大学英语作文:幸福的意义 The Meaning of Happiness

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2023-02-07 · TA获得超过643个赞
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  【篇一】幸福的意义 The Meaning of Happiness

“What the happiness is” is the question that we are always asked. People hold different opinion as they experience the different life. For some people, they believe that happiness is to own the great success in career and earn a lot of money. For another people believe that doing what they want is the biggest happiness. In my opnion, I agree with the latter.

It is very lucky to live the life we want and enjoy the things we do. For some very successful businessmen, they are busy all the day, travelling through different cities to talk about the projects. When they have time at midnight, they always feel lonely deep in their hearts and wonder about what they are doing these for.

While for some ordinary people who can slow down the life pace and enjoy the life, they know the meaning of happiness. They put their family in the first place and cherish the time spend with them. Life is short, they know exactly what they want and don’t want to waste the time on vanity fair.
而对于一些普通的人来说,他们可以放慢生活节奏,享受生活,知道幸福的含义。他们把家庭放在第一位, 珍惜与家人在一起的日子。生命是短暂的,他们知道自己想要什么,不想浪费时间在名利场上。

The meaning of happiness comes from the moment and the things we enjoy.

  【篇二】我的实习经验 My Experience During My Internship

Last month, I began my internship as an English teacher, I got so many challenges, it was so hard for me, but at last, I got over them all. Being a teacher is like the turning point of my life, because I find what I want to do in the future, I learn a lot, I can use these experiences to solve my future problem.

My experience which I learn from my internship is very precious, the first thing impresses me is to respect students. As for teachers, they are elder than the students, it is reasonable for the students to respect the teachers, but sometimes the teachers forget to respect the students. When the teachers respect the students can the students listen to the teachers, thus the students will respect the teacher for their hearts.

The second thing I learn from my internship is to teach the student according to their lever. Teachers are easy to let the students follow them all the time, but the fact is that many students can’t understand what the teachers say, the teachers should pay attention to the students’ feelings and adjust their plans.

These two things I learn from my internship are very useful for me to be a teacher.

  【篇三】才刚刚开始 It Just Begins

In China, millions of high school students will take part in the very important exam on June, it is the turning point of their lives, because the exam will decide what kind of university they will enter. Most people believe that it even decides their fates. While it is just the beginning of their new lives.

When high school students finish their study, it is time to think about what kind of major they need to choose. This is a very important question, choosing a major needs to consider many factors. The first is about interest. Studying with passion can make a student happy and love what the major. The second is about foreground. The major always decide the future job, so students need to think about the prospect.

As students come into university, they start to free themselves and hang out for fun all the time. High school time depresses them for the numerous homework and exams. They desire to set free in the college time. While students still go on their major study, or they will lag behind.

No matter what kind of universities students enter, it just the beginning of their new life.
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