer
06 Broadsword
07 Battle Axe
08 Scimitar
09 Iron Nunchaku
0A Dagger
0B Crosier
0C Saber
0D Longsword
0E Great Axe
0F Falchino
10 Mythril Knife
11 Mythril Sword
12 Mythril Hammer
13 Mythril Axe
14 Flame Sword
15 Ice Brand
16 Wyrmkiller
17 Great Sword
18 Sun Blade
19 Coral Sword
1A Werebuster
1B Rune Blade
1C Power Staff
1D Light Axe
1E Healing Staff
1F Mage's Staff
20 Defender
21 Wizard's Staff
22 Vorpal Sword
23 Cat Claws
24 Thor's Hammer
25 Razer
26 Sasuke's Blade
27 Excalibur
29 Ultima Weapon
2A Ragnarok
2B Murasame
2C Lightbringer
2D Rune Staff
2E Judgment Staff
2F Dark Claymore
30 Duel Rapier
31 Braveheart
32 Beathbringer
33 Enhancer
34 Gigantaxe
35 Viking Axe
36 Rune Axe
37 Ogrekiller
38 Kikuichimonji
39 Asura
3A Kotetsu
3B War Hammer
3C Assassin Dagger
3D Orichalcum
3E Mage Masher
3F Gladiue
40 Sage's Staff
01 Clothes
02 Leather Armor
03 Chain Mail
04 Iron Armor
05 Knight's Armor
06 Mythril Mail
07 Flame Mail
08 Ice Armor
09 Diamond Armor
0A Dragon Mail
0B Copper Armlet
0C Silver Armlet
0D Ruby Armlet
0E Diamond Armlet
0F White Robe
10 Black Robe
11 Crystal Mail
12 Thief's Armlet
13 Black Garb
14 Kenpogi
15 Power Vest
16 Red Jacket
17 Sage's Surplice
18 Light Robe
19 Gaia Gear
1A Bard's Tunic
1B Genji Armor
1C Leather Shield
1D Iron Shield
1E Mythril Shield
1F Flame Shield
20 Ice Shield
21 Diamond Shield
22 Aegis Shield
23 Buckler
24 Protect Cloak
25 Genji Shield
26 Crystal Shield
27 Hero's Shield
28 Zephyr Cape
29 Elven Cloak
2A Leather Cap
2B Helm
2C Great Helm
2D Mythril Helm
2E Diamond Helm
2F Healing Helm
30 Ribbon
31 Genji Helm
32 Crystal Helm
33 Black Cowl
34 Twist Headband
35 Tiger Mask
36 Feathered Cap
37 Red Cap
38 Wizard's Hat
39 Sage's Mitre
3A Leather Gloves
3B Bronze Gloves
3C Steel Gloves
3D Mythril Gloves
3E Gauntlets
3F Giant's Gloves
40 Diamond Gloves
41 Protect Ring
42 Crystal Gloves
43 Thief's Gloves
44 Crystal Ring
45 Angel's Ring
46 Genji Gloves
00 Warrior
01 Thief
02 Monk
03 Red Mag
04 White Mage
05 Black Mage
06 Knight
07 Ninja
08 Master
09 Red Wizard
0A White Wizard
0B Black Wizard
01 Cure
02 Dia
03 Protect
04 Blink
05 Blindna
06 Silence
07 Nulshock
08 Invis
09 Cura
0A Diara
0B NulBlaze
0C Heal
0D Poisona
0E Fear
0F NulFrost
10 Vox
11 Curage
12 Life
13 Diaga
14 Healara
15 Stona
16 Exit
17 Protera
18 Invisira
19 Curaja
1A Diaja
1B NulDeath
1C Healaga
1D Full-Life
1E Holy
1F NulAll
20 Dispel
21 Fire
22 Sleep
23 Focus
24 Thunder
25 Blizzard
26 Dark
27 Temper
28 Slow
29 Fira
2A Hold
2B Thundara
2C Focara
2D Sleepra
2E Haste
2F Confuse
30 Blizzara
31 Firaga
32 Scourge
33 Teleport
