
英语短语~1-3个单词组成的~谢谢了我们老师要考~以一问一答的形式~越短越好,比速度~若我十分满意,可以考虑再追加50分~例如:A:Hello!B:Hello!这样的一问... 英语短语~1-3个单词组成的~
例如:A:Hello !
B:Hello !
 我来答
2007-01-25 · TA获得超过1万个赞
1. Hi.你好。 Hi.你好。
2. Hello.你好! Hello.你好!
3. Good morning.早晨好! Good morning.早晨好!
4. What’s your name? I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。
5. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗? Yes, I am.是的,我是。
6. How are you?你好吗? Fine, thanks.很好,谢谢。
7. How is Helen?海伦好吗? She’s very well. 她很好。
8. Good afternoon.午安。 Good afternoon.午安。
9. Good evening.晚上好。 Good evening.晚上好。
10. How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗? Fine, thanks.
11. Good night, John.晚安,约翰。 Good night. 晚安.
12. Goodbye, Bill.再见,比尔。 Goodbye.
13. See you tomorrow.明天见。 See you
14. May I come in? Come in, please. 请进!
15. Sit down. 坐下!Thank you.
16. Stand up, please. 请站起来。 OK.
17. Open your book, please. 请把书打开。 All right.
18. Do you understand?你明白了吗? Yes, I understand. 是的,我明白了。(No, I don’t understand. 不,我不明白。)
19. What’s this? 这是什么?It’s a book. 那是一本书。
20. Is this your book? 这是你的书吗? No, that’s not my book. 不,那不是我的书。
21. Whose book is this? 这是谁的书? That’s your book. 那是你的书。
22. And what’s that? 还有那是什么? It’s a pencil. 那是一枝铅笔。
23. Is that a book? 那是一本书吗? No, it isn’t. 不,不是。
24. Is it yours? 它是你的吗? Yes, it’s mine. 是,是我的。
25. Where’s the door? 门在哪儿? There it is. 门在那儿。
26. Is this book his? 这本书是他的吗? No, it isn’t. 不,不是。
27. What are these? 这些是什么? These are books. 这些是书。
28. Where are the books? 那些书在哪儿? There they are. 在那儿。
29. Where are your pens? 你的那些钢笔在哪儿? They’re over there. 在那里。
30. Are these your pens? 这些是你的钢笔吗? Yes, they are. 是我的。
31. These are your books, aren’t they? 这些书是你的,对不对? No, they aren’t. 不,不是。
32. Those aren’t your pens, are they? 那些钢笔不是你的,对吧? Yes, they are. 是的。
33. Who are you? 你是谁? I’m a student. 我是学生。
34. Who is that over there? He’s a student. 他是学生。
35. Is that lady a student? 那位女士是学生吗? No, she isn’t. 不,她不是。
36. Am I your teacher? 我是你们的教员吗? Yes, you are. 是的,你是。
37. That man is a teacher, isn’t he? 那个人是位教员,对不对? Yes, he is. 是的,他是。
38. Who are those people? 那些人是谁? Maybe they’re farmers. 他们可能是农民。
39. Aren’t they students? 他们不是学生吗? I really don’t know. 我真的不知道。
40. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is Jones. 我姓琼斯。
41. What’s your first name? 你的名字叫什么? My first name is Bill. 我的名字叫比尔。
42. How do you spell your last name? 你的姓怎么拼法? Jones. J-O-N-E-S. 琼斯,J-O-N-E-S。
43. What’s your friend’s name? 你的朋友叫什么名字? His name is John Smith. 他叫约翰、史密斯。
44. Are you John’s brother? 你是约翰的兄弟吗? No, I’m not. 不,我不是。
45. This is Mr. Jones. 这是琼斯先生。 How do you do? 你好!
46. How do you do? 你好! How do you do? 你好!
47. Mrs.Jones, this is Mr. John Smith. 琼斯夫人,这是约翰、史密斯先生。 Very please to meet you. 见到您很高兴。
48. What day is today? 今天是星期几? Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。
49. What day was yesterday? 昨天是星期几? Yesterday was Sunday. 昨天是星期日。
50. What day is tomorrow? 明天是星期几? Tomorrow is Monday. 明天是星期一。
51. What month is this? 现在是几月份? This is January. 现在是一月份。
52. Last month was December, wasn’t it ? 上个月是十二月,对不对?Yes, it was. 是,是十二月份。
53. What month is next month? 下个月是几月份? February.二月。
54. Where were you on Tuesday? 星期二你在哪里? In Beijing.在北京。
55. You were here in February, weren’t you? 二月份你曾在这里,对不对? No, I wasn’t . 不,我没有在这里。
56. Your friend was here a week ago, wasn’t he? 一个星期前,你的朋友曾在这里,是不是? Yes, he was.是的。
57. Do you have a book? 你有一本书吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我有。
58. You have a radio, don’t you? 你有一台收音机,对吗? No, I don’t . 不,我没有。
59. Dees this radio belong to you? 这台收音机是你的吗? Yes, I think it does. 是的,我认为它是我的。
60. How many sisters and brothers do you have? 你有几个姊妹和兄弟?
61. Don’t you have my hat? 你没拿我的帽子吧? Yes, I have both your hat and your coat.不,你的帽子和大衣都在我这里。
62. Does John have a yellow pencil? 约翰有一支黄铅笔吗? Yes, he does. 是的,他有。
63. He has a radio, doesn’t he? 他有一台收音机,对不对? No, he doesn’t have one. 不,他没有。
64. What time is it? 几点钟了? It’s two o’clock. 两点钟。/It’s a few minutes after two. 两点过几分。
65. 125. Excuse me. Can you tell me the correct time? 对不起,你能告诉我一下准确的时间吗? No, I can’t . 不,我不能。
66. Will you be here at ten o’clock tomorrow? 请你明天十点到这里,行吗? Yes, I will. 行。
67. We’ll be on time, won’t we? 我们将按时到,是吗? I hope so. 我希望如此。
68. What’s the date today? 今天是几号? Today is November first, nineteen sixty-three. 今天是一九六三年十一月一号。
69. When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的? I was born on November first, nineteen thirty-five. 我是一九三五年十一月一日出生.
70. Where were you born? 你出生在什么地方? I was born in a little town not far from here. 我出生在离这儿不远的小城市里。
71. What do you know about the tenth century? 有关十世纪的事你知道些什么? I don’t know anything about that. 关于那个我什么都不知道。
72. Where were you during the month of April last year? 去年四月份你在哪里? I don’t remember where I was then. 我不记得那时我在哪里。
73. Where will you be nest year at this time? 明年这个时候你将在哪里?I am not sure.没有把握。
74. Do you see?你明白了? I see. 我明白了。
75. What's your decision?你的决定是什么? I quit! 我不干了!
76. Let’s go! 我们走。 Yes, let's.好的。
77. How about you?你呢? Me too. 我也是。
78. I broke my legs.我折了腿。 My god! 天哪!
79. Can I have it?我要这个行不? No way! 不行!
80. What do you think about it?你觉得呢? Not bad. 还不错。
81. Have you finished your job?工作干敢玩了吗? Not yet. 还没。
82. See you. 再见。 See you. 再见。
83. So long. 再见。So long. 再见。
84. Let’s go to the zoo.我们去动物园吧。Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)
85. Be quiet! 安静点! I will./All right./ OK.好吧。
86. Have fun! 玩得开心! Thanks.谢谢。
87. How much? 多少钱? Ten yuan.10元。)
88. Have another cake?再来一块蛋糕? I'm full. 我饱了。
89. I know English.我懂英语。 So do I. 我也一样。
90. Where is the washroom?厕所在哪里?This way. 这边请。 (Thanks.)
91. Good luck! 祝好运! Thanks.谢谢。
92. Keep it a secret for me. 为我保密哦 I promise. 我保证。
93. Can you help me?帮个忙好吗? Of course! 当然了!
94. Take care! 保重! I will.我会的。
95. How are your wounds? 你的伤口如何? They hurt. (伤口)疼。
96. Try again. 再试试。 (OK.)
97. Watch out! 当心。 (I will.)
98. What's up? 有什么事吗? I lost my money.我丢钱了。
99. Guess what? 猜猜看? Sorry, I can't.对不起,猜不出。
100. Is it too big?太大了吧? I think so. 我也这么想。
101. What's the time? 几点了?Let me see.让我想想。
102. I"m sorry.对不起。 )Never mind.不要紧。
103. Can you buy me a book?能买本书给我吗? No problem! 没问题!
104. What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗? Nothing much.没有什么。
105. Feel better? 好点了吗? Much better.好多了。
106. I love you! 我爱你! (I love you, too. 我也爱你!)
107. Is it yours? 这是你的吗? Yes, it is.是啊。
108. Are you sure? 你肯定吗? Yes, I am sure.是的。
109. Do l have to 非做不可吗? Yes, I’m afraid so.恐怕是的。
110. Here you are. 给你。 Thank you.谢谢。
111. Anything else? 还要别的吗? Nothing else.不要了。
112. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗? I will be glad to.很乐意。
113. Help yourself. 别客气。 Thank you.谢谢。
114. Who's calling? 是哪一位? This is John.我是约翰。
115. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? I want a ….我想买….
116. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心! Thank you.谢谢。
117. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。 Yes?什么事情?
118. How's it going? 怎么样? I have no idea. 我没有头绪/我不知道。
119. Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助 You're welcome. 不客气。
120. When shall we go there? 我们何时去那里?Any day will do. 哪一天都行。
121. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧! No, I’m serious.我是认真的。
122. Congratulations! 祝贺你! Thank you.谢谢。
123. What did you say? 你说什么? I said nothing.我没有说什么。
124. What is he talking about? 他在说些什么? About the trip to Beijing。北京之行。
125. What’s going on/ happening / the problem? 怎么啦? We lost.我们输了。
126. Where are you going ? 你去哪里? I’m going home. 回家。
1. up

