例句:1、All comers to the Sphinx were asked a riddle, and failure to solve it meant death.所有来到斯芬克斯面前的人都被问了一个谜语,解答不了就意味着死亡。
2、Once a year, the king made a new riddle.国王每年都会编一个新的谜语。
3、I'm glad they've begun asking riddles.我很高兴他们开始猜谜语了。
4、It was ruled by king who loved riddles.统治它的国王喜欢谜语。
5、The riddles are usually short, wise, and sometimes humorous.这些谜语通常简短、睿智,有时还很幽默。
6、The first person to solve the riddle wins a candy bar.第一个猜中谜语的人将赢得一块糖果。
例句:1、All comers to the Sphinx were asked a riddle, and failure to solve it meant death.所有来到斯芬克斯面前的人都被问了一个谜语,解答不了就意味着死亡。
2、Once a year, the king made a new riddle.国王每年都会编一个新的谜语。
3、I'm glad they've begun asking riddles.我很高兴他们开始猜谜语了。
4、It was ruled by king who loved riddles.统治它的国王喜欢谜语。
5、The riddles are usually short, wise, and sometimes humorous.这些谜语通常简短、睿智,有时还很幽默。
6、The first person to solve the riddle wins a candy bar.第一个猜中谜语的人将赢得一块糖果。