34 Slowra
35 Thundaga
36 Death
37 Quake
38 Stun
39 Blizzaga
3A Break
3B Saber
3C Blind
3D Flare
3E Stop
3F Warp
40 Kill
41 Icestorm
42 Blaze
43 Gaze
44 Gaze
45 Flash
46 Blaze
47 Earthquake
48 Gaze
49 Gaze
4A Gaze
4B Icestorm
4C Blaze
4D Blaze
4E Blaze
4F Stone Gas
50 Mind Blast
51 Poison Gas
52 Thunderbolt
53 Deadly Gas
54 Snort
55 Nuke
56 Ink
57 Poison Death
58 Gaze
59 Tsunami
5A Cyclone
5B Thunder
5C Scorch
5D Ray
5E Excalipur
5F Wind Slash
60 Wave Cannon
61 Tidal Wave
62 Wormhole
63 Comet
64 Snort
65 Acid Rain
01 Ring
02 Canoe
03 Pass
04 Mythril
05 Snowcraft
06 Goddess's Bell
07 Egil's Torch
08 Sunfire
09 Pendant
0A Wyvern Egg
0B White Mask
0C Black Mask
0D Crystal Rod
0E Wyvern
10 Potion
11 Antidote
12 Gole Needle
13 Cross
14 Maiden's Kiss
15 Mallet
16 Eye Drops
17 Phoenix Down
18 Elixir
19 Ether
1A Hi-Potion
1B Cottage
1C Wind Flute
1D Gaia Drum
1E Garlic
1F Unicorn Horn
20 Antarctic Wind
21 Sage's Wisdom
22 Saint's Spirit
23 Hermes' Shoes
24 Spider's Silk
25 Bell of Silence
26 Hourglass
27 Death Idol
28 Bacchus's Wine
29 Acid Phial
2A Sleepgrass
2B Conch Shell
2C Betrayal Fang
2D Mythril Mirror
2E Hellfire
31 Buckler
32 Bronze Shield
33 Mythril Shield
34 Golden Shield
35 Ice Shield
36 Flame Shield
37 Diamond Shield
38 Dragon Shield
39 Aegis Shield
3A Knife
3B Dagger
3C Mythril Knife
3D Main Gauche
3E Orichalcum
3F Ripper
40 Cat Claws
41 Staff
42 Mace
43 Mythril Mace
44 Werebuster
45 Mage's Staff
46 Power Staff
47 Wizard's Staff
48 Healing Staff
49 Diamond Mace
4A Javelin
4B Spear
4C Mythril Spear
4D Trident
4E Demon Spear
4F Flame Lance
50 Ice Lance
51 Thunder Spear
52 Holy Lance
53 Broadsword
54 Longsword
55 Mythril Sword
56 Ancient Sword
57 Sleep Blade
58 Wing Sword
59 Blood Sword
5A Gaia Blade
5B Flame Sword
5C Ice Brand
5D Defender
5E Sun Blade
5F Excalibur
60 Masamune
61 Axe
62 Battle Axe
63 Mythril Axe
64 Demon Axe
65 Ogrekiller
66 Poison Axe
67 Rune Aex
68 Bow
69 Longbow
6A Mythril Bow
6B Dark Bow
6C Flame Bow
6D Ice Bow
6E Killer Bow
6F Yoichi's Bow
70 Leather Cap
71 Bronze Helm
72 Mythril Helm
73 Giant's Helm
74 Flame Helm
75 Diamond Helm
76 Genji Helm
77 Twist Headband
78 Gold Hairpin
79 Ribbon
7A Clother
7B Leather Armor
7C Bronze Armor
7D Mythril Armor
7E Golden Armor
7F Knight's Armor
80 Flame Armor
81 Ice Armor
82 Diamond Armor
83 Dragon Armor
84 Genji Armor
85 Copper Cuirass
86 Silver Cuirass
87 Gold Hairpin
88 Gold Cuirass
89 Diamond Cuirass
8A White Robe
8B Black Robe
8C Power Vest
8D Black Garb
8E Leather Gloves
8F Bronze Gloves
90 Mythril Gloves
91 Thief's Gloves
92 Giant's Gloves
93 Ice Gloves