lift ~ 举起
climb ~ 爬上
come ~ 上升
get ~ 起来
stand ~ 站起来
pick ~ 检起
draw ~ 升起
grow ~ 长大
hand ~ 拖起
put ~ 举起
send ~ 使上升
rise ~ 升起
look ~ 抬起头
zip ~ 拉上
hold ~ 举起
pile ~ 堆起
dig ~ 挖出
take ~ 拿起
build ~ 树立
set ~ 建立

finish ~ 完成
drink ~ 喝干
eat ~ 吃光
burn ~ 烧光
wash ~ 洗净
use ~ 用光
fill ~ 装满
pay ~ 付清
settle ~ 解决
lick ~ 甜净
sum ~ 总结,
open ~ 透露
end ~ 结束
let ~ 中止, 减少
draw ~ 停止
close ~ 停止,关闭
swallow ~ 吞没
beat ~ 痛打
cover ~ 掩盖
break ~ 结束,分解
wind ~ 结束

break ~ 拆开,驱散
cut ~ 切碎
split ~ 分裂
divide ~ 分割
smash ~ 捣毁
blow ~ 炸毁
wither ~ 枯死
tear ~ 撕碎
give ~ 放弃
fold ~ 垮台
dry ~ 枯竭,干涸
crack ~ 撞坏
clutter ~ 使散乱
litter ~ 乱丢杂物

(1). mount ~ 增加
pick ~ 振作,加快
pluck ~ 振作
turn ~ 开打,开大, 出现
shake ~ 震惊
steam ~ 使发怒
stir ~ 激起,搅起
ease ~ 放松
warm ~ 兴奋
speak ~ 大声说
heat ~ 变热
total ~ 加总
tense ~ 紧张
gather ~ 收集
speed ~ 加速
screw ~ 振作
build ~ 增大
show ~ 显现
cheer ~ 振作起来
stir ~ 刺激
work ~ 激动,刺激

brighten ~ 发亮 fatten ~ 发胖 freshen ~使新鲜 harden ~变硬 sharpen ~ 变快 smarten ~ 变精明strengthen ~ 加强sweeten ~ 变甜 tighten ~ 使紧密 toughen ~ 使强壮soften ~ 变软

bring ~ 抚育 check ~ 核对 clear ~ 清理,晴天clean ~ 整理 do ~ 整理 patch ~ 修理 polish ~ 擦亮, 改进light ~ 点亮 tune ~ 调整 tidy ~ 整理 rub ~ 擦亮 train ~ 训练,培养 make ~ 化装, 和解, 弥补buy ~ 囤积 figure ~ 计算 fix ~ 修理,整理 take ~ 从事

