有没有 英语高手 帮忙中文翻译成英文一下 重金悬赏!!

高手麻烦翻译成英文环保生活从点滴做起环境保护对我们来说并不是一个新问题,我国政府也早就提出了明确的治理目标。作为现实生活中的每一个普通人,虽然不可能都直接从事环保工作,但... 高手麻烦翻译成英文

环保生活 从点滴做起




还有这一段 要翻译的好点 不要太 中式了
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2010-10-20 · TA获得超过128个赞
Starting from every living environment环保生活 从点滴做起Environmental protection for us is not a new problems, the government has put forward specific treatment.环境保护对我们来说并不是一个新问题,我国政府也早就提出了明确的治理目标。As each person in the real life, although may not directly engaged in environmental protection, but we can completely starts from the minor matter, starts from me.作为现实生活中的每一个普通人,虽然不可能都直接从事环保工作,但我们完全可以从小事做起,从我做起。When he saw the bathroom faucet in water, is able to raise close?当看到洗手间的水龙头在滴水时,是不是能够举手关上呢?When shopping when whether consciously without the use of ultra-thin plastic bags? ...当购物时能否自觉不使用超薄塑料袋呢?……Although very ordinary work, but we can reflect how environmental consciousness.一件件小事虽然都很不起眼,但却体现我们究竟具备了多少环保意识。 This is an old woman, she know every street to buy food will bring a small bag, the restaurant is to take a small steel spoon笔者知道有一位老太太,她每次上街买菜都要自带一个小布袋,每次上餐馆吃饭都要自带一个小钢勺Looks very ordinary, but can be like the old, so don't use white plastic conscientiously adhere to, don't use chopsticks, really not easy.看起来很平常,但能够像这位老同志那样,长年自觉坚持不使用白色塑料袋,不使用一次性筷子,确实不容易。This not only to have firm belief of environmental protection, also needs a good habit.这不但要有坚定的环保信念,还需要有良好的习惯。Doubt, environmental awareness and education of people closely related, on campus is the most easily find our supporters of environmental protection.无可置疑,环境意识与人们的受教育程度密切相关,在大学校园里我们最容易找到环境保护的支持者。But, we also can often in the cafeteria trash university found plenty of leftovers.但是,我们同样也能够经常在大学的食堂垃圾桶里发现大量的剩饭剩菜。The author also heard, he has such a college career, an environmental protection to yunnan border area, but he forgot to turn off the water can be several inches of faucet flow.
笔者还听说有这么一位大学生,他热心环保事业,曾积极奔赴云南边陲保护金丝猴,但他却可以数次忘了关掉水房里哗哗流的水龙头。This reminds us of the comprehensive environmental protection and the popularization and enhancement of environmental protection consciousness, it's definitely not easy, Environmental protection not only include animals, forest protection, prevent air and water pollution, so some "big" also includes life everywhere around us all sorts of things.这提醒我们,全面的环境保护和全民族环保意识的普及与提高,决非轻而易举;环境保护不仅仅包括动物、森林的保护、防止大气和水的污染这样一些“大事”,也包括我们周围生活中无处不在的各种小事。 The protection of environment protection, in the final analysis, it is based on the earth's resources, protecting the exhausting the survival and development of our minimum conditions.
人类对环境的保护,归根结底是基于保护地球上日益枯竭的资源,保护我们生存发展的最起码条件。When the industrial civilization in the 20th century, it becomes more and more serious damage to the environment, the use of resources to the abuse, which attracted people more and more highly vigilant.当工业文明进入20世纪后,它对环境的破坏日趋严重,对资源的使用走向了滥用,这引起了人们越来越高度的警惕。Governments in order to protect the environment, taken many measures of environmental protection, and has made considerable progress in human society, and become the consensus.各国政府为了保护环境,采取了许多措施,环境保护也取得了长足的进展,并且成为人类社会的共识。Government departments responsible for environmental protection is an important responsibility, and each unit, each enterprise, everyone is more about the bear directly, more specific responsibility.政府部门对环境保护固然负有重要的责任,而每个单位,每个企业,每个人对此更是承担了更为直接、更为具体的责任。As long as we ourselves from the minor matter, starts from the common efforts, perseverance, will be socially, also for myself a blue sky.只要我们从自己做起,从小事做起,大家共同努力,持之以恒,就一定能为社会、也为自己留下一片碧水蓝天。
At this point, the students of Beijing has been proposed for us many good advice, don't we have any need to hesitate?在这一点上,北京的中学生们已经为我们提出了不少好的建议,难道我们还有什么需要犹豫的吗?