94 Diamond Gloves
95 Genji Gloves
96 Protect Ring
97 Power Armlet
98 Fire Tome
99 Thunder Tome
9A Blizzard Tome
9B Scourge Tome
9C Drain Tome
9D Osmose Tome
9E Flare Tome
9F Sleep Tome
A0 Stun Tome
A1 Stop Tome
A2 Confuse Tome
A3 Blind Tome
A4 Curse Tome
A5 Toad Tome
A6 Break Tome
A7 Death Tome
A8 Warp Tome
A9 Berserk Tome
AA Haste Tome
AB Aura Tome
AC Cure Tome
AD Life Tome
AE Basuna Tome
AF Esuna Tome
B0 Barrier Tome
B1 Blink Tome
B2 Protect Tome
B3 Shell Tome
B4 Wall Tome
B5 Dispel Tome
B6 Mini Tome
B7 Silence Tome
B8 Sap Tome
B9 Fog Tome
BA Slow Tome
BB Swap Tome
BC Fear Tome
BD Holy Tome
BE Teleport Tome
BF Ultima Tome
C0 Wild Rose
C1 Wyvern
C2 Stardust Rod
C3 Bracers
金钱 02002134:05F5E0FF
不遇敌 020029C3:FF
种类 02002140:xx
数量 02002203:63
HP 02001F42:270F
MAXHP 02001F44:270F
MP 02001F46:270F
MAXMP 02001F48:270F
42001F7A 1063
00000018 0002
HP 02001FC2:270F
MAXHP 02001FC4:270F
MP 02001FC6:270F
MAXMP 02001FC8:270F
42001FFA 1063
00000018 0002
HP 02002042:270F
MAXHP 02002044:270F
MP 02002046:270F
MAXMP 02002048:270F
4200207A 1063
00000018 0002
HP 020020C2:270F
MAXHP 020020C4:270F
MP 020020C6:270F
MAXMP 020020C8:270F
420020FA 1063
00000018 0002
42002418 0001
000000A9 0002
01 道具
02 武器
03 防具
01 Potion
02 Hi-Potion
03 X-Potion
04 Ether
05 Turbo Ether
06 Dry Ether
07 Elixir
08 Megalixir
09 Phoenix Down
0A Remedy
0B Antidote
0C Gold Needle
0D Eye Drops
0E Echo Crass
0F Emergency Exit
10 Sleeping Bag
11 Tent
12 Cottage
13 Spider's Silk
14 White Fang
15 Red Fang
16 Blue Fang
17 Light Curtain
18 Red Curtain
19 White Curtain
1A Blue Curtain
1B Lunar Curtain
1C Hermes' Shoes
1D Vampire Fang
1E Cockatrice Claw
1F Giant's Tonic
20 Faerie Tonic
21 Strength Tonic
22 Protect Drink
23 Speed Drink
24 Golden Apple
25 Silver Apple
26 Soma Drop
27 Power Plus
28 Stamina Plus
29 Mind Plus
2A Speed Plus
2B Luck Plus
01 Nunchaku
02 Knife
03 Staff
04 Rapier
05 Hammer
06 Broadsword
07 Battle Axe
08 Scimitar
09 Iron Nunchaku
0A Dagger
0B Crosier
0C Saber
0D Longsword
0E Great Axe
0F Falchino
10 Mythril Knife
11 Mythril Sword
12 Mythril Hammer
13 Mythril Axe
14 Flame Sword
15 Ice Brand
16 Wyrmkiller
17 Great Sword
18 Sun Blade
19 Coral Sword
1A Werebuster
1B Rune Blade
1C Power Staff
1D Light Axe
1E Healing Staff
1F Mage's Staff
20 Defender
21 Wizard's Staff
22 Vorpal Sword
23 Cat Claws
24 Thor's Hammer
25 Razer
26 Sasuke's Blade
27 Excalibur
29 Ultima Weapon
2A Ragnarok
2B Murasame
2C Lightbringer
2D Rune Staff
2E Judgment Staff
2F Dark Claymore
30 Duel Rapier
31 Braveheart
32 Beathbringer
33 Enhancer
34 Gigantaxe
35 Viking Axe
36 Rune Axe