shut ~ 关闭 lock ~ 锁住 tie ~ 栓住 chain ~ 锁住 nail ~ 钉住 fasten ~ 系住 pin ~ 钉住 bind ~ 装订 bar ~ 关住 block ~ 堵塞 choke ~ 堵塞 save ~ 存起来 store ~ 贮藏 stock ~ 储存 cover ~ 掩盖 wrap ~ 包住 lay ~ 储存 hold ~ 延误 keep ~ 坚持

go ~ run ~ rush ~ drive ~ walk ~ catch ~ swim ~ march ~ come ~

2. down

cast ~ 扔下 cut ~砍倒 get ~ 下来 hand ~ 传下来 knock ~ 撞倒 lay ~ 放下 let ~ 放下 pour ~ 倾盆而下 pull ~ 拉下 set ~ 放下 sit ~ 坐下 step ~ 走下来 throw ~ 扔下 turn ~ 拆下 take ~ 取下 blow ~ 吹倒 bring ~ 打倒 hang ~ 垂下 sink ~ 沉落 slip ~ 失足 squat ~ 蹲下 swallow ~ 吞下 stoop ~ 伏身 splash ~ 飞溅而下 touch ~ 降落 bend ~ 弯下 bow ~ 鞠躬 kneel ~ 跪下 lie ~ 躺下 strip ~ 脱下

dwindle ~ 减少 die ~ 变弱,逐渐停止go ~ 平静下来 mark ~ 削减 hold ~ 压低 burn ~ (火)减弱, 烧坏slow ~ 慢下来 burn ~ 烧掉 wash ~ 冲淡 clean ~ 弄干净 rub ~ 擦干净 bring ~ 降低 keep ~ 缩减 trim ~ 裁减 water ~ 冲淡 thin ~ 减少 run ~ 用光衰弱 wear ~ 削减,磨损come ~ 下跌 knock ~ 降价

close ~ 关闭 drop ~ 突然停止 break ~ 坏了,中止run ~ 停止 settle ~ 平静下来 cool ~ 冷静下来 turn ~ 拒绝 die ~ 停止 lay ~ 失望 put ~ 镇压 4) 紧紧地,牢牢地(firmly, tightly) fasten ~ 系牢 chain ~ 链住,栓住clamp ~ 夹住 nail ~ 钉住 pin ~ 扣牢 hammer ~ 钉上 tie ~ 栓住 bind ~ 捆绑 draw ~ 停下来 5) 写下,记下(on paper or in writing) write ~ 写下 copy ~ 抄下 note ~ 记下 take ~ 记下 put ~ 记下 get ~ 记下 have ~ 写下

3 on

carry ~ drive ~ fight ~ hold ~ keep ~ live ~ sleep ~ sing ~ walk ~ go ~ hurry ~ move ~ read ~ follow ~ struggle ~ insist ~ 坚持

act ~ 对…起作用catch ~ 抓牢 come ~ 跟随 count ~ 依赖 draw ~ 带上,穿上fasten ~ 纠缠,抓牢fit ~ 固定 get ~ 接近 paste ~ 粘住 turn ~ 打开 switch ~ 打开 pin ~ 钉住 put ~ 穿上 try ~ 试穿 pull ~ 穿上 hang ~ 不挂断 build ~ 建立于 leave ~ 留住 take ~ 穿下 rely ~ 依靠 depend ~ 依靠
3) 向前,向上(forward, onward)
add ~ 加上 mark ~ 标上 paint ~ 漆上 press ~ 向前 pass ~ 传递 send ~ 转送 stamp ~ 盖章于 get ~ 上车 hand ~ 传送

work ~ 从事 fall ~ 攻击 hit ~ 突然向起 bring ~ 引起 get ~ 取得进展 look ~ 旁观, 观看call ~ 拜访 figure ~ 打算,希望 fix ~ 决心 get ~ 进步, 友好相处pick ~ 批评 plan ~ 打算 decide ~ 决定 reflect ~ 思考, 反思remark ~ 评论,议论settle ~ 决定 spur ~ 鼓励 urge ~ 督促

4. off
blow ~ 吹掉 drive ~ 击退 get ~ 下车,动身lift ~ 离开地面 make ~ 逃走 move ~ 离去 pack ~ 打发走 see ~ 送行 ship ~ 运往 start ~ 动身 send ~ 送行,解雇call ~ 叫走 let ~ 放出 take ~ 起飞 touch ~ 发射 give ~ 发出 clear ~ 走开 carry ~ 夺走

cut ~ 切断 tear ~ 扯掉 take ~ 拿走 chip ~ 切下 come ~ 脱落 cross ~ 除去 drop ~ 跌落 fall ~ 脱落 flick ~ 弹掉 peel ~ 剥掉 pull ~ 撕开 rub ~ 擦掉 scrape ~ 挂去 shave ~ 剃去 wash ~ 洗掉 shake ~ 抖落 throw ~ 扔开 rip ~ 扯开 turn ~ 关掉 strip ~ 脱去 switch ~ 关掉 take ~ 脱掉 shut ~ 关掉 wear ~ 磨损 go ~ 爆炸 break ~ 中断

finish ~ 结束 pay ~ 付清 break ~ 停止,中断send ~ 结束 leave ~ 停止 pass ~ 终止,停止sign ~ 停止播音 wear ~ 消失, write ~ 注销,购销bring ~ 完成 call ~ 取消 lay ~ 停止, 解雇

fall ~ 落下 jump ~ 跳下 knock ~ 击倒 slip ~ 滑倒

5. in

barge ~ 闯入 beat ~ 打进 break ~ 闯入,插嘴breathe ~ 吸入 burst ~ 闯入,打断drop ~ 偶然拜访 fall ~ 跌入 get ~ 插入,收进 knock ~ 打入 lead ~ 导入 let ~ 进入,嵌入 move ~ 迁入 step ~ 走进 settle ~ 迁入 smuggle ~ 偷偷运进cut ~ 插嘴 call ~ 来访 draw ~ (火车)进站intervene ~ 介入 involve ~ 卷入