问题补充的翻译是:The green environmental protection, low carbon life" this sentence is sweeping the human world, it is not only a trend, more than an empty slogan, but we need to live in every detail of the production and use of resources, to a reasonable, reduce pollution and protect environment, protect our warm home, family, to protect against pollutant let us have more healthy physique and enjoy a better life!
Green Living start from the bit
Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, our government has already put forward a clear management objectives. As in real life every ordinary, although not directly engaged in environmental work, but we can start small, I start from. When you see the dripping bathroom faucet when hands are not able to close it? When the battery is exhausted can deal with classified collections do not carelessly throw away? When shopping can consciously do not use thin plastic bags? ... ... A small thing though is very humble, but reflects how much we actually have a sense of environmental protection.

I know an old lady, she took to the streets to buy food to be built each time a small bag, each restaurant to be built on a small steel spoon. Seem mundane, but like the old comrades to do, consciously insist on not using the long white plastic bag, do not use disposable chopsticks is not easy. This will not only have a firm belief in environmental protection, also need to have good habits. Undoubtedly, environmental awareness and people's level of education is closely related to the university campus environment we are most easy to find supporters. However, we can also often found in the University cafeteria trash a lot of leftovers. I also heard that there are so a college student, his enthusiasm environmental protection, border protection has been actively went to Yunnan golden monkey, but he forgot to turn off the water several times a rushing stream of tap room. This reminds us that a comprehensive environmental protection and popularization of the whole nation and raising environmental awareness, by no means easy; environmental protection includes not only animals, forest protection against air and water pollution that some "big", but also lives around us in all little things everywhere.

Human protection of the environment, in the final analysis is based on the protection of the increasing depletion of the earth's resources, protecting our most basic conditions for survival and development. When the industrial civilization of the 20th century, it increasingly serious damage to the environment, the use of resources toward the abuse, which has aroused more and more vigilance. Governments to protect the environment, has taken many measures, environmental protection has made considerable progress, and the consensus of human society. While government departments have an important responsibility for environmental protection, and every unit, every business, everyone assumes this is a more direct, more specific responsibilities.

As long as we ourselves, from the little things, we work together to persevere, we will be able to society, but also left himself a blue sky. At this point, Beijing high school student who has given us a lot of good suggestions, what do we need to hesitate to do?
"Green, low-carbon life" this sentence is sweeping the world of mankind, not just a trend, more than an empty slogan, but we need a life and production in each of the details of implementation, so that a reasonable use of resources, reducing pollution emissions to protect the environment, protect our warm homes, protect the family from the pollutants in violation, let us have a more healthy body and enjoy a better life!
环保生活 从点滴做起



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2010-10-12 · TA获得超过204个赞
Green Living start from the bit
Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, our government has already put forward a clear management objectives. As in real life every ordinary, although not directly engaged in environmental work, but we can start small, I start from. When you see the dripping bathroom faucet when hands are not able to close it? When the battery is exhausted can deal with classified collections do not carelessly throw away? When shopping can consciously do not use thin plastic bags? ... ... A small thing though is very humble, but reflects how much we actually have a sense of environmental protection.