37 Ogrekiller
38 Kikuichimonji
39 Asura
3A Kotetsu
3B War Hammer
3C Assassin Dagger
3D Orichalcum
3E Mage Masher
3F Gladiue
40 Sage's Staff
01 Clothes
02 Leather Armor
03 Chain Mail
04 Iron Armor
05 Knight's Armor
06 Mythril Mail
07 Flame Mail
08 Ice Armor
09 Diamond Armor
0A Dragon Mail
0B Copper Armlet
0C Silver Armlet
0D Ruby Armlet
0E Diamond Armlet
0F White Robe
10 Black Robe
11 Crystal Mail
12 Thief's Armlet
13 Black Garb
14 Kenpogi
15 Power Vest
16 Red Jacket
17 Sage's Surplice
18 Light Robe
19 Gaia Gear
1A Bard's Tunic
1B Genji Armor
1C Leather Shield
1D Iron Shield
1E Mythril Shield
1F Flame Shield
20 Ice Shield
21 Diamond Shield
22 Aegis Shield
23 Buckler
24 Protect Cloak
25 Genji Shield
26 Crystal Shield
27 Hero's Shield
28 Zephyr Cape
29 Elven Cloak
2A Leather Cap
2B Helm
2C Great Helm
2D Mythril Helm
2E Diamond Helm
2F Healing Helm
30 Ribbon
31 Genji Helm
32 Crystal Helm
33 Black Cowl
34 Twist Headband
35 Tiger Mask
36 Feathered Cap
37 Red Cap
38 Wizard's Hat
39 Sage's Mitre
3A Leather Gloves
3B Bronze Gloves
3C Steel Gloves
3D Mythril Gloves
3E Gauntlets
3F Giant's Gloves
40 Diamond Gloves
41 Protect Ring
42 Crystal Gloves
43 Thief's Gloves
44 Crystal Ring
45 Angel's Ring
46 Genji Gloves
00 Warrior
01 Thief
02 Monk
03 Red Mag
04 White Mage
05 Black Mage
06 Knight
07 Ninja
08 Master
09 Red Wizard
0A White Wizard
0B Black Wizard
01 Cure
02 Dia
03 Protect
04 Blink
05 Blindna
06 Silence
07 Nulshock
08 Invis
09 Cura
0A Diara
0B NulBlaze
0C Heal
0D Poisona
0E Fear
0F NulFrost
10 Vox
11 Curage
12 Life
13 Diaga
14 Healara
15 Stona
16 Exit
17 Protera
18 Invisira
19 Curaja
1A Diaja
1B NulDeath
1C Healaga
1D Full-Life
1E Holy
1F NulAll
20 Dispel
21 Fire
22 Sleep
23 Focus
24 Thunder
25 Blizzard
26 Dark
27 Temper
28 Slow
29 Fira
2A Hold
2B Thundara
2C Focara
2D Sleepra
2E Haste
2F Confuse
30 Blizzara
31 Firaga
32 Scourge
33 Teleport
34 Slowra
35 Thundaga
36 Death
37 Quake
38 Stun
39 Blizzaga
3A Break
3B Saber
3C Blind
3D Flare
3E Stop
3F Warp
40 Kill
41 Icestorm
42 Blaze
43 Gaze
44 Gaze
45 Flash
46 Blaze
47 Earthquake
48 Gaze
49 Gaze
4A Gaze
4B Icestorm
4C Blaze
4D Blaze
4E Blaze
4F Stone Gas
50 Mind Blast
51 Poison Gas
52 Thunderbolt
53 Deadly Gas
54 Snort
55 Nuke
56 Ink
57 Poison Death
58 Gaze
59 Tsunami
5A Cyclone
5B Thunder
5C Scorch
5D Ray
5E Excalipur
5F Wind Slash
60 Wave Cannon
61 Tidal Wave
62 Wormhole
63 Comet
64 Snort
65 Acid Rain
01 Ring
02 Canoe
03 Pass
04 Mythril
05 Snowcraft
06 Goddess's Bell
07 Egil's Torch
08 Sunfire
09 Pendant
0A Wyvern Egg
0B White Mask
0C Black Mask
0D Crystal Rod
0E Wyvern