close ~ 包围,封闭lock ~ 禁闭 shut ~ 关进 wall ~ 围住

book ~ 登记 check ~ 签到 count ~ 记入 fill ~ 填入 hand ~ 交上 take ~ 吸收 send ~ 呈交

6. out

keep ~ 使在外 take ~ 拿出 put ~ 放出,伸出come ~ 长出, bring ~拿出 bar ~关在外 breathe ~ 呼吸出 eat ~ 出去吃 get ~ 弄出 go ~ 出去 lay ~ 摆开,展示lock ~ 关在外面 look ~ 向外看 move ~ 搬出 point ~指出 pour ~ 诉说 pull ~ 拉出 ship ~ 运出 stick ~伸出 spit ~ 吐出 beat ~ 敲出 knock ~ 敲出 dine ~ 外出吃饭 drive ~ 驾车外出 leak ~ 漏出 draw ~ 拉出 see ~ 送出门去 draw ~ 出站 let ~ 放出, 释放

burn ~ 烧尽,烧断clear ~ 清除 dust ~ 清除 fade ~ 消失 put ~ 扑灭 run ~ 用完 use ~ 耗尽 give ~ 耗尽 comb ~ 淘汰 kick ~ 逐出 wipe ~ 消灭 die ~ 灭绝 rub ~ 擦掉 blot ~ 除去 blow ~ 吹熄 bleach ~ 漂白 carry ~ 完成,执行leave ~ 省去 see ~ 完成 go ~ 熄灭 come ~ 罢工,结果cut ~ 删去,停止hold ~ 坚持到底 sell ~ 买完 tire ~ 筋疲力尽 wear ~ 磨损

sing ~ cry ~ shout ~ call ~ ,喊,申斥 spell ~ speak ~ scream ~ read ~ yell ~ sob ~ burst ~ 咆哮

give ~ 分发 spread ~ 传开 set ~ 出发 hand ~ 分发 share ~ 分配 divide ~ 分配 call ~ 出动 start ~ 出发 send ~ 发送 break ~ 爆发,逃脱serve ~ 分发口粮 drop ~ 离开,退出

find ~ 找出 figure ~ 算出,解决make ~ 弄清 count ~ 点清 come ~ 出版,出现catch ~ 看出 carry ~ 完成, bear ~ 证明 bring ~ 发表,说出fill ~ 使完全, 添满write ~ 写出

7. over

knock ~ 撞倒 turn ~ 翻转 fall ~ 脸朝下跌倒trip ~ 拌倒 bend ~ 伏身 look ~ 从…上面看

look ~ 调查 think ~ 考虑 see ~ 查看 run ~ 匆匆看 talk ~ 商量 call ~ 点名 read ~ 读一遍 go ~ 复习 do ~ 重复 glance ~ 浏览 skip ~ 略过 ponder ~ 思考

run ~ 溢出 spill ~ 溢出 boil ~ 因沸溢出 throw ~ 呕吐

jump ~ climb ~come ~go ~swim ~pass ~ walk ~move ~ fly ~run ~

get ~ 结束,熬过 stand ~ 延期stop ~ 逗留hang ~ 延期throw ~ 抛弃go ~ 看完 leave ~ 剩下

hand ~ 移交take ~ 接管buy ~ 收买come ~ 过来get ~ 战胜,克服 gain ~ 争取过来win ~ 争取过来 switch ~ 转交turn ~ 变动,交付 make ~ 移交

cry ~ 因…哭laugh ~ 笑…fuss ~ 因…着急

8. away

go ~ 走开run ~ 跑开walk ~ 走开ride ~ 开走move ~ 移开take ~ 拿走carry ~ 运走clear ~ 收走draw ~ 拉走get ~ 逃走,离开 put ~ 收起来break ~ 逃脱come ~ 离开keep ~ 不准接近

burn ~ 烧尽brush ~ 刷掉die ~ 消失drain ~ 流走melt ~ 融化pass ~ 消失rub ~ 擦掉wash ~ 冲走wipe ~ 擦掉boil ~ 汽化

cut ~ 切掉give ~ 赠送put ~ 抛弃,收起

clock in 打卡 <br>
come easily 易如反掌 <br>
don’t have a cow 别大惊小怪 <br>
push around 欺骗 <br>
keep one’s shirt on 保持冷静
cool it 冷静一点 <br>
go up in smoke 成为泡影<br>
hit the road 上路 <br>
已赞过 已踩过<
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2007-01-25 · TA获得超过168个赞
在英语中,有动词和小品词(up, down, in, out, on, off, over, away)构成的动词短语很多,有时很难猜出它们的意义,笔者收集了常见的动词短语, 通过分析小品词的意义,对这一类的短语进行分类,找出它们的规律,以便更好地掌握它们, 注意有些短语意义很接近, 这要结合例句和上下文掌握它们的用法。

1. up
1) 向上(toward or into a higher position)
lift ~ 举起 climb ~ 爬上 come ~ 上升 get ~ 起来 stand ~ 站起来 pick ~ 检起 draw ~ 升起 grow ~ 长大 hand ~ 拖起 put ~ 举起 send ~ 使上升 rise ~ 升起 look ~ 抬起头 zip ~ 拉上 hold ~ 举起 pile ~ 堆起 dig ~ 挖出 take ~ 拿起 build ~ 树立 set ~ 建立
2) 完成,结束(expressing completeness and finality)
finish ~ 完成 drink ~ 喝干 eat ~ 吃光 burn ~ 烧光 wash ~ 洗净 use ~ 用光 fill ~ 装满 pay ~ 付清 settle ~ 解决 lick ~ 甜净 sum ~ 总结, open ~ 透露 end ~ 结束 let ~ 中止, 减少 draw ~ 停止 close ~ 停止,关闭 swallow ~ 吞没 beat ~ 痛打 cover ~ 掩盖 break ~ 结束,分解 wind ~ 结束
3) 离开,消灭(expressing separation and destroy)
break ~ 拆开,驱散cut ~ 切碎 split ~ 分裂 divide ~ 分割 smash ~ 捣毁 blow ~ 炸毁 wither ~ 枯死 tear ~ 撕碎 give ~ 放弃 fold ~ 垮台 dry ~ 枯竭,干涸crack ~ 撞坏 clutter ~ 使散乱 litter ~ 乱丢杂物
4) 增加,变强(to a state of greater activity, force, strength, power and degree.
(1). mount ~ 增加pick ~ 振作,加快pluck ~ 振作 turn ~ 开打,开大, 出现 shake ~ 震惊 steam ~ 使发怒 stir ~ 激起,搅起ease ~ 放松 warm ~ 兴奋 speak ~ 大声说 heat ~ 变热 total ~ 加总 tense ~ 紧张 gather ~ 收集 speed ~ 加速 screw ~ 振作 build ~ 增大 show ~ 显现 cheer ~ 振作起来stir ~ 刺激 work ~ 激动,刺激
(2). 用在带"-en"后缀的动词后(used after the verbs with suffix of -en)
brighten ~ 发亮 fatten ~ 发胖 freshen ~使新鲜 harden ~变硬 sharpen ~ 变快 smarten ~ 变精明strengthen ~ 加强sweeten ~ 变甜 tighten ~ 使紧密 toughen ~ 使强壮soften ~ 变软
5). 变好,改善( as to be better and proper)bring ~ 抚育 check ~ 核对 clear ~ 清理,晴天clean ~ 整理 do ~ 整理 patch ~ 修理 polish ~ 擦亮, 改进light ~ 点亮 tune ~ 调整 tidy ~ 整理 rub ~ 擦亮 train ~ 训练,培养 make ~ 化装, 和解, 弥补buy ~ 囤积 figure ~ 计算 fix ~ 修理,整理 take ~ 从事
6) 关住,锁紧,固定住(firmly, tightly and closely)
shut ~ 关闭 lock ~ 锁住 tie ~ 栓住 chain ~ 锁住 nail ~ 钉住 fasten ~ 系住 pin ~ 钉住 bind ~ 装订 bar ~ 关住 block ~ 堵塞 choke ~ 堵塞 save ~ 存起来 store ~ 贮藏 stock ~ 储存 cover ~ 掩盖 wrap ~ 包住 lay ~ 储存 hold ~ 延误 keep ~ 坚持
7) 向说话人的方向(to the place where the speaker is)
go ~ run ~ rush ~ drive ~ walk ~ catch ~ swim ~ march ~ come ~

