【英国基督教】英国总人口约5,600万。主要宗教是基督教新教和天主教。新教圣公会是国教会,教徒约2,700万,占全国总人口的48%。其次是天主教会,教徒约420万。新教其它教派主要是卫理公会和长老会,共有教徒200万。 早在罗马帝国时代,也许是在2世纪末期,基督教传入英国。至4世纪,出现比较清楚的基督教活动。圣阿尔巴(St.Alban)为约发生于304年的戴克里先宗教迫害的殉教士之一。10年后,有3位英国主教前往亚耳参加宗教会议;此为君士坦丁大帝承认基督教以后,西罗马教会所举行的第一次重要会议。359年,在里米尼举行的会议里,英国人也有列席;4世纪结束之前,北方庞大的传教工作开始展开。397年,圣尼尼安(St.Ninia)在加罗威的惠特霍恩定居,开始其在英国西北部和苏格兰部分地区的基督教福音运动。 6世纪末,罗马教宗派遣传教士奥古斯丁到英国坎特伯雷传教,后祝圣为主教,另指派12名主教,英国基督教会乃正式建立。8世纪初,英国与罗马教会确立了关系。15世纪时,英国已有1,300座修道院,教会拥有全国1/3的土地。1534年,英王亨利八世与罗马教廷决裂,确定“圣公会”为英国国教会。1571年,伊丽莎白女王宣布以《三十九条信纲》为英国国教教义,脱离罗马教会,否认教宗对英国教会的至高权力。16世纪下半叶,清教徒出现,以后分裂为长老会和独立教派。17世纪又形成浸礼会、公谊会等新教各派。现圣公会设有坎特伯雷和约克两个教省,各设大主教1名;全国共有主教区43个;传统上坎特伯雷大主教是国教会首席大主教,在英国社会生活中具有很大影响力;国王是国教会元首。天主教主要集中在英格兰和威尔士,有大主教4位,主教14位。苏格兰地区以新教长老会为主。1972年,公理会和长老会合并成立“统一改良教会”,为苏格兰主要教会组织,现有教堂1,800座。北爱尔兰新教徒占人口的63%,天主教徒占35%。
【Christian】 UK 's total population is about 5,600 million .UK's main religion is Protestant and Catholic. Protestant Episcopal Church is the country, about 2,700 million followers, accounting for 48% of the total population. Followed by the Catholic Church, Catholics about 420 million. Other major Protestant denominations are Methodist and Presbyterian, a total of 200 million followers. Early in the Roman Empire, perhaps in the late 2nd century, Christianity introduced in England. To the 4th century, appears more clearly in the Christian activities. Shengaerba (St.Alban) for about 304 years occurred in Diocletian martyrs of religious persecution. 10 years later, there are three British bishops to participate in religious meetings Asian ears; This is the recognition of Christianity after Constantine the Great, West Rome Church held the first important meeting. 359 years, the meeting in Rimini, the British also have in attendance; before the end of the 4th century, missionary work north of the huge commenced. 397 Shengninian (St.Ninia) settled in Jialuo Wei's whithorn began in Scotland in the northwest and parts of the Christian evangelical movement. 6 end of the century, the Roman Pope to send missionaries to the UK Augustine of Canterbury to preach, ordained a bishop after the other 12 appointed bishops, the UK is the officially established Christian Church. The early 8th century, the British established a relationship with the Roman Church. 15th century, the British had 1,300 monasteries, the church owns the 1 / 3 of the land. 1534, King Henry VIII broke with the Holy See to determine the "Anglican" as the Church of England. In 1571, Queen Elizabeth announced "thirty-nine letter program," the Anglican doctrine, from the Church of Rome, Pope denied the supreme authority of the Church of England. Half of the 16th century, Puritans appeared later split into the Presbyterian and independent denominations. And the formation of the 17th century Baptists, Quakers and other Protestant factions. Canterbury and the Anglican Church there are two of the Province of York, each with an Archbishop; 43 dioceses nationwide; Traditionally, the Archbishop of Canterbury is the country's chief Archbishop of the Church in the British society has a great influence in life; King Country Church leaders. Catholic Church in England and Wales mainly, there is the Archbishop of four, Bishop 14. Presbyterian Church in Scotland to the Protestant-based. In 1972, the Congregational and Presbyterian merged to form "a unified church improvement" for the Church of Scotland, the main organization, the existing 1,800 seat church. Protestants in Northern Ireland 63% of the population, Catholics 35%.

2025-02-12 广告
English] British Christian population 5,600 million. Major religions are protestant and Roman Catholic. Protestant episcopal church, Christian kingdom is approximately 2,700 million, 48 percent of the population. Secondly, the Catholic church is 420 million. Other denominations protestant mainly methodists and Presbyterian, christians 200 million. As early as the Roman empire, maybe in the 2nd century Christianity to Britain,. The 4th century to appear clearer Christian activities. St. Alba longa (St) for about in Alban 304 years of diocletian religious persecution of martyrdom priests. 10 years, have 3 England bishops in the ears attend religious meeting, This is after Christianity, admitted Constantine the great Roman churches held the first important meetings. 78 years, the meeting to be held in rimini, a British man has to attend, Before the end of the century, the huge missionary work began. 397 years, holy and Ann (St) Ninia) in the rottweiler Whitaker horn in Britain, began to settle the north-west Scotland and parts of the Christian Gospel movement. 6 century, Pope sent missionaries augustine to Britain's Canterbury missionary, mainly teaches, another after consecrated patriarch 12 bishop, British assigned Christian is established. The early eighth century, British and Roman churches established relations. The 15th century, England has 1,300 seat monastery, church has 1/3 of the land. 1534, king Henry viii and Vatican rupture, determine the Anglican church "for" church of England. 1571, queen Elizabeth SanShiJiuTiao letter to announce "for the Anglican church in Rome, from the teachings of the Pope, denied to the church of England and high power. 16 century, the pilgrims, divided into Presbyterian and independent after sect. The 17th century, forming the Baptist protestant sects Quaker, etc. Now the Anglican church has Canterbury and Yorkshire two provinces, the archbishop of asher teach one, There are 43 bishop area, Traditionally the archbishop of Canterbury is the national church archbishop of chief in Britain has a great influence in social life, The king was head of the church. Catholic mainly concentrated in England and wales, has four, bishop of 14. Scotland is mainly by protestant council. In 1972, congregational and Presbyterian church "unified form for Scotland, improvement of main church organization, the existing church 1,800. Northern Ireland protestants accounted for 63% of population, the Catholic 35%.
参考资料: 有道翻译