朋友说give me five什么意思 只是击掌的意思吗
现在只要一段时间不在网上冲浪就会错过很多的网络流行语,并且一旦听不懂还会被身边的朋友们嘲笑。今天我要给大家介绍一个英语短句:give me five,相信大家都听过这句话,特别是朋友比赛赢了的时候,会激动的对你说。那么give me five 是什么意思呢?下面我们就一起来看一下。
其实在这个习语里,five指的是five fingers,即五个手指,这个动作是指为了问候或者庆祝胜利而击掌。
I hear you aced your final exams! Give me five!
nine to five 朝九晚五
When I was in college, all I wanted was a steady nine-to-five job that would pay a decent salary.
put two and two together 根据所见所闻推断
I put two and two together and we can know that the missing necklace was stolen by the thief.
2.Let me congratulate you on your success.恭喜你成功了。
3.It is my great privilege to say a word of congratulation to Mr. Smith on the occasion of~.在~的时候,我很荣幸向史密斯先生表示道贺。
4.It is my great pleasure to say a word of hearty congratulation to Mr. Smith on the occasion of~.在~的时候,我很荣幸向史密斯先生表示衷心的道贺。
5.I wish to congratulate the staff members who are present here today on the memorable occasion of~.在这个难忘的~时刻,我向出席的同仁们表示恭喜之意。
6.It is my great pleasure this evening to welcome Mr. Smith, who has just arrived from Chicago and will be spending several weeks in Taiwan.今晚我很荣幸来欢迎史密斯先生,他刚从芝加哥来,将在台湾停留几个礼拜。
7.It is with a great pleasure that we gather here today to hear Mr. Smith, who is~.今天很荣幸大家聚在一起听史密斯先生讲话,他是~
8.On behalf of everyone gathered here tonight, I would like to say how happy we are to see you again.谨代表今晚来此的每一个人,表达我们又再见到您的欢喜的心情。
9.We are all thrilled that won in such a famous contest.在这么有名的比赛中你赢了,我们都很兴奋。
相信大家看完以上的介绍已经知道give me five 是什么意思了吧,当然如果你想要表达庆祝,还可以用我下面给你提供的这些英语句子。不管是用在日常的交流,还是英语作文的书写中,都会是非常吸引人注意的一些精彩的句子,值得你拿小本本记下来。