2. down
1) 向下的位置(to or into a lower position)
cast ~ 扔下 cut ~砍倒 get ~ 下来 hand ~ 传下来 knock ~ 撞倒 lay ~ 放下 let ~ 放下 pour ~ 倾盆而下 pull ~ 拉下 set ~ 放下 sit ~ 坐下 step ~ 走下来 throw ~ 扔下 turn ~ 拆下 take ~ 取下 blow ~ 吹倒 bring ~ 打倒 hang ~ 垂下 sink ~ 沉落 slip ~ 失足 squat ~ 蹲下 swallow ~ 吞下 stoop ~ 伏身 splash ~ 飞溅而下 touch ~ 降落 bend ~ 弯下 bow ~ 鞠躬 kneel ~ 跪下 lie ~ 躺下 strip ~ 脱下
2) 减少(强度,量和体积)(a decrease in intensity, amount, bulk)
dwindle ~ 减少 die ~ 变弱,逐渐停止go ~ 平静下来 mark ~ 削减 hold ~ 压低 burn ~ (火)减弱, 烧坏slow ~ 慢下来 burn ~ 烧掉 wash ~ 冲淡 clean ~ 弄干净 rub ~ 擦干净 bring ~ 降低 keep ~ 缩减 trim ~ 裁减 water ~ 冲淡 thin ~ 减少 run ~ 用光衰弱 wear ~ 削减,磨损come ~ 下跌 knock ~ 降价
3) 停止,减弱(to a state of less activity, force, strength and power)
close ~ 关闭 drop ~ 突然停止 break ~ 坏了,中止run ~ 停止 settle ~ 平静下来 cool ~ 冷静下来 turn ~ 拒绝 die ~ 停止 lay ~ 失望 put ~ 镇压 4) 紧紧地,牢牢地(firmly, tightly) fasten ~ 系牢 chain ~ 链住,栓住clamp ~ 夹住 nail ~ 钉住 pin ~ 扣牢 hammer ~ 钉上 tie ~ 栓住 bind ~ 捆绑 draw ~ 停下来 5) 写下,记下(on paper or in writing) write ~ 写下 copy ~ 抄下 note ~ 记下 take ~ 记下 put ~ 记下 get ~ 记下 have ~ 写下

3 on
1) 继续(continuously)
carry ~ drive ~ fight ~ hold ~ keep ~ live ~ sleep ~ sing ~ walk ~ go ~ hurry ~ move ~ read ~ follow ~ struggle ~ insist ~ 坚持
2) 连上,固定住,(in or into a state of being connected)
act ~ 对…起作用catch ~ 抓牢 come ~ 跟随 count ~ 依赖 draw ~ 带上,穿上fasten ~ 纠缠,抓牢fit ~ 固定 get ~ 接近 paste ~ 粘住 turn ~ 打开 switch ~ 打开 pin ~ 钉住 put ~ 穿上 try ~ 试穿 pull ~ 穿上 hang ~ 不挂断 build ~ 建立于 leave ~ 留住 take ~ 穿下 rely ~ 依靠 depend ~ 依靠
3) 向前,向上(forward, onward)
add ~ 加上 mark ~ 标上 paint ~ 漆上 press ~ 向前 pass ~ 传递 send ~ 转送 stamp ~ 盖章于 get ~ 上车 hand ~ 传送
4) 开始某活动(in or into an active operation)
work ~ 从事 fall ~ 攻击 hit ~ 突然向起 bring ~ 引起 get ~ 取得进展 look ~ 旁观, 观看call ~ 拜访 figure ~ 打算,希望 fix ~ 决心 get ~ 进步, 友好相处pick ~ 批评 plan ~ 打算 decide ~ 决定 reflect ~ 思考, 反思remark ~ 评论,议论settle ~ 决定 spur ~ 鼓励 urge ~ 督促

