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这是一个医学名词
中文意思是:急性应激反应,
又称急性心因性反应,是指由于遭受到急剧,严重的心理社会应激因素后,在数分钟或数小时之内所产生的短暂的心理异常。
下面是wiki里面的英文解释
The
fight-or-flight
response,
also
called
the
fright,
fight
or
flight
response,
hyperarousal
or
the
acute
stress
response,
was
first
described
by
Walter
Cannon
in
1915.
His
theory
states
that
animals
react
to
threats
with
a
general
discharge
of
the
sympathetic
nervous
system,
priming
the
animal
for
fighting
or
fleeing.
This
response
was
later
recognized
as
the
first
stage
of
a
general
adaptation
syndrome
that
regulates
stress
responses
among
vertebrates
and
other
organisms.
中文意思是:急性应激反应,
又称急性心因性反应,是指由于遭受到急剧,严重的心理社会应激因素后,在数分钟或数小时之内所产生的短暂的心理异常。
下面是wiki里面的英文解释
The
fight-or-flight
response,
also
called
the
fright,
fight
or
flight
response,
hyperarousal
or
the
acute
stress
response,
was
first
described
by
Walter
Cannon
in
1915.
His
theory
states
that
animals
react
to
threats
with
a
general
discharge
of
the
sympathetic
nervous
system,
priming
the
animal
for
fighting
or
fleeing.
This
response
was
later
recognized
as
the
first
stage
of
a
general
adaptation
syndrome
that
regulates
stress
responses
among
vertebrates
and
other
organisms.
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