10 Potion
11 Antidote
12 Gole Needle
13 Cross
14 Maiden's Kiss
15 Mallet
16 Eye Drops
17 Phoenix Down
18 Elixir
19 Ether
1A Hi-Potion
1B Cottage
1C Wind Flute
1D Gaia Drum
1E Garlic
1F Unicorn Horn
20 Antarctic Wind
21 Sage's Wisdom
22 Saint's Spirit
23 Hermes' Shoes
24 Spider's Silk
25 Bell of Silence
26 Hourglass
27 Death Idol
28 Bacchus's Wine
29 Acid Phial
2A Sleepgrass
2B Conch Shell
2C Betrayal Fang
2D Mythril Mirror
2E Hellfire
31 Buckler
32 Bronze Shield
33 Mythril Shield
34 Golden Shield
35 Ice Shield
36 Flame Shield
37 Diamond Shield
38 Dragon Shield
39 Aegis Shield
3A Knife
3B Dagger
3C Mythril Knife
3D Main Gauche
3E Orichalcum
3F Ripper
40 Cat Claws
41 Staff
42 Mace
43 Mythril Mace
44 Werebuster
45 Mage's Staff
46 Power Staff
47 Wizard's Staff
48 Healing Staff
49 Diamond Mace
4A Javelin
4B Spear
4C Mythril Spear
4D Trident
4E Demon Spear
4F Flame Lance
50 Ice Lance
51 Thunder Spear
52 Holy Lance
53 Broadsword
54 Longsword
55 Mythril Sword
56 Ancient Sword
57 Sleep Blade
58 Wing Sword
59 Blood Sword
5A Gaia Blade
5B Flame Sword
5C Ice Brand
5D Defender
5E Sun Blade
5F Excalibur
60 Masamune
61 Axe
62 Battle Axe
63 Mythril Axe
64 Demon Axe
65 Ogrekiller
66 Poison Axe
67 Rune Aex
68 Bow
69 Longbow
6A Mythril Bow
6B Dark Bow
6C Flame Bow
6D Ice Bow
6E Killer Bow
6F Yoichi's Bow
70 Leather Cap
71 Bronze Helm
72 Mythril Helm
73 Giant's Helm
74 Flame Helm
75 Diamond Helm
76 Genji Helm
77 Twist Headband
78 Gold Hairpin
79 Ribbon
7A Clother
7B Leather Armor
7C Bronze Armor
7D Mythril Armor
7E Golden Armor
7F Knight's Armor
80 Flame Armor
81 Ice Armor
82 Diamond Armor
83 Dragon Armor
84 Genji Armor
85 Copper Cuirass
86 Silver Cuirass
87 Gold Hairpin
88 Gold Cuirass
89 Diamond Cuirass
8A White Robe
8B Black Robe
8C Power Vest
8D Black Garb
8E Leather Gloves
8F Bronze Gloves
90 Mythril Gloves
91 Thief's Gloves
92 Giant's Gloves
93 Ice Gloves
94 Diamond Gloves
95 Genji Gloves
96 Protect Ring
97 Power Armlet
98 Fire Tome
99 Thunder Tome
9A Blizzard Tome
9B Scourge Tome
9C Drain Tome
9D Osmose Tome
9E Flare Tome
9F Sleep Tome
A0 Stun Tome
A1 Stop Tome
A2 Confuse Tome
A3 Blind Tome
A4 Curse Tome
A5 Toad Tome
A6 Break Tome
A7 Death Tome
A8 Warp Tome
A9 Berserk Tome
AA Haste Tome
AB Aura Tome
AC Cure Tome
AD Life Tome
AE Basuna Tome
AF Esuna Tome
B0 Barrier Tome
B1 Blink Tome
B2 Protect Tome
B3 Shell Tome
B4 Wall Tome
B5 Dispel Tome
B6 Mini Tome
B7 Silence Tome
B8 Sap Tome
B9 Fog Tome
BA Slow Tome
BB Swap Tome
BC Fear Tome
BD Holy Tome
BE Teleport Tome
BF Ultima Tome
C0 Wild Rose
C1 Wyvern
C2 Stardust Rod
C3 Bracers