4. off
1) 离开(indicating departure)blow ~ 吹掉 drive ~ 击退 get ~ 下车,动身lift ~ 离开地面 make ~ 逃走 move ~ 离去 pack ~ 打发走 see ~ 送行 ship ~ 运往 start ~ 动身 send ~ 送行,解雇call ~ 叫走 let ~ 放出 take ~ 起飞 touch ~ 发射 give ~ 发出 clear ~ 走开 carry ~ 夺走
2) 去掉,断开(indicating removal or disconnection)
cut ~ 切断 tear ~ 扯掉 take ~ 拿走 chip ~ 切下 come ~ 脱落 cross ~ 除去 drop ~ 跌落 fall ~ 脱落 flick ~ 弹掉 peel ~ 剥掉 pull ~ 撕开 rub ~ 擦掉 scrape ~ 挂去 shave ~ 剃去 wash ~ 洗掉 shake ~ 抖落 throw ~ 扔开 rip ~ 扯开 turn ~ 关掉 strip ~ 脱去 switch ~ 关掉 take ~ 脱掉 shut ~ 关掉 wear ~ 磨损 go ~ 爆炸 break ~ 中断
3) 完成,停止(indicating completion)
finish ~ 结束 pay ~ 付清 break ~ 停止,中断send ~ 结束 leave ~ 停止 pass ~ 终止,停止sign ~ 停止播音 wear ~ 消失, write ~ 注销,购销bring ~ 完成 call ~ 取消 lay ~ 停止, 解雇
4) 着地(down to the ground)
fall ~ 落下 jump ~ 跳下 knock ~ 击倒 slip ~ 滑倒

5. in
1) 进入,向里(into, inside, indoors)
barge ~ 闯入 beat ~ 打进 break ~ 闯入,插嘴breathe ~ 吸入 burst ~ 闯入,打断drop ~ 偶然拜访 fall ~ 跌入 get ~ 插入,收进 knock ~ 打入 lead ~ 导入 let ~ 进入,嵌入 move ~ 迁入 step ~ 走进 settle ~ 迁入 smuggle ~ 偷偷运进cut ~ 插嘴 call ~ 来访 draw ~ (火车)进站intervene ~ 介入 involve ~ 卷入
2) 包围,关闭(to be surrounded, or enclosed)
close ~ 包围,封闭lock ~ 禁闭 shut ~ 关进 wall ~ 围住
3) 加入,记入(to be added, or included)
book ~ 登记 check ~ 签到 count ~ 记入 fill ~ 填入 hand ~ 交上 take ~ 吸收 send ~ 呈交

6. out
1) 向外(away from the inside, outside)
keep ~ 使在外 take ~ 拿出 put ~ 放出,伸出come ~ 长出, bring ~拿出 bar ~关在外 breathe ~ 呼吸出 eat ~ 出去吃 get ~ 弄出 go ~ 出去 lay ~ 摆开,展示lock ~ 关在外面 look ~ 向外看 move ~ 搬出 point ~指出 pour ~ 诉说 pull ~ 拉出 ship ~ 运出 stick ~伸出 spit ~ 吐出 beat ~ 敲出 knock ~ 敲出 dine ~ 外出吃饭 drive ~ 驾车外出 leak ~ 漏出 draw ~ 拉出 see ~ 送出门去 draw ~ 出站 let ~ 放出, 释放
2) 结束,消失,取消(to or at an end, not to be there or not to exist)
burn ~ 烧尽,烧断clear ~ 清除 dust ~ 清除 fade ~ 消失 put ~ 扑灭 run ~ 用完 use ~ 耗尽 give ~ 耗尽 comb ~ 淘汰 kick ~ 逐出 wipe ~ 消灭 die ~ 灭绝 rub ~ 擦掉 blot ~ 除去 blow ~ 吹熄 bleach ~ 漂白 carry ~ 完成,执行leave ~ 省去 see ~ 完成 go ~ 熄灭 come ~ 罢工,结果cut ~ 删去,停止hold ~ 坚持到底 sell ~ 买完 tire ~ 筋疲力尽 wear ~ 磨损
3) 大声(in a loud voice, aloud)
sing ~ cry ~ shout ~ call ~ ,喊,申斥 spell ~ speak ~ scream ~ read ~ yell ~ sob ~ burst ~ 咆哮
4) 分发,传开(to a number of people or in all directions)
give ~ 分发 spread ~ 传开 set ~ 出发 hand ~ 分发 share ~ 分配 divide ~ 分配 call ~ 出动 start ~ 出发 send ~ 发送 break ~ 爆发,逃脱serve ~ 分发口粮 drop ~ 离开,退出
5) 搞清,弄明白(in or into notice and clearness)
find ~ 找出 figure ~ 算出,解决make ~ 弄清 count ~ 点清 come ~ 出版,出现catch ~ 看出 carry ~ 完成, bear ~ 证明 bring ~ 发表,说出fill ~ 使完全, 添满write ~ 写出

7. over
1) 向下(downwards from an upright position)
knock ~ 撞倒 turn ~ 翻转 fall ~ 脸朝下跌倒trip ~ 拌倒 bend ~ 伏身 look ~ 从…上面看
2) 自始至终,通过, 重复(from beginning to end, through, again and again)
look ~ 调查 think ~ 考虑 see ~ 查看 run ~ 匆匆看 talk ~ 商量 call ~ 点名 read ~ 读一遍 go ~ 复习 do ~ 重复 glance ~ 浏览 skip ~ 略过 ponder ~ 思考
3) 向上,向外,(indicating motion upwards or outwards)
run ~ 溢出 spill ~ 溢出 boil ~ 因沸溢出 throw ~ 呕吐
4) 经过(from one side to the other, across a space or distance)
jump ~ climb ~come ~go ~swim ~pass ~ walk ~move ~ fly ~run ~
5) 结束,完成(finished, at an end)
get ~ 结束,熬过 stand ~ 延期stop ~ 逗留hang ~ 延期throw ~ 抛弃go ~ 看完 leave ~ 剩下
6) 转变,改变(indicating transference and change)
hand ~ 移交take ~ 接管buy ~ 收买come ~ 过来get ~ 战胜,克服 gain ~ 争取过来win ~ 争取过来 switch ~ 转交turn ~ 变动,交付 make ~ 移交
7)由于 (because of)
cry ~ 因…哭laugh ~ 笑…fuss ~ 因…着急