I know an old lady, she took to the streets to buy food to be built each time a small bag, each restaurant to be built on a small steel spoon. Seem mundane, but like the old comrades to do, consciously insist on not using the long white plastic bag, do not use disposable chopsticks is not easy. This will not only have a firm belief in environmental protection, also need to have good habits. Undoubtedly, environmental awareness and people's level of education is closely related to the university campus environment we are most easy to find supporters. However, we can also often found in the University cafeteria trash a lot of leftovers. I also heard that there are so a college student, his enthusiasm environmental protection, border protection has been actively went to Yunnan golden monkey, but he forgot to turn off the water several times a rushing stream of tap room. This reminds us that a comprehensive environmental protection and popularization of the whole nation and raising environmental awareness, by no means easy; environmental protection includes not only animals, forest protection against air and water pollution that some "big", but also lives around us in all little things everywhere.

Human protection of the environment, in the final analysis is based on the protection of the increasing depletion of the earth's resources, protecting our most basic conditions for survival and development. When the industrial civilization of the 20th century, it increasingly serious damage to the environment, the use of resources to the abuse, which has aroused more and more vigilance. Governments to protect the environment, has taken many measures, environmental protection has made considerable progress, and the consensus of human society. While government departments have an important responsibility for environmental protection, and every unit, every business, everyone assumes this is a more direct, more specific responsibilities.

As long as we ourselves, from the little things, we work together to persevere, we will be able to society, but also left himself a blue sky. At this point, Beijing high school student who has given us a lot of good suggestions, what do we need to hesitate to do?
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1.Green Living start from the bit
Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, our government has already put forward a clear management objectives. As in real life every ordinary, although not directly engaged in environmental work, but we can start small, I start from. When you see the dripping bathroom faucet when hands are not able to close it? When the battery is exhausted can deal with classified collections do not carelessly throw away? When shopping can consciously do not use thin plastic bags? ... ... A small thing though is very humble, but reflects how much we actually have a sense of environmental protection.

I know an old lady, she took to the streets to buy food to be built each time a small bag, each restaurant to be built on a small steel spoon. Seem mundane, but like the old comrades to do, consciously insist on not using the long white plastic bag, do not use disposable chopsticks is not easy. This will not only have a firm belief in environmental protection, also need to have good habits. Undoubtedly, environmental awareness and people's level of education is closely related to the university campus environment we are most easy to find supporters. However, we can also often found in the University cafeteria trash a lot of leftovers. I also heard that there are so a college student, his enthusiasm environmental protection, border protection has been actively went to Yunnan golden monkey, but he forgot to turn off the water several times a rushing stream of tap room. This reminds us that a comprehensive environmental protection and popularization of the whole nation and raising environmental awareness, by no means easy; environmental protection includes not only animals, forest protection against air and water pollution that some "big", but also lives around us in all little things everywhere.

Human protection of the environment, in the final analysis is based on the protection of the increasing depletion of the earth's resources, protecting our most basic conditions for survival and development. When the industrial civilization of the 20th century, it increasingly serious damage to the environment, the use of resources to the abuse, which has aroused more and more vigilance. Governments to protect the environment, has taken many measures, environmental protection has made considerable progress, and the consensus of human society. While government departments have an important responsibility for environmental protection, and every unit, every business, everyone assumes this is a more direct, more specific responsibilities.

