点解 all she had was, had之后又用was
All she had was an old dress. 其实呢个系口语嘅表达方法
有啲字当作已意会 (understood) 而被省略
拆解如下: 「Something」 was [just] an old dress. 呢度表达嘅系 "one is all
all just one."
而 just 喺呢度被省略咗
意思系某事物是旧衫裙; All [things] she had =「Something」. 呢部份嘅 things 都被省略咗
意思系她拥有的东西; 因为 she had
相对用 was/were
而且 There was only one old dress
所以全句意思为: 她所拥有的东西只是一条旧衫裙。
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其实这句子由两句句子组成. all was an old dress.(主句)解所有野是 旧衫. all that she had.(子句)解所有野她拥有的. 合并起来解所有她拥有的是旧衫.子句形容这些东西是谁的. 另外因为要一致关系
两句都用过去式. 注;当ALL是宾语/受词/OBJECT
参考: N/A
'All she had' is a noun clause.It is the subject of this sentence. 'Was' is the verb of the main clause. If we use the word 'it' as the subject
it would be easier for u to understand. It was an old dress. When you use past tense
it me 'all she had'' at that time'. You can also use present tense. In that case
it would mean 'all she has now'.
有啲字当作已意会 (understood) 而被省略
拆解如下: 「Something」 was [just] an old dress. 呢度表达嘅系 "one is all
all just one."
而 just 喺呢度被省略咗
意思系某事物是旧衫裙; All [things] she had =「Something」. 呢部份嘅 things 都被省略咗
意思系她拥有的东西; 因为 she had
相对用 was/were
而且 There was only one old dress
所以全句意思为: 她所拥有的东西只是一条旧衫裙。
我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: englishstudy.info 希望可以帮到你!
其实这句子由两句句子组成. all was an old dress.(主句)解所有野是 旧衫. all that she had.(子句)解所有野她拥有的. 合并起来解所有她拥有的是旧衫.子句形容这些东西是谁的. 另外因为要一致关系
两句都用过去式. 注;当ALL是宾语/受词/OBJECT
参考: N/A
'All she had' is a noun clause.It is the subject of this sentence. 'Was' is the verb of the main clause. If we use the word 'it' as the subject
it would be easier for u to understand. It was an old dress. When you use past tense
it me 'all she had'' at that time'. You can also use present tense. In that case
it would mean 'all she has now'.