8. away
1) 离开(to a distance, to another place)
go ~ 走开run ~ 跑开walk ~ 走开ride ~ 开走move ~ 移开take ~ 拿走carry ~ 运走clear ~ 收走draw ~ 拉走get ~ 逃走,离开 put ~ 收起来break ~ 逃脱come ~ 离开keep ~ 不准接近
2) 减少,减弱(indicating loss, lessening, weakening)
burn ~ 烧尽brush ~ 刷掉die ~ 消失drain ~ 流走melt ~ 融化pass ~ 消失rub ~ 擦掉wash ~ 冲走wipe ~ 擦掉boil ~ 汽化
3) ( indicating separation, apart)
cut ~ 切掉give ~ 赠送put ~ 抛弃,收起
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2007-01-25 · TA获得超过127个赞
a few=有些,几个
a great/good deal of=大量(的),许多
a little=一点,稍;一些,少许
a lot of=大量(的), 很多(的)
a matter of=(关于...)的问题;大约
a number of=若干
a series of=一系列,一连串
a variety of=种种,各种
able to=能,会
above all=首先,尤其
above all=首先,首要
according to=根据
account for=说明(原因等)
accustomed to=习惯于
add up to=合计,总计
after a while=过了一分,不久
after all=终于,毕竟;虽然这样
ahead of=在...前面,先于
ahead of time=提前
all at once=突然,同时,一起
all out=全力以赴,竭尽全力
all over=遍及,到处
all right=行,可以;顺利,良好
all right=好,行
all round=周围, 处处
all the same=仍然,照样地
all the time=一直,始终
allow for=考虑到
along with=与...一起
and so forth=等等
and so on=等等
and so on/forth=等等
and then=而且,其欠,于是,然后
anything but=除...之外的任何东西
around the clock=昼夜不停地
arrive at=达成,提出
as a matter of fact=其实,事实上
as a result=结果,因此, 由于...的结果
as a rule=规章,规则,通常,照例
as far as/so far as=远至,到...程度
as follows=如下
as for=至于,就...方面说
as good as=和...几乎一样,实际上等于
as if=好像,仿佛
as long as /so long as=只要,如果
as regards=关于,至于
as soon as=一...就,刚...便
as though=好像
as though=好像,仿佛
as to=至于,关于
as usual=像往常一样,照例
as well=也,又
as well=同样地
as well as=(除...之处)也,即...又
as well as=既...又,除...之处(还)
as yet=到目前为止,到那时为止
Aside from=除...以外
ask after=询问,问候
ask for=请求,要求
at (the) best=充其量,至多
at (the) worst=在最坏的情况下
at a loss=因惑, 不知所措
at a time=每次,一次
at all=完全,根本
at all costs=不借任何代价,无论如何
at all events=无论为何
at any rate=无论如何,至少
at first=最初,首先
at first sight=乍一看,初看起来
at hand=在手边,在附近,即将到来
at heart=在内心,实质上
at home=在家,在国内;自在,自如
at intervals=不时,时时
at large=一般,大体上
at last=最,终于
at least=至少,最低限度
at length=终于,最后;详细地
at no time=从不,决不
at once=立刻,马上
at one time=同时,曾经,从前曾
at present=目前,现在
at random=随机地
at stake=在危险中,利害攸关
at the cost of=以...为代价
at the mercy of=在...支配下
at the moment=现在,此刻
at the same time=但是,然而
at times=有时
at work=在工作,忙于
attached to=附属于,隶属于