As long as we ourselves, from the little things, we work together to persevere, we will be able to society, but also left himself a blue sky. At this point, Beijing high school student who has given us a lot of good suggestions, what do we need to hesitate to do???2.Environmental protection, start from now.
Environmental protection is an old topic for all of us, and our government has also put forward specific management target to it. Although we can not do the direct environmental protection jobs as an independent man in the society, we can still protect the environment by ourselves and from now on. Such as, turn off the running water tap in the toilet; classify the used batteries before throwing away; go shopping with pop-pockets, etc. All these trifles represent our awareness about environmental protection.
I always saw an old lady who brought a small hop-pocket each time when she went shopping and a small steel scoop each time to the restaurant. All these habits are ordinary, but it is really not a easy job to stick to the life without plastic bags and one-off chopsticks. Both the habits displayed her perseverance of environmental protection and her environmental friendly consciousness. It is known to all that the consciousness of environmental friendly is closely related to people's education degree and we can easily find the supporters in the colleges. But we also found much leftovers in the dining room ashcans . There was another guy who was an undergraduate and he was very attracted to the career of environmental protection and once went to the border of Yunnan to protect the golden monkey. But it was the same guy who always forgot to turn off the running water tap. This example reminds us that environmental protection not only includes the big themes such as the protections of animals and forest, as well as preventing the pollution of air and water; but also includes the trifles of our daily life.
Caused by the drying-up of the resources on our planet, in order to maintain the basic conditions of our survivorship and development, we now concentrate on the environmental protection. When the industrial civilization came to 20th century, the by-products of it are severe environmental pollution. The abuse of resources aroused the guard of the people. Each national government took many measures to protect the environment and achieved good progress and then the idea of "environmental friendly" engulfed the world. Obviously that the government departments have fatal responsibilities to the environmental protection, and also every department, every enterprise, every individual takes directer and evidenter responsibility.
So, as far as we take the responsibilities and do the environmental protection works in every trifle and keep going, I am sure that by the collaboration from all of us we can finally maintain the blue sky and clean water. On the point, the high school students in Beijing have excogitated many progressive ideas, let's we start at once, okay ?
"Going green, low-carbon life", this slogan engulfed the whole world because this is not just an ordinary trend and a tedious slogan itself, but the commandment for everyone of us, which requires us to carry it through our daily lives and use our resources reasonably, reduce the polluting emission so as to protect the environment and our homeland, keep our family from the invasion of contaminations. By all of these, we would have a healthier body and enjoy a better life!
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2010-10-12 · TA获得超过1596个赞
Environmental protection, start from now.
Environmental protection is an old topic for all of us, and our government has also put forward specific management target to it. Although we can not do the direct environmental protection jobs as an independent man in the society, we can still protect the environment by ourselves and from now on. Such as, turn off the running water tap in the toilet; classify the used batteries before throwing away; go shopping with pop-pockets, etc. All these trifles represent our awareness about environmental protection.
I always saw an old lady who brought a small hop-pocket each time when she went shopping and a small steel scoop each time to the restaurant. All these habits are ordinary, but it is really not a easy job to stick to the life without plastic bags and one-off chopsticks. Both the habits displayed her perseverance of environmental protection and her environmental friendly consciousness. It is known to all that the consciousness of environmental friendly is closely related to people's education degree and we can easily find the supporters in the colleges. But we also found much leftovers in the dining room ashcans . There was another guy who was an undergraduate and he was very attracted to the career of environmental protection and once went to the border of Yunnan to protect the golden monkey. But it was the same guy who always forgot to turn off the running water tap. This example reminds us that environmental protection not only includes the big themes such as the protections of animals and forest, as well as preventing the pollution of air and water; but also includes the trifles of our daily life.
Caused by the drying-up of the resources on our planet, in order to maintain the basic conditions of our survivorship and development, we now concentrate on the environmental protection. When the industrial civilization came to 20th century, the by-products of it are severe environmental pollution. The abuse of resources aroused the guard of the people. Each national government took many measures to protect the environment and achieved good progress and then the idea of "environmental friendly" engulfed the world. Obviously that the government departments have fatal responsibilities to the environmental protection, and also every department, every enterprise, every individual takes directer and evidenter responsibility.
So, as far as we take the responsibilities and do the environmental protection works in every trifle and keep going, I am sure that by the collaboration from all of us we can finally maintain the blue sky and clean water. On the point, the high school students in Beijing have excogitated many progressive ideas, let's we start at once, okay ?
"Going green, low-carbon life", this slogan engulfed the whole world because this is not just an ordinary trend and a tedious slogan itself, but the commandment for everyone of us, which requires us to carry it through our daily lives and use our resources reasonably, reduce the polluting emission so as to protect the environment and our homeland, keep our family from the invasion of contaminations. By all of these, we would have a healthier body and enjoy a better life!
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