back and forth=来回,往返,来来往往地
back down/off=放弃,让步,退却
back of=在...后部,在...背部
back up=支持,授助;倒退,后退
be about to=即将
be absorbed in=专心于
be bound to=到...去的,开往...的
be concerned with=关心, 挂念,从事于
be fed up (with )=对...腻烦
be friends with=对...友好,与...交上朋友
be made up of=由...组成
bear/keep in mind=记住
because of=由于,因为
before long=不久以后
begin with=从...开始
break away (from)=脱离,逃跑
break down=损坏,分解,瓦解
break in=强行进入,闯入;打断,插嘴
break into=闯入
break off=断绝,结束
break out=逃出,突然发生,爆发
break through=突破
break up=中止,结束;打碎,拆散
break down=垮,衷竭;损坏,故障,倒塌
bring about=带来,造成
bring down=打倒,挫伤;降低
bring forth=产生,提出
bring forward=提出
bring out=使出现,使显明;公布,出版
bring to=使恢复知觉
bring up=教育,培养,使成长
bring/carry into practice=实施,实行
build up== 积累,堵塞;树立, 增进,锻炼
burn out=烧掉
burn up==烧起来,旺起来;烧完,烧尽
but for=除...以外,倘没有,除非
by all means=无论如何
by chance=偶然,碰巧
by comparison=比较起来
by far=...得多,最
by hand=用手
by heart=牢记,凭记忆
by itself=独自,单独
by means of=用...办法
by mistake=错误地
by no means=决不
by oneself=独自地,单独地
by reason of=由于
by the way=顺便提一下,另处
by turns=轮流,交替地
by virtue of=由于
by way of=经由,通过...方式
call for=邀请;要求,需要
call forth=唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起
call off=放弃,取消
call on/upon=访问,拜访;号召,呼吁
call up召集,动员;打电话;镇静的,沉着的
can't /couldn't help=禁不住;不得不
Care for=照管,关心;喜欢,意欲
carry off=夺去
carry on=继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营
carry out=贯彻,执行,实现
carry/bring into effect=使生效,使起作用
catch fire=着火
catch on=理解,明白
catch one's breath=屏息,歇口气
catch one's eye=引人注目
catch sight of=发现,突然看见
catch up with=追上,赶上
check in=办理登记手续
check out== 结帐后离开;检查,核查
check up / (up)on=校对,检查,检验
cheer up=使高兴,使振奋;振作起来
clear away=扫聊,收拾
clear up=整理,收拾;清除,解除;解
come around=来访,前来;苏醒,复原
come off=实现,成功,终于
come on=请,来吧,快点,来临;出场,上演
come out=出版,出现,显露,长出;结果是
come through=经历,脱险
come to=总计,达到;苏醒,复原
come to the point=说到要点,扼要地说
come true=实现,达到
come up=走近,上来;发生,被提出
come up to=达到,符合
come up with=提出,提供
come/go into force=生效,实施
come/go into operation=开始运转,开工
count on=依靠,期待,指望
count up=把...相加
cover up=掩饰,掩盖
Credit card=信用卡
cross out=删去,取消
cut across=走捷径,抄近路
cut back=削减,减少
cut down=削减,降低
cut in=(汽车)抢挡;插嘴,打断
cut off=切断,使隔绝;删去;打断,停止
cut out=删除
cut short=突然停止
cut short=中断,简化
deal with=处理,对付,安排
derive from=导出;由...来
die down===渐渐消失,平息
die out=消灭, 灭绝
do away with=废除,去掉
do without=没有...也行
do/try one's best=尽力,努力
double up=弯腰,把...折起来
draw in=(火车,汽车)到站
draw up=写出,画出;草拟;停住
dress up=穿上盛装,打扮得漂漂亮亮
drop by/in=顺便来访
drop off=减弱,减少
drop out=退出,离队
due to== 由于,因为
each other=互相
enjoy oneself=过得快乐
even if/ though=即使,虽然
even then=即使那样,边...都
ever since=从那时起,自那时以来
every now and then=有时,时时,偶尔
every other=每隔一个的
except for=除...之外
face to face=面对面地
face up to=大胆面对
fail to=未能
fair play=公平的竞赛,公平对待,光明磊落
fall in love (with)=相爱,爱上
far from=远非,远离
feel like=欲,想要
fill in /out=填充,填写
find fault=埋怨,挑剔
find out=查明
first of all=首先,第一
flare up=突然燃起来;突然发怒
for (the) purpose of=为了
for a moment=片刻,一会儿
for a while=暂时,一时
for ever=永远
for example=例如
for good=永久地
for instance=例如,举例说
for long=长久地
for one thing=首先,一则
for short=简称,缩写
for the moment=现在,暂时
for the present=目前,暂时
for the sake of=为了...起见,看在...的份上
for the time being=目前,暂时
from time to time=有时,不时
I.D. card=身份证
if only=只要
improve on=改进
in (the )future=今后,将来
in a hurry=匆忙地,立即
in a moment=立刻,马上
in a sense=从某种意义上说
in a way=在某点,在某种程度上
in a word=总而言之
in accordance with=与....一致
in addition=另外
in addition to=除...之外
in advance=提前,预先
in all=总共,共计
in any case=无论如何,总之
in any event=无论如何
in brief=简单地说,简言之
in bulk=散装;大批,大量
in case=假如,以防(万一),免得
in case of=假使,万一
in charge of=负责,主管
in common=共用,共有,共同
in conclusion=最后,总之
in connection with/to=关于
in consequence=因此,结果
in consequence of=由于...的缘故
in contrast with/to=与...成反比
in danger=在危险中,垂危
in debt=欠债,欠情
in detail=详细地
in difficulty ties=困难,困境,难题
in effect=有效;实际上
in essence=大体上,本质上
in excess of=超过
in fact=其实,实际上
in favour of=有利于,有利的,顺利的
in force=有效,实施中
in front of=在...前面
in general=通常,大体上
in hand=在掌握中,在控制中
in honour of=为纪念,向...表示敬意
in itself=本身
in line=成一直线,排成一行
in line with=和...成直线,排成一行
in memory of=纪念
in nature=本质上
in no case=决不
in no time=立即,马上
in no way=决不
in one's way/in the way=妨碍,阻碍
in order=秩序井然,整齐
in order that=以便
in order to=以便,为了
in other words=换句话说,也就是说
in particular=特别地,尤其,详细地
in person=亲自
in place=在适当的位置
in place of=代替
in practice=在实践中,实际上
in proportion (to)=(与...)成比例的
in public=公开地, 当众
in question=正在考虑
in return=作为回报,作为报答
in secret=秘密地,私下地
in sequence=依次,逐一
in shape=处于良好状态
in short=简言之,总之
in sight=在望,看得见
in spite of=不管,不顾,尽管,虽然
in stock=现有,备有
in sum=总而言之
in tears=流着泪
in terms of=依据,按照;用...措词
in the air=在流行中,在传播中
in the course of=在...过程中,在...期间
in the distance=在远处
in the end=最后,终于
in the event of=万一,如果发生
in the face of=面对,在...面前;不顾,即使
in the first place=起初,首先
in the last place=最后
in the least=一点,丝毫
in the light of=按照,根据
in the long run=最终,从长远观点看来
in the past=在过去
in the way of=妨碍
in the world=到底,究竟
in time=及时,适时地
in truth=实际上,的确
in turn=依次,轮流
in vain=徒劳,无效
in/with relation to=关系到
instead of=代替,而不是
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2007-01-26 · TA获得超过2.3万个赞
May I have your authograph? Please! Please!(帮我签个名,好吗?求求您啦!)
Can I have a picture with you? 可不可以跟您照张相?

Are u busy now?
Are u available now?
Can you give me a minute?
take good care of yourself for me!
a pleasant trip
Have a safe and sound trip!
bon voyage
wish you all the best
good luck
You are in my prayer!
"What's going on?" ?
就是说"怎么了?这里发生什么事了?如看见街上聚集了很多人,就问"What's going on?" "a car accident."(出车祸了)
What's up?(怎么样?好吗?) 般用于熟人,朋友,见面问候语.

Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Have a good holiday!
Have a nice weekend!

回答:You, too!
The same to you!
Clerk:Welcome to Kenny’s Shoes. Can I help you?

Shopper: I don't know yet. I just want to take a
Clerk: Ok. Let me know if you need any help.
Shopper: Thanks.
Clerk: You are welcome.

Hi! I would like to have a picture with you.
Can I have a picture with you?
Can I ask you to join us?
Would you mind taking a picture for us?
Would you mind giving me your e-mail adress so that I can send you the pictures?
Thank you so much for taking the picture for us.
Do you like the scenery?
Did you have a nice time in China?
Is it the first time you came to China?
I hope you enjoy your trip here.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
You don't need to give tips.
We stay here for about one hour.
We have to come back to the bus at 11:30.
Please remember the bus number.
You come back to the same bus and sit at the same seat.
It's really nice talking with you.
I really enjoy chatting with you.

How are you?
How are you doing?
How is everything?
Long time no see.
When was the last time I saw you?
Haven't seen you for ages.
What's up?/What's new?( 很好的朋友)
Good morning/Good evening/Good evening!

Thank you!
Thank you so much.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a million!
How can I thank you enough?
I really appreciate that.
You are welcome.
My pleasure.

多少钱(一些或一个)---How much?/ How much are these?/How much is this one?
什么牌子的----What brand is this?
多少尺寸---What size is this?
我想看看别的----Let me take a look at other (shoes, shirts...)
都有什么颜色的---What colors do you have?
能便宜点么.....---Could you give me a better price?/Any discounts?
/Is this on sale?


You look so pretty in pink.
Nice top!
You change your hairstyle. You look great.

gorgeous baby
what a handsome boy!
They are so cute!
Beautiful blue eyes!


"darling" could be hubby or wife 不一定就是老公的,

my dearest
my doll
my babe
my soulmate
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